Chapter 1296 Data Transfer

Novel is finished on my Patreon so you can read all the advance chapter till last on my patreon

After contacting Rogers to learn more about the true situation in Wakanda and Lin Rui's current status, Tony's mood gradually regained its composure. 

Although Tony's past experiences had taught him that unexpected situations often arose when Lin Rui was involved, he and his team had grown powerful enough to handle many unforeseen circumstances.

"A mysterious nation with advanced technology and a vast supply of vibranium suddenly emerges at this time. Is it intentional, or is there another reason?" While waiting for Rogers to send a message to Lin Rui, Tony pondered the reasons behind Wakanda's sudden appearance.

From the initial superhero alliance that Tony and others had formed to the current Earth Federation, Earth's geopolitical landscape was undergoing rapid and profound changes. 

Although the SHIELD-led superhero alliances held the upper hand within the Earth Federation, it was clear that as the federation continued to develop, the influence of individual powers would diminish.

After all, the federation was not meant to be controlled by a single dominant force. If SHIELD had the support of a superpower like Wakanda, with its advanced black technology, it would maintain a strong position within the Earth Federation, ensuring Earth's advantage as it ventured beyond the solar system into the cosmos.

While Tony contemplated the impact of Wakanda's emergence on the current global landscape, a holographic screen appeared before him with a message from J.A.R.V.I.S. It seemed that Lin Rui had found an opportune moment to communicate, but for security reasons, he could only send messages this way.

However, this holographic screen did not display Lin Rui's image directly but rather conveyed his message: "Tony, I am currently in Wakanda, engaging in discussions with the Wakandan royal family. To avoid them detecting the content of our communication, this is the only way I can reach out for now. By the way, I have obtained some of Wakanda's advanced technology; you'll be pleasantly surprised."

Tony was not surprised by this method of communication. Given the circumstances, real-time video communication with Lin Rui would have been unusual. Although J.A.R.V.I.S. could receive messages from Lin Rui, he still couldn't pinpoint the source of these messages.

"Well, I already have some basic information about Wakanda. Stay safe over there. If you need support, inform us promptly," Tony responded, instructing J.A.R.V.I.S. to relay the message.

Shortly after J.A.R.V.I.S. sent the message, the holographic screen displaying Lin Rui's messages disappeared. There was a brief pause, and then a new message appeared.

"Don't worry, I'm safe. Things are heading in the right direction. The only thing to watch out for is the influence behind N'Jadaka, but I think RogersCaptain will handle that well. Also, I've sent the technology I obtained. Be prepared for a pleasant surprise."

"Pleasant surprise... Jackson hasn't been there for long, and they're already sharing technology that can surprise even me?" Tony mumbled to himself upon reading the message.

Then, the holographic screen before Tony transformed again. A lengthy progress bar appeared, with text above it indicating the ongoing transfer of "complete nanotechnology data."

"Nanotechnology complete data transfer," the message stated, accompanied by a rapidly filling progress bar.

"Nanotechnology complete data! Is this the surprise Jackson has given me?" Tony wondered aloud, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he continued to monitor the text and progress bar.


After about a dozen seconds, the progress bar reached completion, and both the message and progress bar vanished from Tony's view. Without prompting, J.A.R.V.I.S. had already opened all the received data. 

In an instant, dozens of holographic screens filled Tony's vision, each densely packed with core information on Wakanda's nanotechnology.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., how reliable is this data?" Tony asked quickly, scanning a few of the nearest holographic screens. Even though Tony had only glanced at the information displayed on these screens, his familiarity with nanotechnology allowed him to assess its credibility.

"Very reliable, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied calmly. "Based on our existing research data, there is a 97 percent probability that this nanotechnology data is authentic."

"Ninety-seven percent? What accounts for the remaining three percent?" Tony inquired, intrigued by the analysis.

"It's related to materials, sir. While this data indeed represents complete nanotechnology, it involves certain materials that we do not possess, and we cannot find suitable substitutes for them in our material database."

"Materials? Are these unique to Wakanda, like vibranium?" Tony guessed upon hearing J.A.R.V.I.S.'s explanation.

If the credibility of the data hinged on materials, and they were unique to Wakanda, similar to vibranium, then Tony had reason to believe that the nanotechnology data Lin Rui had sent was entirely genuine.

"Yes, sir. This issue with materials can be resolved, though," J.A.R.V.I.S. assured him.

With Lin Rui able to send complete nanotechnology data now, Tony had confidence that the materials issue would also be addressed. Consequently, he decided to prioritize the research and development of nanotechnology, which had been stagnating due to the lack of progress.

However, this wasn't to imply that the semi-lifeform mechs, which combined lifeform technology, weren't powerful enough. Tony simply preferred nanotech-powered suits for their superior maneuverability and versatility compared to semi-lifeform mechs.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., tell that kid, Jackson, that I really appreciate his surprise. Also, stay safe yourself; prioritize your own safety," Tony instructed J.A.R.V.I.S. before delving into the new nanotechnology data.

"Understood, sir."
