"The Dark Elves have invaded Asgard, they have now crossed the Bifrost Bridge!" This was the message from the golden light curtain that exploded in front of Frigga and Thor.

After seeing the news on the golden light curtain in front of them, Frigga and Thor looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes. However, although Frigga and Thor were a little surprised and worried about this unexpected news, they didn't actually take this invasion too much as a threat to Asgard.

Asgard has been at ease for too long, and the Nine Realms have been at peace with each other for over a thousand years. This unrest had started when Thor and Loki went to the Frost Giant's territory to fight them and then the war began.

However, even the war between Asgard and the Frost Giants was only a minor affair. The last time Laufey sneaked into the Asgard Palace to attack Odin, he was wounded, and now he has not appeared on the front line. On Asgard's side, Odin also retreated, completely throwing everything on Loki's shoulders.

So, the battle between Asgard and Frost Giant was nothing at all. It wasn't until the Dark Elves joined the battlefield that the battle escalated a little, but it didn't hurt Asgard.

However, Thor and the others were surprised that Dark Elve's invasion was able to get past Bifrost Bridge and approach Asgard Palace. However, they felt that even if the Dark Elves crossed Bifrost, there should only be a few people sneaking in like the Frost Giant last time.

"Mother, I will leave Jane to you here, I'll go out and see!" Thor clenched his fists and said after the golden light curtain dissipated.

"Okay, be careful too." Frigga reminded Thor, knowing that Thor's power is now sealed.

"I will." With a reply, Thor began to turn and go out.

Although he has not fully recovered his powers, Asgard still has many powerful warriors. As the eldest prince, it is still not a problem for him to lead the warriors to repel the invaders.


But just as Thor was halfway around, another golden light rushed in and burst into a curtain of light before them, and another message came from Heimdall.

"Dark Elf invasion! The number of enemies is high, and there are now eight combat spaceships! I have activated the first-level defense system." This was the second message from Heimdall.


Upon seeing this new message, Thor and Frigga both noticed that the whole palace shook slightly, which was a sign of the defense system being activated! It seems that Heimdall judged the enemy invasion situation to be more serious than Thor and his mother had initially thought.

After seeing this new message, Thor, who had already turned halfway around, suddenly stopped. He was a little surprised and embarrassed at this time. It turned out that this time Dark Elf's invasion was real! His current situation may not be safe even under the protection of the Asgard warriors, so he hesitated.

"Thor, you'd better stay here with me and your little girlfriend." Frigga also understood what the eight battle spaceships represented, so she looked at Thor and said.

Since the Dark Elves can send eight combat Spaceships to invade Asgard this time, it is impossible for these eight Spaceships to contain ordinary warriors. Even if Heimdall had activated the first-level defense system in time, Frigga still felt that it was not enough. For Thor's safety, it's better for him to stay deep in the palace.

From Frigga's point of view, even if the Dark Elf's invasion broke through the first-level defense system, it was impossible for them to break into the palace. One must know that the guardians of the Asgard Palace are all very powerful warriors and sorcerers.

Thor's eyes flashed as if hesitating and thinking when he heard his mother Frigga's words. But the look in Thor's eyes soon settled down.

"No! I'm going out! No matter what their purpose is and how many powerful warriors they send, I won't let them take a single step into the Asgard Palace!" Looking up at his mother, Thor spoke in a firm tone.

Frigga finally compromised when she saw the serious expression on Thor's face and said, "Then you pay attention to your safety!"

"Mother, make sure Jane is cured!" Thor pleaded again before turning around.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Then Thor turned around and strode out of the palace. As the Crown Prince of Asgard, even if he doesn't have his powers, he has to stand at the front to block the enemy.


When Thor's figure was about to disappear at the door, a brilliant pale blue light caught up from behind and landed on Thor. This is a blessing spell cast by Frigga that will help Thor avoid some damage and negative effects in battle.

When the blue light on his body disappeared, Thor's figure just disappeared around the corner. Frigga's eyes were filled with relief at seeing her son, whom she had not seen for months, once again take responsibility for Asgard's safety. She then turned to work on how to safely remove the Aether from Jane Foster.

Unbeknownst to both Thor and his mother Frigga, just as Thor decided to go out and fight the invasion of Dark Elf, Odin's mouth turned up a little as he was resting in a golden glass coffin in the depths of his palace.

Even the emergence of the Aether and the invasion of the Dark Elves did nothing to Odin in Odin's Sleep. It can be seen that he was not worried about these situations, but more concerned about his son's growth and responsibility.

"With that kid there, things have changed and have become uncertain. Thor, the timing of the appearance of the Aether is just right to test whether you can awaken your real powers." Odin, who had closed his eyes to rest silently thought.


On Bifrost Bridge, Heimdall and Lin Rui, who were standing side by side, looked at the distant fire with different thoughts. The counterattack of the Asgard defense system was very violent, and their attacks were nigh unstoppable against the eight Dark Elf battleships.

In Lin Rui's judgment, the intensity of the firepower should be much stronger than the firepower equipped by the special forces on Earth at this stage. As for the comparison with the weapons that SHIELD and Stark Industries are now secretly researching, Lin Rui doesn't know who is stronger.


Lin Rui frowned as he felt the continuous vibration of the Bifrost Bridge under his feet. Because he had seen the battleships rushing forward despite the intense firepower pouring down on them.

"How is this possible?!"