Ka Ka Ka!

Shortly after Jane left the chamber, the sound of ice cracking was heard in the room, which was completely frozen by the extreme cold power of the Frost Heart. Malekith and The Kursed Algrim are still stronger than what Frigga originally thought, and she can't trap them for too long.

Ka Ka Ka ~ Bang!

Finally, when there were more and more cracks in the ice condensed by the Frost Heart energy, it finally collapsed completely with a loud noise.

In the shattered pieces of ice, the extreme cold power of the Frost Heart is mixed with traces of dark energy, which was used by Malekith and The Kursed to break free from the blockade in a short period of time.


"Damn it!" Malekith, who had escaped the trap, shook off the remaining ice fragments from his body, and cast a gloomy look at Frigga, who was in a much better state and cursed.

If Malekith hadn't given a chance to Frigga before then she wouldn't have had a chance to trap them with Frost Heart. Now, the woman who the Aether is gone, and he doesn't know what would happen now.

"Go! Algrim! I can still sense the location of the Aether, it's not far from us!" Malekith shouted to Algrim and prepared to leave the chamber.


However, just when Malekith and Algrim turned around, a figure suddenly appeared at the destroyed door of the room. The guy who appeared suddenly seemed a little surprised by the situation in front of him, and stopped when he rushed to the gate.

"Kill him!" Without even thinking about who this person was, Malekith, who was already a bit mad because of the unexpected situation of Aether Particle, directly pointed at that person and gave the order.


The next moment, Algrim had already attacked as his figure appeared in front of the man in a flash, and then punched him.

"F*ck!" Facing Algrim's sudden attack, the man seemed surprised and shouted.


Then, after a muffled sound, that person who had only appeared had been knocked back. As for whether or not he had been killed by Algrim's punch, it was impossible to tell anything by looking at Algrim's expression.

"Humph!" Like seeing a fly being swatted to death, Malekith didn't even look at the man who flew out, and after a cold snort, he stepped out of the room.

Then, Algrim also followed Malekith out.


And just after Malekith and The Kursed walked out of the door of the chamber, several metal orbs suddenly rolled around their feet. These metal orbs stopped after rolling to their feet, and then quickly blinked a few times.

Dī Dī!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ~

In the next moment, the metal orbs exploded, and a strong shock wave and electromagnetic storm enveloped Malekith and The Kursed in an instant.


Not far from the door of the chamber, a man was half-crouched on the ground, his right hand still in a throwing motion. Apparently, he was the one who threw those exploding metal balls.

And this guy who was punched out of the room by The Kursed, and then threw a bomb outside the room to attack Malekith and the Kursed was Lin Rui, who ran over earlier than Thor. It's just that Lin Rui didn't expect that he would be punched out before he could even understand the situation in front of him.

If it weren't for Lin Rui's current strength and defenses being greatly improved, the punch just now would be enough to make him lose most of his combat effectiveness. And he was punched inexplicably, of course, Lin Rui would not bear it. So, after flying out, Lin Rui was ready to fight back immediately.

"Cough! It really hurts!" Lin Rui coughed and muttered to himself while looking at the area shrouded by the explosion in front of him.


In the next moment, a black body suit appeared on Lin Rui's body. Lin Rui wore a mask just now, but now he has re-exchanged the Phantom Suit. After all, the Phantom Suit can still add some basic attributes to Lin Rui's power. Moreover, Lin Rui didn't want the enemy's blood to soil his clothes.

"If one of those two guys was Dark Elf leader Malekith, then they couldn't have been killed by these stun bombs." After replacing the new Phantom Suit, Lin Rui stared at the explosion position and silently muttered in his heart.

Although Lin Rui only stood at the door of the secret chamber for less than two seconds just now, he also saw the situation inside the secret chamber. The tall man who struck him was obviously a very high-level Dark Elf, but he took orders from the less powerful Dark Elf behind him. Therefore, Lin Rui can see who has a high status at a glance.

As for the beautiful woman standing in the middle of the secret chamber holding a girl surrounded by a layer of golden light, it should be Thor's mother, Frigga. Lin Rui was thankful that Frigga didn't seem to be hurt. However, it also looked like Odin didn't make a move.


While Lin Rui was staring over there, there was a sudden burst of strong energy fluctuations from the turbulent flow of the explosion. Lin Rui, who had already fought against Dark Elves outside, easily recognized this energy fluctuation as dark energy, so the Beheading Spirit Sword in his hand had already started to shine with Azura light.


Finally, while Lin Rui was waiting, a black energy shock wave sweeps away those firelight and electromagnetic vibrations. Then, a tall figure first rushed toward Lin Rui, it is The Kursed! I don't know why he was able to lock on Lin Rui's location even within blast range.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Seeing the guy who had almost beaten him with a punch just now lunged towards him again, Lin Rui's eyes flashed with a sharp light as he clenched his hands and the Beheading Spirit Sword also swung forward.


The Kursed and Lin Rui are both very fast, but it seems that Lin Rui's burst speed is still a little faster than Algrim's. When Algrim's huge fist slammed into his chest again, Lin Rui stepped out a little, and his whole body jumped up in an instant to avoid the punch.


Lin Rui, who flew into mid-air, raised his Beheading Spirit Sword in his hand, and his entire essence quickly coalesced in his hand weapon.

The Beheading Spirit Sword, which was constantly trembling, seemed to be unable to withstand Lin Rui's power, and an Azura sword-shaped aura broke out from the Beheading Spirit Sword and arranged itself around Lin Rui in layers.

In less than a second, with Lin Rui's body as the center, a mountain of sword-shaped energy had quickly taken shape.

"Thousand Mountain Slash!" The hands that held the Beheading Spirit Sword high trembled violently as Lin Rui finally shouted out after a long time.


In the next moment, the Beheading Spirit Sword slammed down.