(I know its late and I'm sorry, its just that a lot of stuff happened and I wasn't able to finish the chapter before, sorry again) :(
I was having second thoughts about helping Connors, It had been a week since our fight and he hasn't done anything he just went back to work like nothing happened, but that's not the reason I'm having second thoughts. I did some research on him this past week and found out that he was divorced, why? well apparently he used to beat his wife and daughter, and he had a really friendly relationship with a minor, which wasn't proven since he paid off some officer to get rid of the evidence before the family could press charges, they were all found dead with holes in their bodies the next day, the cause of death were bullets obviously but it was blamed on a gang war that happened in that area 6 months ago.
'I should have expected something like this, I cant compare these versions with the ones I know from my memories, as far as I know they could all be worse, Connors is a very good example of that' I thought bitterly
Good news though, the computer finished analyzing the blood and I was able to make a cure, I was also able to track down the cop that Connors paid off, he´s dead, he died a week ago before I arrived to confront the lizard. At least I don't have to worry about that anymore.
I look down at my new wrist computer that coincidently looks like the one from the Arkham Batman games, totally didn't steal the design. And I see that one of my spider bots spotted the lizard, but not only that it also recorded Connors turning into the lizard which is more than enough to have him locked up for murder at least, but they will probably lock him up at Arkham because of this recording.
Dr. Connors:" Why don't they get it, calling me a monster I'm their savior, what I showed that day was the next step in human evolution, we humans are weak, pathetic, we put our trust In the Justice League like a bunch of fools, we rely so much on the heroes to a point that we stagnate our own evolution but no more, I will make everybody see that I'm right, I´ll make everyone evolve into the next STAGE". And with that the recording ended.
'Ok while I do agree on the fact that people rely on the heroes too much, the other shit he said is stupid because even if we get stronger by becoming lizards we will all be more primitive and start ripping each other apart" I thought exasperated
"Alright I wasted enough time already, I'm coming for you Connors" I said while making my way towards the basement
While gearing up I thought 'Ok I just have to lure him to the sewers again, give him the cure, and then take him to the police while uploading the evidence simple. Ok maybe upload the evidence now but after I do all that, it won't be my problem if he accidentally gets assassinated while on a transport to Arkham'.
I tracked the lizard down all the way to the bottom of the empire state building, he had a familiar device on his back and was about to start climbing.
'It's now or never' I thought while swinging towards him, and shooting a trip mine behind him
Deactivating my camouflage I landed in front of him, his eyes widen recognizing me, he hisses at me "YOU".
He roars and starts charging at me, but before he got too close my mine went off and webbed the device on his back, before pulling it away from him, while he´s distracted I web up his face and sucker punch him, I run towards the device and my spider sense flares up, I flip over a car and shoot an impact web at the lizard webbing up his entire upper body, I landed graved the device and ran to the nearest sewer drain I could find, lifting the top off I turned around.
"Come and get me you scaly bitc#" I said jumping down
I hear a roar as I land 'that's it' I run around a corner and leave a web bomb while I put the device in my inventory, I hear a splash rendering my bomb useless since he went underwater but eh I´ll manage. I turn on my camouflage and fill the ¨hallway¨ with trip mines, just as I see him about to pass them, I send a venom blast to the water making him come out just to get webbed by the mines, I stun him with another venom blast and then started punching him full force, after about 4 punches I stop because I see that I had almost beaten him to death, I can even see his skull it's nasty, anyway I grab him by his armpits and throw him against a wall(the webs snapped because of the strength she used)while he's on the ground I web him up with my Concrete Webbing, and then inject the cure on his neck, after turning him back to normal he starts yelling.
"NO WHAT HAVE YOU DO-" I knock him out with a punch
"Ok time to bring you In" I said to myself while going back up
'The wishes I made really make it unfair for these guys don't they'
|10 minutes later|
Two officers can be seen at the front door of the police station
"Hey Jerry do you think that video was real" some unknown Officer said
"No, I don't think so, the guy was just crazy" Officer Jerry said
"You really think that was fake, in the world we live in, there people like the joker killing for sport, we have the JUSTICE LEAGUE for crying out loud" Officer
"Well yeah they are real but come on Alex these kind of psychos live in Gotham, and besides it's just a video, it could be fak-" Officer jerry says before being cut off
They both turn and see a body drop down in front of them, they approach the body and see that it's the man from the video.
"We got a situation here on the front of the building" Officer Alex says over the radio
They hear another thud and see an envelope fall in front of their feet, Officer Alex picks it up and sees a hard drive inside.
"There's the proof that you need" I yelled to them while I swung away
'Phew good thing I recorded the fight, now to erase his research' I thought making my way to the LexCorp building
I landed on the roof this time, not before hacking the security and turning invisible of course, I get inside the elevator shaft and repel myself down with my webs, I also make the elevator stop at the floor I'm going to and enter through the hatch door.
