
It was a magical sight for most of the people looking up at the strange weather in downtown New York as lightning flashed and a rainbow beam broke through the darkness and hit the ground.

"Damn it! What is that? Are aliens attacking the earth? It's like something out of a sci-fi disaster movie!" This is the exclamation of sci-fi fans.

"Oh! My God! Colorful beams of light! It must be a miracle! Oh! God bless!" This is the prayer of the believers of God!

"A huge beam of light is falling from the sky! This must be a secret military experiment! Protest! We want to protest against the army's dangerous experiment!" This is the roar of the anti-war and anti-weapons people.

Ka Ka Ka!

"Just take lots of pictures! The heat in New York has dropped off quite a bit lately, and this rainbow beam should be enough to spark it again!" This is what the street photographer thought when he clicked the shutter.

As the rest of the people in downtown New York watched, the rainbow shot straight into the Stark Industries Building in the heart of New York City. As everyone gasped, the rainbow beam hit the Stark Industries Building.

"The aliens have attacked Iron Man! We are going to rise up and resist!!"

"God… descended on Stark…"

"The military finally took action against Stark! This is a conspiracy! A naked conspiracy!"

"Big news! Big news!"

Despite the bizarre assumptions of those who see Bifrost elsewhere in downtown New York, at the top of the Stark Industries Building, Bifrost has landed exactly on the tarmac, just in time to wrap Thor, who is carrying Jane Foster, inside.


The Bifrost with a diameter of about five meters enveloped Thor and Jane. At the edge of the Bifrost energy beam, Lin Rui, who was in a wheelchair, had his hair blown and his eyes narrowed.

"Sure enough, he didn't disappoint me!" Lin Rui relaxed a little as he watched the figures of Thor and Jane slowly disappear from Bifrost.

Regardless of whether Thor can successfully recover his powers in Asgard or not, at least Asgard will pay attention to the re-emergence of the Aether.

Moreover, Lin Rui had already told Thor what he knew about the possible surprise attack of the Dark Elves on the Asgard Palace. If Odin is still sane then Malekith shouldn't have a chance.

"What a powerful energy! And the control is so precise! Such powerful energy is enough to penetrate the entire Stark Industries building, and even penetrate several kilometers underground and deep into the earth's crust! However, it was perfectly controlled in this area! This technology …" Unlike Lin Rui's focus, Tony, who was standing behind him, has been shocked from a scientific point of view since Bifrost appeared.

"Wow!!~ So… that guy Thor is really an alien!"

"It seems to be true… otherwise ~ What the hell is this thing?!"

Behind Tony, Peter and Harry were also shocked by the sight of Bifrost.

As for Iceman and Pepper, at this time, apart from widening their mouths and eyes, they didn't know what to say.


The Bifrost was about to disappear just as Thor and Jane's figure had all but disappeared. However, just when Bifrost was about to disappear, a faint wave of spatial energy suddenly came from Lin Rui.

"Not good!" Lin Rui nervously spoke in his heart as he felt the spatial energy fluctuations emerging from his body.

Because this space energy fluctuation comes from the Magic Cube in Lin Rui's portable space. No one knows why but the Magic Cube has changed at this time, and the space fluctuations sent out also spread out of the portable space that Lin Rui thought was safe.

It should be known that the Magic Cube was originally in Asgard, but it fell into the earth for some reason many years ago. If Heimdall or Odin found out, they would definitely take the Magic Cube back to Asgard. And Lin Rui still wants to use Magic Cube to make some progress for humankind and that was the reason why he is so nervous.


As Lin Rui nervously watched Bifrost waiting for it to disappear, it did not immediately disappear after transporting Thor and Jane. Instead, it seemed to feel something. The energy of the rainbow beam increased again, and the Bifrost which was originally five meters in diameter suddenly began to expand.

"Shit! They found it!" Lin Rui's heart skipped a beat when he saw the scene in front of him.



Just when Lin Rui opened his mouth to tell Tony to quickly pull him back, the enlarged Bifrost had already enveloped him. The next moment, Lin Rui's figure disappeared instantly from Bifrost.


After Lin Rui was teleported by Bifrost, the Bifrost, which had just expanded in front of Tony, retracted directly into the sky with a roar.

Tony: "…"

Tony's eyes twitched several times at the sight of Bifrost, which had just disappeared, clutching the handle of the empty wheelchair.

Just now, the sudden expansion of the Bifrost which covered Lin Rui looked like an accident but it wasn't as it only took away Lin Rui. And when Lin Rui called him before being enveloped by the Bifrost, he obviously didn't want to be taken away.


The Bifrost took Thor, Jane, and Lin Rui with it and they left the earth. The dark clouds that had just gathered had quickly dissipated after Bifrost disappeared, and the faint sunlight that had been blocked out began to fall again.

With the warm light on their faces, those who stood outside the top platform of the Stark Industries Building were stunned.

"Jackson's gone too!" Harry said absently a few seconds later as he stared at the empty wheelchair in front of Tony.

Although Bifrost had shrouded Lin Rui's wheelchair just now, it only teleported away Lin Rui, and the wheelchair that Tony was holding didn't move.


After Harry spoke, Iceman, who was standing in the back, rushed to the front.

"What's going on? Di you plan for this?" Iceman looked at Tony and asked in surprise, looking at the special magic mark engraved on the ground by Bifrost energy.

"I don't know either." Tony released his grip on the wheelchair and replied calmly as he looked at Iceman in front of him.

However, Iceman noticed that Tony had left a pair of very distinct handprints on the handlebars where he was holding the wheelchair.

"Then what do we do now? Uh… did Jackson say what to do if this happens?" Iceman asked as he looked at Tony.
