Chapter 1269 Attack

Outside the interrogation room, N'Jadaka and his companions, who had disabled the surrounding surveillance, had placed rows of explosives on the exterior wall where Ulysses was being interrogated. With a press of a button, they could blast open the wall and swiftly rescue Ulysses.

However, they failed to notice that, on the disguised rooftop of their car, a tiny figure was observing their every move. This minuscule figure was none other than Bucky, who had captured Ulysses earlier and then disappeared.

"Jackson seems to have some sort of precognitive ability! Is this one of his superpowers?" Bucky mused silently as he watched the people below retreat to a safe distance.

With a swift motion, Bucky leaped down from the car's roof. Since he was now present, it was evident that he wouldn't allow N'Jadaka and his team to blow up the interrogation room and rescue Ulysses. 

With information from Lin Rui regarding N'Jadaka's true identity, Bucky felt that he might be able to help T'Challa deal with this individual who posed a potential threat to Wakanda's government.

"Let's begin," N'Jadaka said to his girlfriend inside the car as he had retreated to the rear.

Upon hearing N'Jadaka's words, his girlfriend inside the car wasted no time and pressed the button she held. However, the next moment, the explosives did not detonate. That was because, the instant she pressed the button, Bucky had taken action. With a simple kick, he sent the explosive controller flying.

Seeing the controller inexplicably fly out of her hands, N'Jadaka's girlfriend was momentarily stunned. By the time she realized what had happened and reached for the controller, Bucky had already instantly enlarged himself, grabbing the controller in his hand.

"Ah!" Even with good psychological resilience, N'Jadaka's girlfriend was startled and let out a loud scream when she saw a person suddenly materialize before her eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, she reflexively drew her gun and fired at Bucky. Bucky, having crushed the controller in his hand, shrank again, evading the fired bullets effortlessly. Then, he rushed out of the car. Bucky did hold back a bit when dealing with women.

"Be careful, Nija! We have an enemy who can shrink and grow!" After witnessing Bucky's size-changing process again, N'Jadaka's girlfriend urgently warned the two of them outside the car.


Subsequently, the car door was forcefully kicked open from the inside. Facing N'Jadaka and his companion, who were armed with submachine guns, was none other than Bucky. 

However, N'Jadaka and his companion clearly didn't expect their adversary to be someone as tiny as an ant. Despite the warning from N'Jadaka's girlfriend, they couldn't aim at Bucky effectively.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As a result, they could only fire their guns continuously at the minuscule Bucky. However, it was all in vain. Bucky had long mastered all the functions of the Antman suit and couldn't be taken down by two ordinary individuals holding guns.

"Let's finish this quickly. The sound of gunfire here should have already alerted T'Challa and his team," Bucky said, dodging a few bullets with agility. He didn't want to waste any more time.

With a powerful push off the ground with his right foot, Bucky swiftly leaped into the "open sky." During this process, Bucky instantly enlarged himself. When Bucky returned to his normal size, he appeared right behind N'Jadaka. Then, it was a simple, straightforward punch.


Bucky's fist struck the back of N'Jadaka's head, and Bucky didn't hold back when dealing with him. Even though N'Jadaka's physical abilities far exceeded those of an ordinary person, he met his match in Bucky, who was equally extraordinary. So, there was no suspense— N'Jadaka collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Ah! Die!!"


Seeing N'Jadaka fall to the ground, his accomplice and his girlfriend, who had rushed out of the car, frantically fired their guns at Bucky. At this point, they no longer cared about being discovered by the CIA. If they couldn't deal with this mysterious adversary before them, they would end up like N'Jadaka on the ground.

Half a minute later, three people were lying on the ground. Dealing with individuals armed with only ordinary weapons was child's play for Bucky, even without the Antman suit. Half a minute could be considered giving them some leeway.

Meanwhile, after Bucky had dealt with N'Jadaka and his group, who had shrunk to evade capture, Ross arrived with the CIA team, along with T'Challa and his team. Thanks to Shuri's warning, T'Challa's team had already learned what had transpired here, and Ross was quite surprised.

"It seems like they were N'Jadaka's associates; they almost succeeded!" Ross said with some relief, his gaze scanning the rows of bombs on the wall.

With the surveillance disabled here, if these three individuals on the ground had successfully detonated the bombs, Ross and his team inside the interrogation room would have been the first to face the attack. The consequences would have been dire.

"T'Challa, your companion is really something! Look at all these bullet holes on the ground; they emptied several magazines!" While instructing his subordinates to subdue the individuals on the ground, Ross remarked to T'Challa.

When Ross had decided to trust his strange companion, Bucky, during the capture of Ulysses, he had been puzzled. Ulysses had been captured while attempting to escape and was within their surveillance range, so how had T'Challa's companion ended up in Ulysses' car and taken control? Now, seeing that they had detected the unusual situation and resolved the problem, Ross was even more curious.

"Haha, my friend here is a true warrior of Wakanda!" T'Challa responded, concealing his embarrassment.

After speaking with Ross, N'Jadaka on the ground was lifted up. Bucky had used quite a bit of force, and N'Jadaka was still unconscious at this point. There was no telling if there would be any aftereffects. However, when T'Challa saw N'Jadaka's face, his heart skipped a beat. It felt like he had seen N'Jadaka's face somewhere before.

"He..." After taking a closer look at N'Jadaka's face, T'Challa couldn't help muttering.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Do you know him?" Noticing T'Challa's expression, Ross leaned in and asked.

"Uh... no, I don't know him." T'Challa shook his head, indicating that he didn't recognize N'Jadaka.

"Well, then, I'll take these three with me."

Following that, Ross had his subordinates take N'Jadaka and his companions away. T'Challa might not have recognized N'Jadaka, but Ross had already obtained the identities of these three individuals from the CIA's database. 

N'Jadaka had a military background in the United States, but he was the kind who operated undercover in other countries to foment political change and had long since betrayed the United States.


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