I walk out and see a few people look at the elevator all weirded out, seeing this I quickly and silently walk in to Dr. Connors office, 'good thing it isn't one of those offices made out of glass' I thought while looking around, I spend 10 minutes searching for any physical copies of his research, which a find none, and then go to his computer.
'Ok lets see, wow really he didn't delete the messages' I thought while seeing the conversation he had with the dead officer after the family got killed, 'this dude is really stupid'. Ok after seeing that I got to work and saw everything he had on his lizard project, and dang was it a lot somebody with enough knowledge of genetics could probably replicate it, well good thing I came here then, I plug in a flash drive and start to copy all the files he has on this just in case somebody actually replicates it and mutates it as well, I check the cameras outside and see some cops making there way to the building.
'That was quick' I thought while unplugging the flash drive, I delete almost everything to do with the research but leave just enough so they can take it as evidence, after doing that I turn on the fire alarm, and use the commotion to make my way back in the elevator shaft, I make my way to the top floor, make a quick stop, and then once I'm on the roof I jump to the nearest building I could see and stick to the side of it, I make my way down to an alley, change from my suit to some normal clothes, ran towards my apartment building and deactivated my invisibility once I was close enough.
'Its been really easy so far I just know something is going to happen' I thought while making my way to my apartment
[Cabin in the Woods]
Its been one stressful week since I cant shake the feeling that something is going to happen, I don't know how to describe it. Anyway I waited this long because this is the day that Connors will be transported to Arkham, I even hacked the cameras in the police station to keep in eye on him, and he was calm he didn't scream or anything, he just sat there silently read a book and ate whenever they gave him food.
(the spider-bots have antennas that connect to each other and send a signal back to me)
'Yep something isn't right' I thought while putting on a suit that makes me look like one of the shadows from well the league of shadows, I'm going to try and frame them but I don't think its going to fool anyone who knows about the league, but the public will probably be fooled so worth a shot, I strap on a katana that I made and have no idea how to use, some kunai's and an Uzi that I got from a thug 2 days ago, I get 4 mags of 9 mm bullets, a couple of Molotov and mustard bombs that I put in my inventory and a Ka-Bar Becker BK7 knife.
I check the cameras and see Dr. Connors being escorted to the back of an armored truck.
"Ok Gwen don't screw this up" I tell myself before taking off towards the woods.
{3rd Person Perspective}
A convoy could be seen in the highway making their way to Arkham Asylum.
"Its kind of cool that we got our own superhero now you know" the officer driving said
"Yeah but we also have whatever supervillains this one brought" the second one says
" Well yeah that's true but we don't have to worry about anything small know at least, isn't that what you wanted to see more action?" the driver said
"Not this kind of action, I would rather this so called ghost spider leave and take her su-" he was cut off
"Hey guys we are going to take a detour through the woods the road is blocked" an Officer in the car in front of them radios in seeing the highway being repaired
"What why?" the driver asks
"I just told you becau-"
"Yeah I get that but why through the woods?" the driver asks
"Do you have a better Idea?" the Officer in front asks
After looking around and thinking for a bit the driver says "Alright since there's no other way lets go, you radio in to the others".
They make their way through a road in the woods, but the 2 Officers in the truck get nervous.
"Hey man you sure we could make it though he-" the driver says over the radio before being cut off
The car in front of them blows up.
Their car shakes as the back doors get blown out, they see the prisoner get escorted by someone to a helicopter.
"shit GET THE GUN DAMMIT" the driver yells at his partner and starts to radio to the other Officers "THE PRISONER IS ESCAPING GO AFT-"
He didn't get to finish since the truck and every other car blew up as he was talking.
Dr. Connors and his escort made their way towards the helicopter, but before they can reach it, it gets destroyed by a flying tree.
They both turn around and see a person running at them with an Uzi.
{Gwen's Perspective}
'GOD DAMMIT' I think I heard a 'hey' in the distance but I didn't care, I was berating myself for not being careful enough, I should have prepared better in case something like this happened but I didn't and people are now dead, and that's not all now I have to deal with Deathstroke of all people.
I unloaded the entire clip while running towards them and throw a mustard bomb while a take cover, while behind a tree I hear Connors coughing and I also hear slade circling around me and preparing his guns.
'Alright I'm going to change my fighting style somewhat since he will recognize The way of the Spider if I use it to much' I think to myself while throwing a smoke bomb at where I hear his foot steps, and then I run towards Connors but slade cuts me off half way.
"Your not a shadow, I've seen them in action and you move nothing like them so, who do you work for?" slade says while pointing a sword at me
"..." I remain silent
"Your not going to talk?, fine I´ll get my answers the hard way" He says before rushing at me
I pull out my sword and start blocking his slashes
Never have I ever been more thankful for my powers because I'm pretty sure there the only reason I'm alive right know, dodge to the left and send an overhead slash at which he blocks since I'm holding back.
