Lin Rui, who had just recovered from the intense pain earlier, quickly noticed the row of golden letters in his consciousness and read the new mainline mission released by the system. After reading the mainline mission, Lin Rui's eyes lit up. Obviously, he also noticed that this mainline mission was different from the previous ones.

"Protect the Earth and resist three threats? It seems that according to the system's judgment, my strength is already enough to protect the Earth. And since the system has released such a mission, it means that the Earth will inevitably encounter three or more major crises in the future.

As for why I am only required to resist three threats, it should be because the Earth will have self-defense capabilities after three times." After thinking carefully for a while, Lin Rui had already made his own understanding.

Because Lin Rui already had some understanding of the plot of the Marvel World, although some of the plots had changed due to the power of the world, he could still control the situation with his own strength and the resources he currently had.

Speaking of which, with Lin Rui's current strength and the strength of the alliance he had established, even if the New York battle in the original plot occurred, Lin Rui believed that they could control the situation within an acceptable range.

Of course, if the New York battle really occurred, the scale would definitely be larger than in the original plot, which was an experience Lin Rui had summarized after experiencing so many events.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time the system has issued such a clear mainline mission. Compared with the mainline mission of becoming a superhero that has been ongoing, this mainline mission of protecting the Earth seems to have a more clear purpose. Could it be…" Sitting quietly on the soft grass in the park, Lin Rui fell into contemplation because of the sudden appearance of the mainline mission in his mind.

With Lin Rui's continuous growth, he was no longer the ignorant ordinary person who first encountered the system. In addition to the growth of his strength, Lin Rui also had some special ideas about the existence of the system, the Marvel World, and the universe.

Of course, regarding the system bug that had been silent for several months, Lin Rui gradually determined what kind of existence it was.

If Lin Rui was still guessing before obtaining the Magic Cube, which was the Space Infinity Stone. But after obtaining the Magic Cube and experiencing countless crossed-over timelines, and seeing countless worlds, Lin Rui's heart had already had an almost certain idea.

That is, the Marvel World is just one of the countless worlds, and this universe is just one of the countless universes.

In Lin Rui's conjecture, there may exist countless worlds and universes in the vast space-time, including numerous Marvel Worlds. Although the development of each Marvel World may be roughly similar, there are still differences.

In other Marvel Worlds, Peter Parker may not have been bitten by a mutated spider and turned into Spiderman, or he may have been bitten and died from the venom, so there is no existence of Spiderman. All of these possibilities are likely.

The development of each world may encounter various unexpected events that lead to crises, causing the world to deviate from its normal developmental trajectory. It seems that the system is using small actions to help these worlds return to their normal development paths.

Of course, if the person selected by the system can help the world develop better, that would be even better.

However, these are all Lin Rui's own conjectures, although he thinks that these conjectures are likely true. Now, the system suddenly released a mainline mission to protect the earth, and Lin Rui felt a sense of urgency. If his conjecture is true, it means that the earth may face a huge crisis in the future, possibly in the near future.

"It seems that my journey needs to end soon…" Thinking of this, Lin Rui shook his head and cleared his chaotic thoughts silently.

Then, Lin Rui looked up and saw Bucky looking at him nervously. After Lin Rui used his internal energy to bounce Bucky off, he quickly ran back unharmed.

Bucky saw Lin Rui screaming in pain a moment ago, and now he was sitting silently on the grass with his head down, not saying anything. "Jackson, what happened just now? You seemed to be in a lot of pain. Are you sick?" Bucky asked worriedly when he saw Lin Rui looking up.

Upon hearing Bucky's concerned inquiry, Lin Rui waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. I just had a sudden headache, but it's okay now."

"A headache? Okay, if you're sure you're okay," Bucky said, not asking any further.

Then, Lin Rui stood up from the grass. After scanning the beautiful scenery around him, he suddenly took out his phone and took a selfie with Bucky before he could react.


"Since it's a trip, how could we not leave a souvenir behind?" Lin Rui said with a smile as he took a picture with the beautiful maple forest in Quebec as the background.

"Jackson, are you planning to leave?" Hearing Lin Rui's words and seeing his sudden photo-taking behavior, Bucky's eyes flickered and he spoke up.

Upon hearing Bucky's inquiry, Lin Rui, who was looking at the photos, stiffened for a moment. His hand also stopped, and then Lin Rui put away his phone.

"Well, I have to go back. There are still many things waiting for me to do." Without hiding anything, Lin Rui looked at Bucky and replied seriously.

"Go back? It seems that you do have a big background. And your strength is incomprehensible to me. Even on the entire Earth, your strength is among the top." Bucky showed no surprise at Lin Rui's answer and said calmly with a faint smile.

"Bucky, I know you've been hiding from someone, and you haven't hidden it from me either. But I have never told you my true identity, and for that, I want to apologize. However, you will eventually know who I am. Also, after I go back, I will do my best to help you. Perhaps you won't need to hide for much longer." Seeing Bucky's smiling face, Lin Rui continued.

"No need to apologize to me, and as for helping me, please don't if it brings you trouble. I have already gotten used to this kind of life." Upon hearing Lin Rui's words, Bucky shook his head slightly and said.

Although Bucky knew that Lin Rui's background was probably very strong, Bucky was evading SHIELD, and he had also remembered the crimes he had committed. Therefore, even if Lin Rui really had a big background, he would not be able to confront SHIELD.

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