Chapter 1302 Forces

Novel is finished on my Patreon so you can read all the advance chapter till last on my patreon

"So... in other words," T'Challa began, carefully considering the revelations made by the elder, "Are you saying that these forces established by my father, which are affiliated with Wakanda, have been covertly taken over by N'Jadaka, my nominal cousin? Or perhaps, N'Jadaka isn't aiming for a coup but rather continued to serve Wakanda by leading these forces after my father's death?"

After the elder displayed the covert Wakandan forces on Earth to T'Challa and the queen, T'Challa moved beyond his initial shock and suspicion of the elder's true intentions. Instead, he began to contemplate an alternative scenario. Perhaps N'Jadaka's presence wasn't about usurping his throne.

After all, T'Challa's knowledge about N'Jadaka was limited. He had been wary of his cousin, primarily due to Lin Rui's words and the unclear relationship between N'Jadaka and Ulysses.

Ulysses had been on Wakanda's blacklist for many years, with his undeniable crimes of stealing Wakandavibranium. His use of Wakanda's technology and vibranium in various global incidents forced Wakanda to take action. This was also why N'Jadaka shared T'Challa's disdain for Ulysses.

But... if the elder's information was accurate, and these external forces that were once established by T'Challa's father were still loyal to Wakanda, it suggested that N'Jadaka might not be betraying Wakanda. Instead, he might be lurking by Ulysses' side, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The recent joint operation between Wakanda and the CIA against Ulysses might have disrupted N'Jadaka's plans, especially with Lin Rui's involvement, leading to N'Jadaka's capture by SHIELD. Now, N'Jadaka was in SHIELD's custody, unable to escape the charges against him.

Compared to the information Lin Rui had provided, T'Challa found the elder's words more convincing. After his initial shock and suspicion, T'Challa was inclined to talk to SHIELD and ensure that N'Jadaka's life was spared, at the very least, preventing any unjust actions within SHIELD.

"Is there anything you'd like to ask, my king?" the elder inquired, noticing T'Challa's contemplation.

"Um... no, it's nothing. I'm just a bit surprised by all of this," T'Challa replied, his gaze now composed as he looked at the elder.

The elder didn't delve further into T'Challa's reaction, understanding that anyone learning about these revelations and seeing the displayed information would be shocked.

"So, when I heard that SHIELD had sent a diplomatic ambassador to Wakanda for a friendly visit and expressed a desire to establish normal diplomatic relations, I came here. On one hand, it was to understand SHIELD's current stance, and on the other hand, it was to assist you, my king, as many tribal elders prefer to hold onto vibranium and resist any change," The elder continued.

"May I ask, elder, what is the current status of these forces stationed on Earth, and who has been overseeing them since my father's passing?" T'Challa inquired, getting to the heart of his most pressing question.

The elder's response did not surprise T'Challa, and he nodded thoughtfully. He understood that the covert teams stationed around the Earth had been armed with local resources, maintaining their secrecy. Over the years, they had provided Wakandan technology, ensuring their well-being after completing certain quests.

"As for who is overseeing them, I think apart from me, you wouldn't trust anyone else to handle it, right?" the elder responded with a pointed look.

T'Challa nodded in agreement, finding nothing amiss in the elder's answer. He believed it could wait to inquire further about what these external teams had been doing concerning Wakanda's interests on Earth. 

For now, he needed to determine whether the elder, who held command over this covert Wakandan force, supported his intentions to establish relations with SHIELD.

"Elder, we have understood these matters. So, my father established these external forces to prepare for Wakanda's eventual return to the Earth's global environment?" T'Challa asked, seeking clarity on what path the elder might choose if this were indeed the case.

"Of course, or why do you think the former king worked so hard to promote Wakanda's presence outside?" The elder responded.

"Could it be that... during that time..." T'Challa's eyes widened as he contemplated whether his father's actions were indeed laying the groundwork for Wakanda's emergence.

"Yes, although no one could have foreseen the events that followed. That incident may have appeared as a simple terrorist attack against multiple world leaders, but it concealed many mysterious forces behind it. Even with Wakanda's power, we have not fully uncovered the identity of these culprits," the elder explained.

"Wait, so you were investigating the incident surrounding my father's accidental death..."

"Yes, though we never reached conclusive results, it's certain that the adversary's forces are deeply rooted on Earth, possibly on par with Wakanda itself."

Following this revelation, the elder proceeded to share the plans he and T'Challa's father had devised and the actions they had already taken. As T'Challa learned more about these secrets, he felt that he was now walking a path his father had started but never completed. 

He also saw an opportunity to fulfill his father's legacy — to reintegrate Wakanda into the world, even reaching its historical peak.

However, during the elder's explanation, T'Challa seemed to undergo a subtle transformation. He appeared to be reconsidering his initial plans for Wakanda's future, which he had discussed with Lin Rui. The elder's vision involved a complete return of Wakanda to Earth, becoming the world's foremost power.

As for Lin Rui, he remained unaware of the conversation that had taken place between T'Challa and the elder. From Lin Rui's perspective, the situation was already set in motion.
