Chapter 1277 Exchange?

As soon as Shuri got her hands on the Ant-Man suit, she left Bucky and Lin Rui behind and carefully carried the Ant-Man suit, which was just slightly larger than a fingernail, to her laboratory workspace. Then, Shuri placed the Ant-Man suit on the experimental table.

After taking a deep breath, Shuri waved her right hand forward. Subsequently, a series of translucent blue holographic projections appeared on the experimental table—a technology that Lin Rui was familiar with. 

After quickly scanning the Ant-Man suit on the table, these translucent blue projections began to outline a complete, magnified, and detailed version of the Ant-Man suit right in front of Shuri's eyes.

"It seems she doesn't need Pym Particles..." Lin Rui mumbled to himself as he observed Shuri scanning all the data related to the Ant-Man suit. It appeared that Shuri had managed to retrieve all the necessary information about the suit.

In truth, the technology contained within the Ant-Man suit was not inferior to Pym Particles. After all, the effects of Pym Particles were not limited to simple size manipulation; they operated on an atomic level, altering the physical properties of objects and even affecting spatial rules.

To ensure the integrity of a human body amidst such transformations, the Ant-Man suit needed to possess the capability to withstand the physical and spatial changes imposed by the Pym Particles. 

Ant-Man's existence required not only Pym Particles but also the Ant-Man suit itself. It could be said that in terms of technology, Professor Pym's talents were no less than those of Tony Howard, and they even surpassed the two generations of SHIELD founders.

Because of the advanced nature of Pym Particles and the Ant-Man suit, Lin Rui no longer possessed any extra Pym Particles. Unless he could acquire more Pym Particles from Scott or Professor Pym himself, he wouldn't have any left.

As for bringing out the Ant-Man suit and Pym Particles for Tony and Dr. Banner to study, Lin Rui didn't see much necessity in it. After all, the Ant-Man suit and Pym Particles were ready-made technologies; they had simply not been shared due to the strained relations between Professor Pym and the older generation of SHIELD founders.

Lin Rui believed that with the establishment of the Earth Federation and Professor Pym's eventual success in rescuing his wife from the quantum realm, things were bound to change. Lin Rui also intended to encourage Ant-Man to join SHIELD or the Earth Federation.

Because the grand performance directed by Lin Rui required the mobilization of all the forces he knew. After all, if individual strength alone couldn't surpass the divine, having powerful teammates was a great way to ensure a successful plot.

*Ding, ding, ding.*

While Lin Rui was sitting and watching Shuri analyze the Ant-Man suit, his communicator suddenly began to ring. He took out the communicator and glanced at it before raising an eyebrow and looking at Bucky, who was sitting nearby. 

It turned out that Bucky had finally decided to use their communicators to inquire about Lin Rui's situation.

"Jackson Lin, the genius of the New World, Iron Man Tony Stark's student and assistant, an internal reserve talent for SHIELD... Jackson, your real identities are quite surprising!" This was Bucky's inquiry through the communicator. Clearly, Bucky didn't fully trust the information Shuri had uncovered.

While Bucky had some speculations about Lin Rui's background and his connection to SHIELD, he couldn't believe that Lin Rui was merely a highly intelligent tech expert. After all, Lin Rui had demonstrated remarkable skills in technology and had left an impression as a mysterious warrior with great personal power.

"Well... sort of," Lin Rui gave a vague response to Bucky's inquiry.

Upon hearing Lin Rui's answer, Bucky furrowed his brow slightly. "It seems like you already knew who I was when you recovered your memories, did you? Do you know Steve?"

With Lin Rui's connection to SHIELD confirmed, Bucky's thoughts started to connect various dots. A powerful warrior with ties to SHIELD should undoubtedly know Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stephen Rogers.

"Yeah, I do know Steve Rogers. I'm also aware of what you mentioned about wanting to make amends. If someone, especially Tony Stark, were to find out about these matters, it could lead to significant trouble."

"So, you don't need to be overly suspicious of my identity. You'll find out eventually, and it shouldn't be too long."

To avoid making Bucky excessively skeptical of his intentions in becoming friends, Lin Rui provided some explanations. The global situation on Earth was constantly evolving, but many issues started in small places. Therefore, Lin Rui had to handle Bucky's actions in killing Tony's parents carefully.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Shuri had roughly gathered all the data related to the Ant-Man suit. While she marveled at the suit's unique capabilities, Shuri also noticed that it lacked the ability to shrink and enlarge objects. In other words, there were some hidden technologies that Lin Rui hadn't explained.

"Hey! Jackson, how can this suit be used to shrink and enlarge? Is there some hidden technology that I haven't discovered?" Shuri, who hadn't found the key technology for size manipulation, shouted at Lin Rui without reservation.

Hearing Shuri's shout, Lin Rui stood up and walked over in silence. After taking a look at the data analysis Shuri had performed on the Ant-Man suit on the control panel, Lin Rui turned to her. "I agreed to let you study the suit, but I didn't say I would hand over the technology for size manipulation. That's a different technology altogether, and it's much more valuable than this suit."

After analyzing the data of the Ant-Man suit, Shuri, with Wakanda's technology and the existence of vibranium, could replicate many Ant-Man suits with some time and effort. After all, Darren Cross, a student of Professor Pym, had managed to create Ant-Man suits earlier, but his research had been stalled by difficulties with Pym Particles.

"Unless you can provide another valuable technology or item, you'll only get the technology for this suit," Lin Rui said with a smile, observing Shuri's speechless expression.

In the original Marvel movie storyline, Wakanda appeared relatively late, and even after its introduction, its advanced technology wasn't widely shared globally. Lin Rui didn't mind extracting some "black technology" from Wakanda at this point.


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