Hoo hoo!

Frank and his companions were stunned as they watched Scott's metal darts make an impact on the production line. The potential damage to the warehouse would be significant if the production line were to be destroyed. Despite their attempts to stop him, Frank and the others were powerless to intervene once Scott had thrown the darts.

"This guy!" Tony, who was observing the scene through a monitor, was also shocked by Scott's actions. It was clear that this intruder was intent on causing damage.

Despite the potential financial loss, Tony was not one to let Scott off easily. He had plenty of money and losing a production line in a warehouse would not be a significant blow. However, if the production line were destroyed, Tony would certainly be incensed and would not hesitate to take action against Scott.


After throwing the metal dart, Scott chased after the dart that had grown bigger. After rushing out two steps, Scott jumped up. While jumping up, Scott quickly pressed the button on his left hand.

Buzz Buzz!

In the next moment, Scott had shrunk to the size of an ant. At this time, Anton, who was hiding just now, just flew over to support Scott.

"Anton! Follow me!" Scott shouted, grabbing onto the rope attached to Anton's back.

The enlarged metal darts had shattered the vacuum seal of the production line, and Scott's intention was to quickly enter it. He couldn't believe his plan had worked. By breaking into the production line with Anton, the white mist could freely flow into the area, providing a clear view of the entire destroyed production line.


As Tony made no further attempts to stop them, the two enlarged metal darts struck the vacuum seal of the production line, tearing two large holes in it as Scott had hoped. Without hesitation, he flew through one of the openings and into the production line.

Huh Huh~

As Scott flew through the production line on Anton, he took the opportunity to gather information on the high-tech equipment being manufactured there. The data he was collecting would be highly valuable and could potentially offset the loss of the signal camouflage device he was originally sent to retrieve.

Lin Rui, who was watching the situation unfold from another city, was in awe of Scott's audacity. He couldn't help but wonder how Tony would react to the destruction of the production line. Despite the significant loss, Lin Rui was aware that Tony was not someone to be trifled with and may take severe action against Scott.

As the situation progressed, Lin Rui believed there was no further need to continue. Tony then took the initiative and scanned the entire warehouse with a high density of laser beams, ensuring that Scott could not escape no matter where he fled. Unless he entered the Quantum Realm, he would not be safe from the impact of the laser beams.

"Frank, you two go out, I'll take care of it here. This intruder has gone too far, and he can't be allowed to keep running. He should pay for what he had done." Sure enough, when Lin Rui frowned and muttered in his heart, Tony had already notified Frank in a serious tone.

"Yes," Frank replied, swiftly acknowledging Tony's orders, and he and his companions turned around without hesitation, opened the door of the warehouse, and walked out directly.

Based on Tony's words, it was clear that he was prepared to handle the situation with a strong and decisive approach. Despite the intruder appearing to not pose much of a threat, his actions had already breached Stark's secrets. If he is allowed to escape then the consequences could be catastrophic for Stark and his operation.

Although it may not be possible to fully reverse engineer and launch an E GRADE aerospace fighter based on the parts in a production line, there was no way to guarantee that the intruder couldn't replicate the technology after their visit. This was a risk Tony was not willing to take.

As for technology like the E GRADE aerospace fighter, Tony was only comfortable with it being in his own possession. He couldn't trust it to be in anyone else's hands. If Scott had no intention of setting up a production line, Tony may have considered continuing to observe and manipulate the situation.

However, now Tony felt that there was no longer any need for games. The situation had become too serious, and the technology too important, to continue with a hands-off approach.

"JARVIS, initiate the final cleanup and eliminate that ant," Tony commanded calmly as Frank and his companions stepped outside.

"Understood, sir," JARVIS replied promptly.

As soon as JARVIS acknowledged the order, the warehouse underwent a transformation. The previously porous structure of the warehouse was now completely sealed, preventing even a single insect from escaping. Then, energy fluctuations emerged from all six sides of the warehouse – the four walls, ceiling, and floor – creating an impenetrable barrier.

Buzz Buzz~

As the energy fluctuations grew stronger, streams of light poured out from the six sides of the warehouse. As Lin Rui had anticipated, Tony had activated the warehouse's ultimate defense system – a 360-degree laser net that left no room for escape.

"It seems Scott has no chance of hiding now," Lin Rui commented as he watched the laser net in action.

Lin Rui was aware of the dire situation Scott was in, as communicated through Scott's communicator. Even Lin Rui himself would have to use his strongest weapon to break through one of the walls and escape. However, Scott's Ant-Man suit did not possess such power. Throwing a few more metal darts would only result in Scott being disintegrated into powder by the laser net.

Buzz Buzz~

"Shit! What the hell is this?" Scott exclaimed in shock as he saw the laser net.

He thought that once he destroyed the production line, his opponent would stop using other methods to deal with him. But now, the opponent had directly used a method that would kill him. Under such a dense laser net, even Ant-Man in his ant-sized form would be unable to escape.

"Dr. Pym! Have you notified SHIELD? I need help! I'm going to die here in a matter of seconds!" Scott cried out in desperation as the laser net closed in on him.

At that moment, Scott didn't know who else to turn to besides Dr. Pym for help.