"Your technique is sloppy, your going to have to do better than that to ki-" I cut him off by front kicking him with my full strength, sending him in to a tree far in the distance.
I throw a mustard and a smoke bomb to his location to block his vision, and then I run towards the still coughing Connors, as soon as I get close to him I stab my sword through his shoulder "AAAHHH" and inject him with another dose of the cure just in case. I pull out some water bottles from my inventory and start pouring the water on the surrounding area around him, and while doing that he pleads for his life.
"WAIT don't kill me, *cough*yo-you want the serum right that's why you came for me? *cough* so nobody else gets it, but we could make a deal I could make it just for you and whoever hired you, *cough* what do you say? we can both bene-" I cut him off with a kick to the face.
I hear foot steps again and throw another smoke bomb and a grenade that I took from deathstroke when I kicked him, I see him jump away after seeing the grenade. I turn around pull my sword from Connors shoulder and stab him in the head killing him instantly, I then pull my sword out again jump on to a tree and then throw a Molotov at his body. After seeing his body get consumed by flames I check the area for any sign of deathstroke, I hear him running away but before I could follow I hear police sirens in the distance.
I also hear a helicopter getting closer and decide to leave, I turn to the flaming cars and say "I'm sorry" before leaving the area.
{Deathstrokes Perspective}
I lift my mask up and vomit some blood on the dirt.
"huff huff" I pull out a communication device and call my employer.
A hologram of a middle age man appears and starts talking.
"Where is the asset" the man said to me
"There were some complications during the extraction, the asset is dead" I tell the man
"I see what kind of complications?" the man asks
"It was some unknown individual that I never encountered before, *cough**cough* I first suspected that it was another mercenary but, this person was dressed like one of your shadows" I tell him
"Interesting, aright do not pursue this unknown individual, I will see if they could be of any use in the future if not, then we will dispose of this person when the time comes, I will inform my associates of this predicament, until next time Mr. Wilson" the demons head said before cutting off the transmission
"AAAAHHH I always hate it when my ribs get busted *cough* I may have underestimated you this time, but I will make sure to be prepared for our next fight" I said while walking to the nearest safe house that I had
Date(7:30 December 19 2009)
(tell me if its wrong please)
I'm walking through the busy streets of New York, thinking about all the things that happened over this past month.
The first thing that happened is that 2 days after my fight with Deathstroke, I went and registered in a Krav Maga school to expand my arsenal so to speak, and to be able to use different martial arts to hopefully keep my cover for longer.
The second thing is that I started to work on making an AI, I know its risky but I cant do everything on my own, and besides having an AI will help me for some future plans I have.
The third thing is that I turned 17 last week and I found my parents will, it was in a safe behind my closet for some reason. Anyway after checking the contents of the will I find out what my parents left me, according to the will once I turn 18 I´ll inherit 3 properties that my parents owned, one is in Gotham, one here in New York, and another in Los Angeles, the one here is being maintained by some people my parents knew as well as the on in LA, the one in Gotham isn't really in the best condition according to this, but the last thing made me almost choke on my spit. Why? because apparently I will also inherit 1 billion dollars with the properties like holy shit dude, I just put the will back in the safe and decide to worry about it another day.
The forth thing that happened over the month left me uneasy, the reason was because Batman hasn't been active since 2 days after my fight with Deathstroke and I don't know what happened to him.
I kept thinking of different scenarios in my head while watching the news on some displayed Flat TV's that are on sale.
"The justice League seems to be fighting some unknown alien life form that landed close to San Francis-"the screens go black for a couple of seconds before turning back on.
"HAHAHAHAHA HELLO! people of Gotham and from other cities I don't care about, I'm terribly sorry for interrupting you this evening but I have an important question to ask all of you, WHERE IS BATMAN! I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving and no mater how many people I kill he doesn't come out to play, what do you have another best friend now bats? Or are you sick? , well if you don't come out when I kill some random people off the street then I will just have to upgrade my bait don't you think HEHEHEHEH!" I dig my nails in to my palms as I see robin with just his domino mask being lowered in to an industrial grinder.
"BEHOLD! the boy wonder himself who better to lure the bat out of his cave if not his trusty sidekick am I right, Oh ups hehe" he turns around and*tap* he pushes a button and robin stops moving down" Sorry for almost killing you before the Batman got here, I was just so exited you see hehehehe" he turns back to the camera.
"Well there you have it bats if you don't come out to play in the next, let me see um, if you don't come out in the next two hours I will drop your wonder boy and then make burgers out of him hehehehe , you better hurry BATS HEHEHEHE, HAHAHAHAHAH!" and the transmission cuts off.
'Shit now I have to deal with that disgusting waste of life' I growl a little in anger
'Alright look at the bright side, even if I cant kill him because of all the cops that are going to be there, I will at least be able to cripple him' I thought while disappearing in to an alley.
Story's not dropped, I've just been really busy lately and I haven't been able to write but the next chapter will release this week I promise.
So yeah that's all see ya.