Just as Mack was desperately trying to get everyone to believe him, a voice came from outside the ward. Then, Falcon entered the room, walking straight over to Mack's hospital bed and giving him a serious look.

"I believe you. Can you carefully describe everything that happened at Johnny's house? Especially for those people you've never met before, the more detailed the description, the better," Falcon said as he stared at Mack for a few moments before continuing.

Upon hearing Falcon's words, Mack glanced at the police officers who had been questioning him before, and he began to speak after seeing that they all nodded.

"I went to Johnny's house because I was worried about him after he was arrested by the police. Roxanne, who is a reporter and Johnny's first love, also came. By the way, where is Roxanne? She was with me when we were hurt by that devil. How is she doing now?" Mack continued to speak about what he had experienced, but suddenly remembered something and anxiously asked.

Mack had been controlled by the water demon with Roxanne and Bucky before he fell into a coma, so he assumed that everyone else had been rescued as well.

"Roxanne? We didn't find Roxanne at Johnny's, just you," Captain Dolan said while frowning upon hearing Mack's question. If what Mack said was true then there was now a missing person with a special relationship with Johnny.

"Only me?! That can't be!" Mack shouted in disbelief upon hearing Captain Dolan's answer.

Before Mack lost consciousness, he, Roxanne, and the strong warrior were all possessed by the water demon, while the powerful young man was fighting another demon.

If Mack was saved, then Roxanne and the soldier should have been saved as well. After all, the soldier and the formidable young man were together, so it would be unlikely for just one of them, an unrelated person, to be saved while the others were left behind.

"Don't worry about where Miss Roxanne went, just continue telling us about the situation," Falcon said, interrupting Mack's surprised shout.

"Roxanne and I went to Johnny's house trying to find clues about where he disappeared, but we couldn't find anything…until…" Mack continued, anxious but under the watchful eyes of the police and other specialized personnel.

"Until that devil appeared! He suddenly appeared behind me and was about to attack me, but then a dozen bullets shot through the window and stopped him. Then a very powerful soldier rushed in. It was his sudden appearance that allowed me to survive. By the way, that soldier looked much stronger than you," Mack said as he recalled his attack by Blackheart with fear but got excited again as he described Bucky coming to save him.

"A very powerful fighter… what did he look like?" Hearing this, Falcon asked as his interest piqued.

Mack had already described the appearance of the devil, so now Falcon was even more curious about the warrior who saved him.

Although Mack said that the current encounter seemed like a random fabrication, Falcon had already faced Ghost Rider and a few more devils were nothing to him.

"He was… tall, strong, with short hair and a black baseball cap…" Mack began recalling Bucky when he encountered him in response to Falcon's question.

However, Mack's simple description wasn't enough for Falcon and the others to immediately identify this person. In order to get a more accurate depiction of the fighter, it would be necessary to find an artist to draw a sketch based on Mack's description.

"And what happened after that? Was it this soldier who suddenly appeared and saved you?" Falcon continued asking after Mack finished describing Bucky.

"No! Although this soldier was powerful, he wasn't a match for that devil. Just when he was about to be hurt by the devil, a young man rushed out. This young man was very powerful and was able to fight the devil head-on!" Mack shook his head and continued speaking in response to Falcon's question.

"Another young man? Can you describe in detail how they fought?" Falcon wondered if Mack was exaggerating or fooling himself upon hearing this.

"Specific description? It's hard to describe, it was like a fantasy movie. The two of them were like the villains and heroes in those movies. One was a Devil and the other was a magic warrior. One could transform into a terrifying monster and release black mist. The other could unleash the light of Azura against the enemy!" Mack used this metaphor to describe the battle between Lin Rui and Blackheart but this is something that had to be seen with one's own eyes to fully understand the intensity and imagination-defying nature of it.

"Azura's light?" Falcon's trust in Mack was initially shaken, but upon hearing Mack's description of the young man's attack methods, a sudden realization flashed through his mind.

In Falcon's memory, there was indeed someone who could emit Azura light as a means of energy attack. However, that person was currently missing and it was uncertain whether he was on Earth or not. Nonetheless, Falcon knew that this person was indeed a young man.

"Can you describe that young man's appearance in more detail? More detailed than the soldier you described earlier?" Falcon asked with an anxious expression on his face, excited by the realization he had just had.

"Because the young man and the devil were fighting as soon as he rushed out, we hid in the corner. So I didn't get a good look at him, I only have a vague impression," Mack said, thinking for a moment before responding.

"I'll call the technology team right away. You need to help determine the appearance of that young man and that soldier as soon as possible," Falcon said, getting straight to the point.

"Okay, do you want me to continue?" Mack asked.

"Yes, continue," Falcon replied.

While Falcon obtained the latest clues from Mack, the Ghost Rider, who had escaped the police and SHIELD's siege, had extinguished the fire on his body and turned back into Johnny. He then drove his bike to a motel on the edge of Rochester, following the address that Lin Rui had given him before the police's encirclement was fully in place. This was also the place where Johnny received more information and assistance.

Boom Boom Boom~

A moment later, the door opened, and Johnny saw a familiar face standing in front of him.



The two men greeted each other, then Johnny followed Lin Rui into the room.