Amidst the caring and inquiries from his parents, Lin Rui briefly mentioned his work at Stark Industry.

Of course, these were all fabricated stories made up by Lin Rui. It was true that he conducted experiments and research with Tony, so his parents wouldn't doubt the work-related details he concocted.

"That sounds good. But, Jackson, will you continue going to school?" Marie, Lin Rui's mother, asked after he shared his work situation.

After all, Lin Rui was only seventeen years old. Although working alongside Tony Stark would make it possible for him to forgo school in the future, as parents, they still hoped their child would receive a proper education.

After all, Lin Rui was still young, and they didn't want him to start working full-time at such an early age.

In reality, Lin Hai had already discussed this issue with Lin Rui before. For Lin Rui, whether or not to attend school was no longer important. If Lin Hai and Marie truly wished for him to have a good education, Lin Rui could easily ask for Tony's assistance.

Tony had previously mentioned that with Lin Rui's current knowledge base, entering MIT with his recommendation would be a piece of cake.

However, despite now being a superhero, Lin Rui still cherished the idea of simple student life.

Moreover, with frequent interactions with superheroes like Iron Man Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers, who carried significant responsibilities, Lin Rui's mindset gradually became heavier.

So, spending time with teenagers of his own age would help him maintain a youthful and passionate mindset.

"As for school, I will still go when I have time. I've already talked to the teachers beforehand, and they are aware of my situation. So, there won't be any problems." Lin Rui pondered for a moment and replied with a smile.

Apart from Lin Rui, Peter, and Tom were also continuing their studies. Except for Harry, who needed to dedicate all his energy to his family business, they wouldn't give up their campus lives.

"Well, that's good to hear." Marie felt relieved upon hearing Lin Rui's response.

"By the way, during the time you've been working at Stark, Tom has come to visit you. Ever since that incident happened, Tom hasn't been in a good mood. However, there has been significant improvement recently. Mr. Smith mentioned that Tom seems to have made new friends and he even goes out to have fun now." After discussing work and education, Lin Hai, Lin Rui's father, suddenly brought up Tom, Lin Rui's childhood playmate.

"Tom?… Does he know that I'm back?" Lin Rui's eyes flickered as his father mentioned Tom, and he quickly asked.

"Well, I told him when you said you were coming home. If he's at home, he should have already come over."

Just as Lin Hai finished speaking, Lin Rui suddenly sensed something and turned his head to look towards the door. Following Lin Rui's gaze, outside the front gate of his house, stood a figure—it was Tom, whom Lin Hai had just mentioned.

"Tom, you're here! Come in, why are you standing at the door?" Seeing Tom standing at the door, Lin Hai hurriedly walked over and warmly welcomed him.

"Hello, Aunt and Uncle." With Lin Hai's warm welcome, Tom greeted them with a smile and entered the house.

Indeed, as Lin Hai had mentioned, Tom had improved significantly compared to when he first returned a month ago. Although he hadn't fully recovered his personality from before his disappearance, he was no different from an ordinary person.

Lin Rui noticed Tom's changes, and he was genuinely surprised. Lin Rui had always felt guilty about Tom, but now seeing his progress, he felt much better.

"It's been a long time, Tom." After Tom walked in, Lin Rui warmly approached him and greeted him with a smile.

Exhaling softly, before Tom could react, Lin Rui had already given him a big hug.

"… Long time no see, Jackson." Surprised by Lin Rui's sudden embrace, Tom seemed a bit stunned. But after a moment, he reached out and hugged Lin Rui, then spoke in a deep voice.

"Alright, you two haven't seen each other in a long time, and I'm sure you have a lot to talk about. We won't disturb you. We'll go prepare dinner and call you when it's time to eat." Seeing Lin Rui and Tom embracing, Marie timely interjected.

Due to the physical and emotional impact Tom experienced during his disappearance and return, the Smith family had already informed their neighbors to take care of their son as much as possible.

However, Lin Rui's family received special attention because Tom and Lin Rui had been close friends since childhood. Moreover, after Lin Rui started working at Stark, Tom had visited their house multiple times, inquiring about when Lin Rui would return.

Therefore, now that Lin Rui had returned and Tom was also present, it was only natural for Lin Hai's family to give them some space.

When Lin Hai and Marie left for the kitchen, Lin Hai gave Lin Rui a meaningful look, implying that he should have a good time with Tom.

"Let's go to my room. It's been a long time since we chatted and played games together." As his parents headed to the kitchen, Lin Rui and Tom separated, and with their noticeably different demeanors, Lin Rui smiled and spoke to his dear friend.

Without saying a word, Tom simply nodded. Then, these two friends, who were no longer ordinary high school students, went upstairs together to Lin Rui's room. It was only in moments when no one else was around that they could truly be themselves.

"Jackson, were you in London last week when the aliens invaded Earth? I couldn't contact you during that time, and I was worried you might have been injured," Tom asked directly as soon as they entered Lin Rui's room.

Clearly, Tom was concerned about Lin Rui. Moreover, although JARVIS could mimic Lin Rui's voice and fool Lin Hai and Marie during phone calls, it was difficult to deceive Tom.

It wasn't that Tom knew Lin Rui better than his own parents, but he had a subconscious understanding that Lin Rui wouldn't be quietly conducting experiments at Stark Industries. After all, Lin Rui had another identity as Mirage Knight.

"Um… I wasn't in London at that time. In fact, during the alien invasion, I wasn't even on Earth anymore," Lin Rui replied with an embarrassed expression, but he didn't hide anything.

Tom was visibly surprised by Lin Rui's answer. It was one thing for Mirage Knight to go to London and join forces with Iron Man and Captain America to fight the aliens, but now Lin Rui was saying that he wasn't on Earth at that time.

Could it be that Lin Rui could travel through space like those aliens?

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Read my other translated works:-

Galactic Garbage Station

Endless Plunder In High School DxD

Illimitable Until Death

I am in Marvel With Unlimited Cards

Heroes of Marvel

One Piece Thundergod Marine