Chapter 1274 Taking a Hit

In the skies over the military flight route from South Korea to the United States, a Quinjet swiftly pierced through the clouds, racing through the high-altitude atmosphere of nearly ten thousand meters. 

Since it was a request from Phantom Knight, SHIELD naturally attached great importance to it. The team leaving South Korea with N'Jadaka was already an elite unit stationed in South Korea by SHIELD.

Although SHIELD had thoroughly investigated the background of the black man lying in the rear compartment during the handover with the CIA, who was now under their custody, they found out that he was a former military special international operative skilled in destabilizing national governments. 

He had defected several years ago and had been on the CIA's wanted list, and now he was discovered working under the arms dealer Ulysses.

Generally speaking, although his crimes were significant, SHIELD still didn't consider him a top-tier threat. They typically dealt with extremists who posed a severe threat to world security, and even now, they are responsible for facilitating communication and protecting Earth from extraterrestrial civilizations.

"Hey, Eureka, do you know why they want us to take this guy to headquarters? I mean, he doesn't seem all that special to me. Sure, he's killed quite a few people, but I'd say he's just another target for the CIA's mission," N'Jadaka's guard asked his fellow soldier, puzzled, as they both looked at him lying in the rear compartment.

The team escorting N'Jadaka to SHIELD headquarters had been enhanced with genetic medicaments, and in their eyes, N'Jadaka, who had killed a hundred or so ordinary people, was not that formidable. In terms of strength, any one of them could handle N'Jadaka in a few moves.

"Who knows? Maybe this guy has some secrets," the soldier resting nearby replied nonchalantly to his teammate's question.

"Yeah, but given the injuries he's sustained, I wonder if he can hold on without medical treatment."


United States, Washington, SHIELD Headquarters.

Captain America Rogers had just concluded a meeting with representatives from several African nations. The progress of the Earth Federation was accelerating. With superpowers like the United States and China uniting, smaller countries and factions on Earth had undoubtedly chosen sides.

As usual, standing by the window on a high floor of the SHIELD building, Rogers couldn't help but let his thoughts drift to the universe beyond Earth. The Mars exploration team led by the E-class aerospace warship had been on its way for several days, and Tony, today, should be reaching the coordinates provided by Phantom Knight.

Whether they could locate the Venom species and safely bring them back to Earth was their primary Quest. However, with thorough preparation, they should be able to complete this mission smoothly. It seemed that Earth was entering a period of stable and rapid development following the Dormammu crisis.

Dī dī dī~

Once again, Rogers' wrist communicator buzzed. He raised his hand, and a holographic screen appeared in front of him.

"Captain, Phantom Knight has sent a message, requesting SHIELD's intervention to retrieve an international criminal from the CIA. Here is the information on the criminal's identity," Agent Coulson's figure appeared on the holographic screen, and he promptly reported the situation regarding Phantom Knight.

After quickly scanning N'Jadaka's profile, Rogers noticed something amiss.

"Hmm? Did you not find any information about this guy's father...? His background seems to be a mystery," Rogers inquired, pointing at a photo on the holographic screen.

With Rogers' gesture, the image of N'Jadaka's father was enlarged. Through SHIELD's brief investigation, everything about N'Jadaka, from his childhood to the present, had been uncovered. 

He was born in a small African country, his mother was an ordinary local resident who had passed away early, but his father's identity was anything but simple, and his father's death was highly suspicious.

"No, N'Jadaka's father appeared out of nowhere. Our preliminary assessment suggests that he was an operative infiltrated by another nation's faction. As for N'Jadaka, apart from working for the arms dealer Ulysses, we don't know if there are any other connections," Coulson replied promptly to Rogers' inquiry.

"If that's the case, it shouldn't be necessary for Phantom Knight to bring this guy back... By the way, why was he captured this time? Was it the CIA's operation target?" Rogers asked.

"It was indeed related to a CIA Quest, but their target was the international arms dealer Ulysses, not N'Jadaka. Also, Ulysses had been pursued by Wakanda for years because of his theft of vibranium from Wakanda. This time, the king of Wakanda personally took action to retrieve him from the CIA," Coulson explained.

Wakanda? Vibranium?... Let's bring this guy back for now, but don't harm him. We'll continue to investigate this matter and communicate with the CIA to see if there are any other discoveries," Rogers said, his interest piqued by the mention of vibranium, which was a component of his shield.

"Yes, Captain."

Subsequently, the holographic screen disappeared, and Coulson arranged for further investigation into Ulysses' background and some internal CIA intelligence.

"Vibranium? Wakanda... Jackson didn't tell anyone where he was going, and now he's brought back an unidentified individual. What's going on with him?" Rogers mused as he gazed out the window, lost in thought.


In South Korea, with Bucky's promise of assistance, T'Challa and his two companions took action against the team led by Ross and the specialist. Both sides showed restraint, trying not to cause too much harm. 

However, despite the significant numerical difference between the two sides, T'Challa's group had vastly superior equipment. So, after they engaged most of the fighting force, Bucky easily managed to take Ulysses from the team guarding him.

After dispatching a few soldiers who attempted to block their path while wearing Ant-Man suits, Bucky left with Ulysses. Once Bucky and Ulysses had departed, T'Challa and his group naturally ceased their fighting. Finally, in the face of Ross and the specialist's helplessness, Ross waved his hand and allowed T'Challa and his group to leave. They couldn't win anyway. This time, the CIA's reputation had taken a serious hit.

Shortly after T'Challa and his group had left with Ulysses, Ross, the specialist, received a communication from SHIELD.


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