
In such a critical situation, Scott's locked right hand suddenly loosened, and then a small metal device fell out of his palm.


The next moment, this small device suddenly grew countless times between Scott and Frank, squeezing Scott and Frank away abruptly. However, when Scott and Frank were separated by the suddenly enlarged metal device, the electromagnetic energy wave had already touched Scott.


Scott, who backed away quickly, only felt his body go numb, as if he had been electrocuted. Just when Scott was about to keep shrinking to avoid another Iron Man's attack, he found that he couldn't shrink anymore. The electromagnetic attack just now really affected the function of the Antman suit!

"Dr. Pym! The quality of your battle suit is not good!!" Scott shouted while hurriedly throwing a few metal darts of the same kind as before.

Buzz buzz!

After being thrown out, those metal darts quickly grew bigger and hit Frank and another Iron Man, temporarily stopping their attack. Still, if Scott doesn't get smaller next time, he'll be caught soon.

"This is a strong electromagnetic interference on the suit. It will take a little time to repair itself. Hold on!" Hearing Scott's words, Dr. Pym reminded him loudly from his helmet.

"How much time is one hour!? I'm about to be caught! If I'm caught, you remember to redeem me!" Hearing Dr. Pym's reminder, the body yelled speechlessly.

"Don't worry, the Antman suit has a self-destruct system, you won't be caught." I don't know if it was intentional, but Dr. Pym then said something that made Scott feel cold.

Scott: "…"

"It seems that we still have to rely on ourselves!" Scott couldn't count on Dr. Pym who was far away in another city, and Scott looked at Blink thinking about how to resolve the critical situation at this time.


The next moment, Scott, who was standing there, suddenly opened the helmet of the Antman suit, and then stretched out his hands facing the two Iron Man warriors who had already opened the enlarged darts.

"OK! OK! I surrender! I surrender!" Scott shouted loudly while raising his hands. Isn't it time to delay? He believes this is the best way to stall for time.

Seeing Scott's appearance and hearing him yelling to surrender, Frank and his companions walked over quickly with expressionless faces. However, they have no intention of using deadly weapons any longer. The battle just now was very short, and Scott didn't use any powerful weapons, so the two Iron Man warriors didn't think about hurting Scott's life, they just wanted to grab him. Moreover, Tony Stark would be interested in his ability to zoom in and out.

"This guy, Scott, is definitely not going to be captured so easily. He must have other plans." Just as Scott was standing there with his hands outstretched, waiting for Frank who came over to handcuff him, the man in another city The corners of Lin Rui's mouth turned up slightly and he muttered in his heart.

"Squad A!" Sure enough, when Frank grabbed Scott with flashing electromagnetic energy in his hand, Scott suddenly shouted.

Hearing the words that Scott suddenly shouted, Frank and the partners around him were stunned for a moment. Is there another team like Scott hiding here? ! However, there were no other reminders in the monitoring system of Frank and his partners.

buzz buzz~

Just when Frank and the same were warning, a group of flying ants flew out of the grass on the ground and rushed directly to the heads of Frank and his partners. It got into the tactical eyepiece when Frank and his companions were not prepared, which caused them a lot of trouble.

"It's ants!" Frank shouted loudly while shaking his head and trying to shake the ants off his head.

And when Frank and his companions were stopped by the flying ants of Team A, Scott also noticed that the Antman suit that had just expired had recovered to normal again.

So, Scott quickly put his helmet back on, and the next moment he was already shrunk.

"Anton Ant!" Shrunken Scott shouted, and Anton Ant who was wandering nearby flew over quickly.

Hoo hoo!

Jumping directly on the back of Anton Ant, Scott took advantage of this rare opportunity and quickly flew towards the warehouse in front. With the size of Anton Ant and Scott at this time, they can just fly in through the gap in the center of the gate.

"Damn it! Intruders have broken into Warehouse No. 5 in Area D!" After Scott rode Anton Ant and flew into the warehouse, Frank and his partners, who finally got rid of the Flying Ants of Team A, couldn't help cursing.

The entire base exists for the research and manufacture of E Grade aerospace fighters. The place where Scott broke into is not only a warehouse, but also a production line, which is used to manufacture E Grade aerospace fighter Elite parts. These things belong to Stark's most elite secrets, and if they are stolen by others, it may bring about unimaginable disasters.

"Mr. Stark! We need support! Intruders have already broken into Warehouse No. 5 in Area D!" While running towards the warehouse, Frank also quickly reported to Tony.

"Well, I see. I have already activated JARVIS's third-level defense. It is impossible for the other party to leave with our research materials." After Frank finished his report, Tony's voice rang in his ears.

Tony didn't expect the base to be invaded. Stark's base had been useless decades ago, and it was only recently rebuilt for the manufacture of E Grade aerospace fighters. Moreover, the opponent actually entered the warehouse under the obstruction of two powerful Iron Man men. If the other party really got the information of the E Grade aerospace fighter, then Tony would not mess around.

"Who the hell? A technology that can zoom in and out? Why do I feel like I've heard of it somewhere?" Just after Frank and his partners entered the warehouse, Tony in the Scott Industrial Building in downtown New York looked at the surveillance screen in front of him. murmured in a low voice.

However, even if the other party could really become as small as an ant and run around, Tony still had a way to make him unable to leave that warehouse. Unable to fight, Tony directly activated the all-round laser net with no dead ends to cover the warehouse inside.

"The earth is getting more and more lively!" Looking at Frank and another Iron Man who had entered the warehouse to look for Scott on the monitoring screen, Tony murmured to himself in an inexplicable tone.

Then, Tony was in the background watching how the intruder would do things in this warehouse. At this moment, a total of three people are watching Scott's final training as Antman.