After Frigga agreed to allow Thor to return to Earth, he went to bid farewell to his close friends in Asgard, who happened to be Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Meanwhile, Frigga began preparing a celebratory banquet to welcome Loki, whose triumph on the front line had greatly increased his reputation in Asgard.

Deep within the palace of Asgard, in Thor's own palace, Thor was busily packing up the items he wanted to take to Earth. Beside Thor, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were watching Thor with troubled expressions on their faces.

"Thor, are you really going back to Earth again?" As Thor finished packing, Sif couldn't help but ask.

To Lady Sif and the Warriors Three of Asgard, although Thor's divine powers have not yet fully recovered, it is only a matter of time before they do. Additionally, as the crown prince of Asgard, if Thor leaves while Loki is experiencing a great victory on the front line, it will significantly damage his prestige as the crown prince of Asgard.

Only the family is aware of the secret that Loki is not Odin and Frigga's biological son, and the people of Asgard still believe that Loki is the second prince. If the second prince gains the favor of the people while the first prince, Thor, is still working to regain his powers, it will be more difficult for Thor to claim the throne in the future. As Thor's friends and subordinates, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three naturally hope for Thor to become the king of Asgard in the future.

"Sif, my father's banishment of me was actually a learning experience that I only realized after spending time on Earth. In addition, there are many things I can learn on Earth that I couldn't feel in Asgard. And there are still many responsibilities that I need to take on. Mirage Knight disappeared in Asgard and I owe it to the people of Earth to try my best to find him and provide an explanation. This is something I have to do," Thor said as he packed his belongings into a cloth bag before he looked at Sif.

"Asgard has many places where you can train. Plus, Loki will be back tomorrow. Don't you want to give him a personal lesson for lying to you?" Sif asked, still puzzled by Thor's decision.

"I've already trained in every area of Asgard except the forbidden one. As for Loki, he just likes to play pranks and has been doing so since he was a child. It's actually something I'm proud of. That's why I won't stay to celebrate with him," Thor waved his hand dismissively as he replied, understanding what Sif was trying to say.

Previously, Thor was very concerned with the throne of Asgard. He had always been stronger than Loki and was confident that, as the eldest prince, the throne would be his in the future. However, after all the experiences he has had, Thor no longer values the throne as much. To him, as long as Asgard is in good hands, anyone can be king.

"But…" Sif began to speak.

"It's okay, there's no need to say more. If you truly care about me, then wish me happiness on Earth. And I believe that I will soon fully awaken my powers," Thor interrupted Sif as he patted her on the shoulder.

Since Thor has made up his mind, Sif and the others cannot say anything further. Although Sif wishes she could go to Earth with him, she knows it is impossible for Thor to allow her to do so.

"Come on, let's go. You can see me off at the Bifrost. I won't leave without saying goodbye again," Thor said as he patted the shoulders of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, trying to lift their mood.

Then, Thor led the way out of the palace and Sif and the others had no choice but to follow. Ten minutes later, they arrived at the Bifrost Hall, where Heimdall stood as the lone guardian.

"Heimdall, please activate the Bifrost and send me to Earth," Thor requested politely as he stood in the hall and looked at Heimdall in the center.


Without a word, Heimdall activated the Bifrost by turning the Guardian Sword inserted in the control center.

Ka Ka Ka

The next moment, there was a sound of the mechanical rotation coming from the guardian all and a mechanical whirring sound filled the hall as a strong wave of energy converged towards it, and soon, a dazzling rainbow of light appeared above the hall and quickly enveloped Thor.

"Goodbye, my friends," Thor smiled and waved goodbye to Lady Sif and the Warriors Three standing outside as the rainbow beams descended upon him.

"Goodbye, Thor," They replied.


With a roar and a burst of dazzling colored light, Thor's figure instantly disappeared as he left Asgard with the Bifrost. In the universe, a rainbow light beam shot out from Asgard in the Nine Realms and headed towards Earth, located at the center of the Nine Realms.


The rainbow light in the hall took a while to dissipate after Thor's departure and Sif continued to stare at the spot where he had disappeared with a peculiar expression in her eyes.

"Sif, sometimes you just have to let go," Volstagg said helplessly as he noticed Sif's demeanor.

"I know, but I can't help feeling a bit reluctant," Sif replied in a perplexed tone after she heard Volstagg's words.

"Come on, let's go. It's uncertain when he'll be back this time," Volstagg said as he patted Sif on the shoulder. He then gestured to the other two warriors to follow and they all turned to head back.

However, just as Sif was about to turn and leave, Heimdall, who had just finished the Bifrost teleportation and was standing in the center of the hall, had a sudden flash in his eyes, as if he were surprised. He then placed his hands on the Guardian Sword again.


Sif and the others, who had turned to leave, heard the sound of the Bifrost activating again and turned in surprise to see a dazzling colored light appear in the Guardian Hall once more. However, this time the light beam shot out, clearly indicating that it was picking someone up.


The Bifrost reappeared for only two seconds before retracting and there was now an additional person standing in the center of the retracted Bifrost light. Sif and the others, who had not yet left, were a little surprised to see the blurry figure.