Although Rick rarely left the main gate, he was still aware of the secret changes happening outside Sanctum during these past few days. After all, he had been guarding this street for many years.

So, Rick was well aware of which rooms in the building across the street housed agents and which rooms concealed special forces.

Since Ancient One had already given his consent, Rick pretended not to know about the existence of those people. After all, their purpose was to assist. And now, Sanctum had actually detected some strange magical fluctuations. Perhaps they really needed the help of those individuals.

"The message has been sent. Now we'll see if those betrayers will show up. It's been so many years, I wonder how powerful they've become," Rick stood in the central hall of the second floor of Sanctum, looking outside through the huge windows and muttering to himself.

As Rick stood in Sanctum, gazing outside through the windows, the entire Greenwich street, centered around the protection of Sanctum, quietly entered a state of emergency.

In the buildings flanking Sanctum, the SHIELD team began to gather and inspect their weapons and equipment. Across the street, Spiderman Peter, who had been on guard, focused his attention and utilized his spider senses.

As for Tony, even though he didn't come in person, he had arranged a considerable number of Iron Man suits in concealed locations on this street. With JARVIS controlling them, these Iron Man suits could exhibit formidable combat capabilities.

Moreover, Tony had always desired to confront sorcerers because he had been developing his own magical battle suit. Perhaps this battle would help him perfect his magical armor.

Apart from those who were originally guarding this street, the news of the situation in Sanctum had also been transmitted to the headquarters of various factions. In no time, the other members of the League of Defenders, Captain Rogers of SHIELD, and Tony, who was in his own laboratory, became aware of it.

So, shortly after arriving home, Lin Rui hastily found an excuse and rushed out. Although the message from Sanctum wasn't a definite confirmation of the betrayers' presence, Lin Rui knew that they must have appeared. And the League of Defenders, Iron Man, and SHIELD hadn't truly faced sorcerers before.

Therefore, despite their thorough preparations, they could very well be overwhelmed by the formidable betrayer sorcerers. After all, magic and technology were two different disciplines, and their advanced weaponry might be ineffective against those sorcerers.

"Sigh! I always worry so much! Maybe the Earth sorcerers could handle those betrayers without our help!" Lin Rui muttered to himself while swiftly flying through the streets of New York as Mirage Knight.


"Ah! It's Mirage Knight!"

"Really Mirage Knight! It's been so long since we last saw Mirage Knight!"

"Where is he going?!"

As Lin Rui soared through the streets of New York in broad daylight, he naturally caught the attention of countless people. News about Mirage Knight reappearing on the streets of New York spread like wildfire.

Of course, Lin Rui didn't care about the excitement he brought to his fans by appearing on the streets of New York. He just wanted to reach Greenwich Street as soon as possible and see those betrayers in the first place.

"Being the protagonist of the main mission is already enough for me to handle, and now there's another main mission to protect the Earth three times. Earth truly has many calamities," Lin Rui, who had already swiftly traversed nearly half of New York, had now rushed into Greenwich Street, and his inner murmurs had yet to cease.


Muttering to himself, Lin Rui swiftly rushed towards the location of Sanctum in New York.

Meanwhile, as Lin Rui made his way towards the position of New York Sanctum, two blocks away, five individuals dressed oddly and out of place were heading towards the Sanctum.

Normally, their attire, though not extremely bizarre, with retro clothing and oversized hoods, should have attracted attention. However, as they walked down the street, nobody paid them any mind, it was as if they were invisible.

These five individuals, dressed similarly to the Earth sorcerers but with darker-toned clothes and a deeper gaze, were naturally the betrayer sorcerers. Leading the group from the front was Kaecilius, once the proudest and most gifted disciple of the sorcerers.

Since he defected from the Earth sorcerers, nobody knew how far Kaecilius had grown. After all, he was capable of connecting with the boss of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu, and drawing power from it.

Tap, tap, tap~

Step by step, Kaecilius calmly and indifferently approached the position of Sanctum in New York, his face mostly concealed by the hood.

Due to drawing a significant amount of dark energy from the Dark Dimension, black tendrils tainted the area around Kaecilius' eyes. Coupled with his cold gaze, he appeared particularly fierce and devoid of emotion.

"The guardians of Sanctum in New York are just two sorcerers with ordinary strength. Although they have the protection of the Sanctum's magic array, once we kill them, the array will be rendered useless," Kaecilius spoke in an icy tone as they drew closer to the streets where Sanctum was located.

"Understood," The four other betrayers following behind Kaecilius nodded in acknowledgment.

"Unless something unexpected happens, our presence should have been detected by now. However, I'm quite curious to see just how strong the Ancient One really is…"


With a light tap of his right foot against the wall of a building, Lin Rui had already entered the street where Sanctum was located. As he rushed into the street, he noticed that the SHIELD team was quietly evacuating the ordinary people from the surroundings, forming a perimeter. However, so far, he hadn't seen anyone suspicious.

"Peter, have you noticed anything on your end?" Lin Rui asked Peter through the communicator as he walked slowly towards the direction of Sanctum. At the same time, he activated his Insight Technique.

"Not yet, but my Spider-Sense has been warning me of danger for the last minute!" Peter quickly replied to Lin Rui's inquiry.

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