Chapter 1282 Attack

As Lin Rui observed the termination of the communication on the holographic screen, his eyes flickered with a sense of accomplishment. During the video call with Rogers Captain just now, their unspoken understanding had prevented SHIELD from realizing that they didn't truly understand the mysterious existence of Wakanda.

However, during this brief interaction, Lin Rui had discreetly shared some information about Wakanda. Since things were progressing smoothly, he saw no reason to keep Wakanda's situation a secret any longer. 

Apart from the premature mobilization of armed forces, the attitude of T'Challa and Wakanda seemed cooperative. Furthermore, T'Challa had made it clear that they wanted to collaborate with SHIELD, so having a basic understanding was essential.

"Shuri, can you monitor real-time footage from SHIELD headquarters?" After Rogers Captain had disconnected the call, T'Challa had moved to Shuri's side.

Given Rogers' dismissive tone towards the attackers in his final words, T'Challa was naturally curious about the current situation. Regardless of whether SHIELD's teams could withstand this attack, they needed to assess the fighting capabilities of those individuals wielding vibranium and Wakandan technology.

Hoo, Hoo...

Without immediately answering T'Challa's question, Shuri swiftly operated the controls on the console with her hands. Soon, using the system interface provided by Rogers himself, Shuri successfully connected to the SHIELD headquarters' monitoring system and began streaming real-time footage.

As they had engaged in direct conversation with Lin Rui and Rogers, and had expressed their intention to cooperate, Rogers naturally didn't reject Shuri's network connection request. However, SHIELD had only opened up a portion of its systems for sharing.


After gaining access to the surveillance feed from SHIELD headquarters, Shuri waved her hands in opposite directions, causing dozens of surveillance screens to rapidly enlarge and scatter, filling the entire laboratory in an instant. 

The lighting within the laboratory gradually dimmed, enhancing the clarity and realism of the surveillance footage before them. Under the holographic projection technology, these surveillance screens appeared as if the events were unfolding right beside them.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

In the enlarged holographic projection, two teams of approximately a dozen individuals, who appeared to be a mix of various ethnicities and were not wearing uniform combat attire, were seen charging into SHIELD headquarters from two different directions. 

The outer perimeter of SHIELD headquarters was typically semi-public, serving as office spaces for civilian staff. Additionally, since the establishment of the Earth Federation, SHIELD headquarters had hosted meetings with representatives from various nations, which meant there were also areas designated for resting journalists from the outside media.

In this context, these two teams had managed to breach SHIELD headquarters and set off alarms. It was evident that they possessed equipment capable of blocking SHIELD's network searches.

As these two teams rushed into SHIELD headquarters, swiftly making their way toward the floor where N'Jadaka was detained as though they had inside information, SHIELD's special operations teams quickly reacted and intercepted them. Subsequently, the battle ensued.

Because Captain America Rogers was leading the charge this time, SHIELD's special ops team didn't underestimate the disorganized appearance of the opposing teams. 

Confronted with armed individuals audacious enough to breach SHIELD headquarters with high-powered weapons, they unleashed their most ferocious firepower without hesitation.

Pew, Pew, Pew!

Laser beams shot toward the attackers, individuals without standardized combat attire, and their ordinary clothing couldn't withstand such laser attacks. However, just as these laser beams were about to pierce through these frenzied attackers, an energy surge erupted from their waistlines, enveloping them in a semi-transparent energy shield. 

Subsequently, the laser beams impacted the energy shields and were completely blocked.

"Energy shields?!" Witnessing this scene on the live holographic feed, both T'Challa and Shuri widened their eyes in astonishment.

The energy shields emanating from the attackers were undoubtedly high-tech creations from Wakanda, resembling the same shields used to protect the core tribes of Wakanda. 

It was worth noting that the energy shields used to safeguard Wakanda's core tribes were considered top-tier technology and could defend against the majority of modern weaponry.

"Even these energy shields?... It seems there have been some changes..." Lin Rui, who had also witnessed the scene, silently murmured to himself. However, there was not much genuine concern in his eyes.

It wasn't only the group in Wakanda that was surprised to see these energy shields; the SHIELD special ops team currently battling the attackers in Washington was also taken aback. SHIELD had researched energy shields, but they hadn't produced a finished product yet.

Now, apart from their genetically enhanced bodies, the only defense the SHIELD special ops team had was the Combat Uniform they wore. If their weapons couldn't penetrate the attackers' energy shields, there was no point in continuing the battle.

"Spread out!" After the appearance of the energy shields, the captain of the special ops team shouted loudly.

At the moment the special ops team scattered, the attackers who were enveloped in energy shields retaliated fiercely. 

They emitted energy beams resembling lasers that, while not blocked by their energy shields, grazed past several members of the special ops team, causing walls on this floor to crumble under the impact. Compared to laser beams, the attackers' energy attacks were noticeably more powerful!

Gurgle, Gurgle...

After launching such a ferocious counterattack, the grouped attackers continued to chase after the scattered special ops team. However, they had unknowingly rolled several black spheres along the floor at some point.

Pew, pew, pew!

A series of explosions accompanied by blinding white flashes occurred as the upgraded flash grenades, thrown by the special ops team moments earlier, filled the entire floor with dazzling light. 

Even though the attackers were shielded by energy shields, they couldn't block the propagation of light. The SHIELD special ops team quickly made the right decision in the heat of battle.

The attackers, blinded by the flash grenades, took a step back and regrouped. While being shielded by energy shields, their momentary blindness didn't significantly affect their situation. However, they were facing SHIELD, and SHIELD had more than just one special ops team.

As the blinding light gradually dissipated, several new figures appeared on the battlefield. One of them unexpectedly appeared in the midst of the attackers, who seemed to have encircled them.


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