Ten minutes later, Tony and others were in the living room. Although the arrival of Bifrost caused a lot of panic, it was easy to solve, and Tony had more important things to do.


Sitting on the sofa, Tony and the others watched as David finished a set of uncomplicated magical handprints. Then, a golden light appeared out of nowhere from David's hands and rushed straight out, disappearing in a flash from Tony's luxurious living room.

"I have already sent the situation here to the Ancient One. I think he would have a solution." After the golden light disappeared, David looked at Tony and the others as he spoke.

"Can't you just make a call?…" Peter, who was sitting next to Tony, muttered softly when he heard David.

"Shh~~" Harry signaled Peter to not talk too much as he felt that the current situation was not something they should comment on.

"Thanks!" Tony is now a little more relaxed, at least, he is not feeling as helpless as he was at first.

"By the way, why did Bifrost suddenly come to take Thor and the others back. Based on what we know, it's probably not the right time." After passing the message to the Ancient One, Rick was very curious about the Bifrost's appearance.

"Actually… that was Mirage Knight's idea…" Hearing Rick's question, Tony slowly explained what Thor and the others had experienced before.

"So, to save Miss Jane Foster, Mirage Knight suggested that Thor summon Bifrost. Then, Bifrost appeared and it had disappeared just as you came." It took three minutes to explain why Bifrost appeared, and then Tony continued to look at the two sorcerers in front of him.

"That's…" Rick and David frowned after hearing Tony's explanation.

If Thor was seriously injured and unconscious then perhaps Asgard would send the Bifrost to take him back. However, Jane is just an ordinary human being. It's not that Rick and the others look down on Jane, but, even if she is Thor's girlfriend, Asgard wouldn't care about her.

"Thor had thought that Bifrost wouldn't appear, but Mirage Knight told him what to say," Tony added after seeing the puzzled expression on Rick and David's faces.

"JARVIS, show me what happened at the time." Tony didn't intend to explain it himself and asked JARVIS to show the video of Thor summoning the Bifrost at that time.


"Okay, sir." JARVIS projected a light blue screen in the luxurious living room after hearing Tony's order.

After the light curtain appeared, everyone present turned their attention toward it. Although Iceman and the others also watched Bifrost appear with their own eyes, the shock just now was not over. Now, they have a chance to take a closer look at what happened in the video.

"Let's start," Tony said with a wave of his hand when everyone looked up at the light curtain.

Then, the picture on the light curtain began to change. The top platform where no one appeared first, and then everyone's figures appeared in the shot one by one. Because JARVIS controls so many cameras, everyone can see each other's faces from all directions.

Thor, who was walking in the front with Jane in his arms had obvious hesitation on his face, while Tony, who was walking behind and pushing Lin Rui, was calm. As for Iceman and others at the back, they were puzzled. They didn't know what the people in front were going to do.

Although the current picture was not important, the people present here did not do anything and quietly waited. Soon, Thor was standing at the center of the platform with Jane in his arms. He stood there holding Jane and said a few words to Lin Rui. The next thing was crucial and everyone was staring at the light curtain seriously.

"…The Aether is in this woman in my arms!" While everyone was watching intently, Thor lifted his head and shouted.

Then, just as Thor bowed his head in disappointment, countless dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, which was a sign that Bifrost was about to come. After that, Bifrost, which shocked countless people in New York, came and enveloped Thor and Jane Foster.


The sound system in the luxurious living room is very good, and the roar of the arrival of Bifrost is very clear to Tony and others.

"It's now!" Tony suddenly said as the figures of Thor and Jane in Bifrost had gradually disappeared.

"Tony!…" Then, everyone heard Lin Rui in the light curtain suddenly shout out to Tony in surprise.



In the next moment, the Bifrost, which had already teleported Thor and Jane, suddenly expanded its range, and just shrouded Lin Rui, who was sitting in front of Tony. After shrouding Lin Rui in, the Bifrost withdrew from the top platform of the Stark Industries building in an instant.


Then the light screen continued for another two minutes but there was nothing left to see for the next two minutes.


The light curtain was retracted and everyone looked at each other. Through the multi-angle playback, everyone now knows what happened when the Bifrost appeared.

"Looking at this… it seems that Bifrost didn't plan to take Mirage Knight away in the first place," Rick said with a twinkle in his eyes after the light curtain disappeared.

"That's right. Mirage Knight realized that the Bifrost was about to expand and he called out to me. If I had just reacted a little faster and pulled him back then maybe…" Tony continued to speak after hearing Rick's words. Haring the regret in Tony's words, it was obvious that he blamed himself.

"Mr. Stark, it would have been useless even if had reacted on time, Bifrost was taking Mirage Knight away on purpose." David shook his head when he heard Tony's words.

"That's all I see in the video, nothing else than what Mirage Knight himself seems to have discovered ahead of time." Tony wasn't relieved after hearing what David said and continued.

"Sir there are some other discoveries." Just as Tony finished speaking, JARVIS' voice suddenly came out.

"Huh? What did you find?"