Buzz Buzz~

Darren Cross, who had the desire to increase his size, found himself in a severely distorted state due to the intense pressure of Lin Rui's internal energy field. Although the Pym Particles worked by stretching the distance between atoms, external pressure prevented this process from occurring smoothly.

It can be likened to Darren Cross being akin to a balloon that is constantly being pumped with air but is being held back by an invisible force preventing it from expanding. Should he persist, self-destruction would be inevitable.

Having undergone this ordeal, Darren Cross and his companions were acutely aware of the danger they were in. Thus, when faced with the looming threat of being crushed under immense pressure, they ceased their growth.

"Let me go!" In an attempt to break free from this state of control, Darren Cross strained to hurl two metallic bombs and then screamed in frustration.


The two tiny metal bombs, flung by Darren Cross, rapidly expanded under his control. Despite the constraints of the internal energy field, he was determined to detonate them, whether it be through compression and explosion or self-destruction. His aim was to employ the shock wave generated by the blasts to break through the special energy field encompassing him.

"Hmph! You think I'll let you succeed?" Lin Rui sneered upon seeing the bombs thrown by Darren Cross.

Pū Pū~

In the following moment, the two metal bombs, barely bigger than sand grains, detonated right before Darren Cross, producing no shockwaves, only small sparks.

Lin Rui had employed the internal energy field to quell the destructive potential of the bombs. He then advanced towards Darren Cross and his companions, brandishing a glass bottle in his hand. It appeared that Lin Rui intended to capture the immobile Ant-Men within it.


"Damn it! You'll pay for this!" Darren Cross howled, frantically unleashing laser beams.

Simultaneously, he seized control of the enlargement devices within the battle suits of the three Ant-Man fighters standing beside him. The trio appeared to be utterly petrified as their bodies swiftly expanded beyond their control.

Unbeknownst to them, Darren Cross had already tampered with their suits, making him the central controller of all Ant-Man suits. Consequently, he could manipulate the size-alteration function of any Ant-Man suit and thus control the lives of all Ant-Man fighters.


"I don't want this!"

The three Ant-Man fighters, caught in the grip of Pym Particles and the internal energy field, cried out in terror. Although they were under the command of Darren Cross, they were merely hired guns who would not die for him!

Alas, despite their desperate attempts to deactivate the Ant-Man suits, they were powerless to halt the uncontrollable distortion taking hold.

"This is despicable!" Lin Rui's eyes grew frosty upon witnessing Darren Cross sacrificing the lives of the three Ant-Man fighters in his bid to break free from the internal energy domain.


In the ensuing moment, Lin Rui materialized before Darren Cross in a blur. Swiftly, he swept both hands across Darren Cross and then conjoined them together with a snap. Before Darren could react, Lin Rui had ensnared him within a specialized glass bottle.


Once inside the glass bottle, a faint, light-blue electromagnetic field enveloped Darren Cross, causing him to immediately collapse and lose the ability to struggle. His Ant-Man suit, too, ceased to function. It appeared that Lin Rui had captured him with relative ease and without causing any harm.


After capturing Darren Cross, Lin Rui quickly recovered from the exhaustion caused by his internal energy field. Similar to Iceman's Absolute Frozen Field, Lin Rui's internal energy field is also an energy-intensive ability, and he had expended a significant amount of energy using it. If it wasn't for his quick thinking and the need to test the power of his internal energy field, he would not have used it at all.

Pū Pū Pū!

With the suppression of the internal energy field lifted, the three Ant-Man warriors who had been under Darren Cross's control rapidly grew to their normal size and fell to the ground in agony. Despite Lin Rui's quick recovery, the intense energy confrontation had caused them significant injuries, and they were fortunate to have survived the ordeal.

Huh~ bang!

After Lin Rui had successfully apprehended Darren Cross and incapacitated the three Antmen, Scott, who had been perched on Lin Rui's shoulder moments before, leaped off and immediately reverted to his normal size. As he transformed back to his original form, Scott removed his mask and surveyed the scene before him. He looked upon Darren Cross, who was now trapped within a glass bottle in Lin Rui's hand, and the three Antmen who lay writhing in agony on the ground.

Scott was taken aback by the events that had just transpired. The sudden appearance of Lin Rui, who had taken down both Cross and his Antmen, was entirely unexpected. In Scott's mind, it seemed as though Lin Rui was a super soldier, sent to restrain Antman and his team.

"Who are you…?" Scott asked, standing across from Lin Rui, his mind filled with confusion and caution.

Lin Rui's appearance had initially served as a reminder for Scott, then later he had even provided assistance. However, it was Lin Rui's display of absolute suppressive power that had left Scott feeling a deep sense of crisis.

Scott had once thought that becoming Antman would make him a renowned hero, someone who could save the world and be a great father to his daughter. But now he couldn't help but feel like a clown, his pride and accomplishments appearing childish in the eyes of others.

Scott couldn't be blamed for feeling inadequate despite having access to the top technology on earth with the Antman suit and Pym Particles. Unfortunately for him, he had encountered Lin Rui, who was involved in cutting-edge scientific research beyond the earth's limits. In comparison, everything Scott had accomplished seemed trivial.

"I should have told you earlier. I'm just a wanderer, and to top it off, I'm not a fan of Darren Cross," Lin Rui responded with a smile, shaking the glass bottle in his hand as he listened to Scott's words.

Da Da~

As Lin Rui finished his response, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming from outside the dark alley. Before long, Bucky entered with an unconscious Antman. Despite encountering some resistance, Bucky had managed to smoothly eliminate his opponent with the help of an electromagnetic bomb.