(From here on out, I will release 1 extra chapter if I receive 10 new reviews and 100 Power Stones.)

Swish, Swish, Swish!

"Should be… safe now…" Lin Rui couldn't hold on any longer after witnessing Spiderman through Kaecilius' longsword, followed by its withdrawal from his chest.

After muttering these words, Lin Rui finally closed his eyes. Before closing them, he caught a glimpse of several figures rushing towards him in a hurry. Among them were Spiderman, a few fast-moving Iron Man suits, and Jack, whose body emitted a golden glow.

His tense nerves instantly relaxed, and he fell into unconsciousness. Just before completely losing consciousness, Lin Rui faintly heard several shouts, including those of Peter and Jack, and it seemed like Tony's voice too, although it was unclear.

Even in his unconscious state, Lin Rui's brows remained furrowed tightly. Although he was unconscious, the damage caused by the eruption of Psychic Power in his mind continued to torment him.

Although the physical injuries this time looked terrifying, with Lin Rui's current physical strength, he would be able to recover on his own with a little help from the world. However, his consciousness was different.

The outbreak of Psychic Power had caused significant harm to Lin Rui's mind. Coupled with the temporary loss of some memories in his mind due to the previous infinite space teleportation, it was uncertain how Lin Rui would fare this time.


After Lin Rui closed his eyes and fell into complete unconsciousness, several figures quickly rushed to his side, carefully stopping one by one, afraid of disturbing him. These figures included the people Lin Rui had seen before closing his eyes: Spiderman, Iron Man (Tony), and Jack.

"Jackson…" Peter gently approached and crouched beside Lin Rui, tearing off his mask to reveal a face covered in blood. His voice trembled as he called out Lin Rui's name.

As Peter crouched down, Tony also approached. His Iron Man suit rapidly turned transparent and eventually disappeared completely. Seeing Lin Rui's miserable state lying on the ground, Tony's face became extremely grim.

Through JARVIS' detection, Tony knew that Lin Rui was not dead, just severely injured, much like several times before. However, even though he had experienced Lin Rui's severe injuries a few times, Tony still couldn't remain calm.

"JARVIS…" Tony called out with a cold tone as he watched Peter carefully lift Lin Rui's head from the hard ground.

"Here, sir."

"Don't let those four guys go." After receiving JARVIS' confirmation, Tony issued another command in a cold tone.

"Yes, sir." Upon hearing Tony's command, JARVIS calmly responded.

Swish, swish, swish!

Following Tony, more than a dozen Iron Man suits that had entered the Mirror Dimension with him rushed towards the position of theSanctum. There, the four traitor sorcerers, who had been sent by Kaecilius to attack the Sanctum, were entangled with several sorcerers who had come to support from the Himalayas.

After Kaecilius was driven away by Tony and the others, these four traitor sorcerers also planned to retreat. However, just as they were about to withdraw, the previously impregnable Sanctum lifted its defenses, and several sorcerers rushed out to engage them in battle. Now, with the addition of numerous formidable Iron Man suits, their fate was almost sealed.

"Peter, hold onto Jackson. We're going home!" After commanding JARVIS to besiege the four traitor sorcerers, Tony didn't even look in that direction as he spoke to Peter.

"Yeah!" Upon hearing Tony's words, Peter nodded heavily in agreement.

Subsequently, Peter and Jack carefully lifted Lin Rui from the ground. Although Peter arrived in time to prevent Kaecilius' final thrust from piercing Lin Rui's heart, the blade had already entered his chest, albeit not piercing his heart. Therefore, they had to handle him as gently as possible at this moment.

"Let's go. This place doesn't need us anymore." After Peter and Jack lifted Lin Rui, Tony glanced at the distorted Mirror Dimension and said in a cold tone.

Upon hearing Tony's words, Peter's eyes showed concern for Lin Rui's current condition, as well as a hint of anger. Jack's expression, on the other hand, was very complex, and it was unclear what he was thinking.

Hum, Hum, Hum!

Continuing on, Jack swiftly waved his right hand, and a golden magical portal appeared before them. After the magical portal materialized, Peter was the first to carry Lin Rui and step inside, with Tony following closely behind.

As for Jack, he walked at the back, taking a final glance at the ongoing battle for the protection of the Sanctum. After observing the situation there, Jack turned around and followed Tony through the magical portal.

Whoosh, whoosh~

Once Jack entered the magical portal as well, the golden circle swiftly vanished, disappearing completely within the distorted Mirror Dimension.

Not long after Tony and the others had departed, a resentful scream resounded from the vicinity of the Sanctum. It was the cry of the traitorous sorcerers. It remained unclear whether they were captured alive or killed directly.

After all, while the sorcerers might consider capturing them, but JARVIS, acting on Tony's command, would not show any mercy.

Crackle, crackle, crackle~

With the resolution of the four traitorous sorcerers, the twisted Mirror Dimension began to rotate and flip. It was the sorcerers who took action.

The Mirror Dimension, fundamentally speaking, created a separate model world detached from the base reality, requiring not only powerful magic but also spatial energy. If the Mirror Dimension were to exist for an extended period, it could have some influence on the real world.

"Mission accomplished, returning home." As the entire Mirror Dimension returned to reality, JARVIS controlled the dozen or so Iron Man suits to swiftly depart from the street and fly toward the Stark Industries building.

In front of the Sanctum, Rick and several sorcerers who had come to support from the Himalayas looked at the four traitorous sorcerers lying lifeless on the ground with unpleasant expressions on their faces.

Each of the four traitorous sorcerers bore numerous marks of firepower attacks, indicating that JARVIS had flawlessly executed Tony's command.

"Let's clean up. At least this time, the Sanctum wasn't breached." Rick withdrew his gaze from the departing Iron Man suits and spoke in a solemn tone.

Hum, hum, hum~

Then, several magical portals appeared beneath the bodies of the four traitorous sorcerers, transporting them away. Before the surrounding people could approach, Rick and his group had already vanished.

Once everyone had left, the street returned to normal as if nothing had happened, and pedestrians continued their usual comings and goings.

You can read ahead up to 50 chapters on my patreon and I've also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/marvel6395