Lin Rui used his internal energy to disperse the black mist, allowing Bucky to leave. Blackheart watched them intently as they did this and after observing them for a while, Blackheart's focus shifted to Lin Rui.

"Who are you?!" Blackheart asked Lin Rui, who had just shown the ability to disperse energy from hell. Blackheart found Lin Rui more threatening than the warrior with accurate marksmanship.

Lin Rui looked up at Blackheart and replied lightly, "I'm just passing by and I heard about you and I just couldn't stand you."

"Hahaha… Couldn't stand me?! There are easier ways to take your own life!" Blackheart laughed maniacally and roared in anger as he transformed into a black mist and rushed toward Lin Rui.

Lin Rui saw the mist coming towards him quickly and spoke with a cold expression on his face, "I knew you would sneak attack!" As he finished speaking, an intense energy burst out of Lin Rui's whole body.


As the wave of energy and the Azura light burst forth from Lin Rui's body, a bright light appeared in his mind, causing his eyes to sharpen. This sudden burst of energy and light seemed to give Lin Rui a burst of inspiration or clarity.

Lin Rui raised his right hand and waved it forward while shouting out the command "Cut!" as a sudden idea came to him.

Buzz Buzz!

As Lin Rui shouted and waved his hand, the Azura light coming from him suddenly transformed into a huge Azura lightsaber. With a swift motion, Lin Rui used the lightsaber to slash through the incoming black mist.


Bucky, Roxanne, and Mack watched in shock as the Azura sword energy collided with the black mist, causing a powerful shock wave as if two physical objects had collided and exploded. Even though both the Azura sword energy and the black mist were invisible and intangible, the force of their collision was palpable.

The collision of Lin Rui's Azura sword energy, which was transformed from his internal energy, and Blackheart's hellish dark energy resulted in a violent explosion. When the Azura sword energy struck the black mist, it shattered into thousands of small sword energies that sliced through the group of black mist.

However, the black mist, which was imbued with powerful energy by Blackheart, was able to withstand the attack of the tiny sword energy and they were swallowed up by the mist.


Hoo Hoo! ~

Finally, after a few seconds of the explosion caused by the collision of the Azura sword energy and the black mist, the Azura light in the center of the explosion completely disappeared, having been completely consumed by the black mist.

This seems to indicate that Lin Rui's attack, inspired by a sudden flash of inspiration, was not strong enough to overcome Blackheart's strength. It is possible that Blackheart's power surpasses Lin Rui's, giving Blackheart the advantage in this confrontation.

Feeling the gusts of strong wind blowing in front of him, the Azura light on Lin Rui's body flickered brightly. Despite the energy shockwave of the previous collision, Lin Rui did not take a step back.

He has realized that he can use the magical energy within his body for a variety of purposes, and he has gradually learned how to harness his internal energy. At this moment, he is like a businessman guarding a gold mine, seeking the most effective ways to extract and use this valuable resource.

"Roar!" As Lin Rui stood facing the black mist, a piercing roar suddenly erupted from within it.


In the next moment, the black mist churned and Blackheart's half-formed body emerged, he roared as he charged toward Lin Rui.

"Do you really think that this would work now?!" Lin Rui exclaimed, showing no fear despite the disgust Blackheart's true form evoked in him.


As Lin Rui waved the ordinary baseball bat in his hand, the Azura light covering him also enveloped the bat. Holding the bat, Lin Rui charged toward Blackheart as his disgusting mist form rushed toward him.


The first collision was straightforward, with Lin Rui's baseball bat striking Blackheart's swung paw. Lin Rui, protected by his internal energy, was not afraid of Blackheart's hellish dark energy attack.

And Blackheart was also able to counter Lin Rui's internal energy attack. As a result, the huge explosion force from the collision sent both of them flying backward.

Hoo hoo!

Lin Rui's right hand holding the baseball bat trembled slightly as he took several steps back before regaining his balance. Across from him, the black mist that had taken on the form of Blackheart rolled and scrambled around the room, continuously roaring in apparent pain from the backlash of the attack.

After tumbling through the air, Blackheart charged toward Lin Rui on the ground once more. As the son of a demon from hell, Blackheart has never before been so humiliated as to be beaten by an ordinary-looking young man. However, Blackheart no longer views Lin Rui as ordinary, although he has not yet identified the Azura light energy emanating from him.

"Hmph!" Lin Rui snorted coldly as he watched the black mist continue to charge toward him and he also stepped forward without showing any fear.

Blackheart possesses the pride of a demon from hell, and Lin Rui has his own pride as well. Although he has not yet recovered his memories, his subconscious mind tells him that he should not retreat even when facing real demons.

"I'm going to see it today! What's so great about a demon from hell!" Lin Rui declares.

Bang Bang Bang!

As Lin Rui and Blackheart fought, Bucky watched the strange and fierce battle from the corner of the room, where he was hiding with Roxanne and Mack. Despite the unusual nature of the conflict, Bucky and the others were hardly surprised by it anymore. It seems that they have accepted the fight as a reality.

Despite his willingness to accept strange situations, Bucky's hands were tied as he watched the fierce battle between Lin Rui and Blackheart. Clutching his weapon tightly, he was ready to assist Lin Rui at any moment, but the intense conflict made it difficult for him to find an opportunity to act.

"Who… who are you? Who is that scary-looking guy who can turn into black mist? And who is that young man who is fighting him?!" Roxanne, who had recovered somewhat from her initial shock, asked several questions in quick succession.

"Is this even important right now? No matter who they are, the important thing is that we should get out of here immediately!" Mack, who had narrowly escaped death at the hands of Blackheart, whispered as he squinted his eyes.

He did not want to know about the identities of those two people fighting in front of him and he just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

"You're right! We really should leave!" Bucky agreed with Mack's words and responded immediately.