Meeting Up

Meeting Up/ This Was Practically Like the Two Were Dating/Be a Bit More Daring, Just Like This

When Gu Wen Qiao arrived, Chi Yu also waited for quite a while already- this was considered the first time that Chi Yu was waiting for Gu Wen Qiao, and not Gu Wen Qiao waiting for Chi Yu.

They arranged to meet at a park, and when Gu Wen Qiao arrived, it was when the sun was the hottest. The willow vines by the man-made lake could not provide more shade, but rather the opposite. The clamouring cries of cicadas instead made people feel even hotter, and furthermore, the humid bank with a lot of vegetation had many mosquitoes around, making people hard to bear it. The side of the lake had no one around at all, and became open instead. Gu Wen Qiao sat beside Chi Yu. He did not know what Chi Yu wanted to do, and thus quietly put his gaze to the distance, and watched the plastic duck boats drifting on the man-made lake.

Gu Wen Qiao did not make a sound, and Chi Yu did not make a sound either. In reality, after Chi Yu came out from the game, he had to face with the overloading pleasure, and at that time, he was so dishevelled, he did not want to recall it again. In the end, the clothes on the lower half of the body were all drenched in sweat, but good thing there was no other person around after he returned, otherwise, he would lose face to an unimaginable degree.

This kind of experience made people embarrassed and also a bit shocked. No matter if it was the attitude of the spirit butler from the last game, or the choice of Chi Yu giving up his morals in the end, all of it made him feel anxious- so much that after he came out from the game, he could not wait and, like asking to be saved, gave Gu Wen Qiao a call, hoping that the other person could accompany him for a bit.

However, with all that said, Gu Wen Qiao was not related with Chi Yu in any way. Chi Yu was very nervous, worried that he would be rejected by the other person, but did not think that the other person would agree that smoothly. To tell the truth, Chi Yu had never arranged a date with the person on a day that was not Saturday, so right now, just by sitting next to Gu Wen Qiao, he already felt satisfied. However, it was not good to just sit quietly with the other person and not say anything, so he had to find some excuse and talk about a few things, otherwise, it would seem too impolite.

Chi Yu looked towards where Gu Wen Qiao was looking, and when he saw that small yellow duck boat, he finally had something he could talk about.

Chi Yu said to Gu Wen Qiao, "How about we also rent one out to play? I actually wanted to go to the amusement part, but going alone was obviously too lonesome, so I called you over."

Gu Wen Qiao did not oppose and nodded his head in agreement. He then followed behind Chi Yu, watched Chi Yu take out a red bill, and give it to that old person at the ticket booth by the lake. The two then sat inside the continuously swaying little boat, stepped on the pedals with their feet, and swam on the surface of the lake.

The two people were the types with a tall stature, and the space of this cartoonish and cute boat was a bit narrow, making it that the two people were very close, with shoulders touching shoulders, and hands touching hands.

Chi Yu immediately got restless, but the stifling heat of the afternoon could not make him irritated. The duck boat swam over the lake, breaking apart the sun on the surface, while the willows lightly cleared away the ripples, bobbing like a certain person's heart.

But Gu Wen Qiao's side was not relaxed either.

The weather was too hot, Chi Yu was wearing a short sleeve, could Gu Wen Qiao not be? The two's skin stuck together, the crystalline beads of sweat flowing out due to the searing heat turned into a kind of strange lubricant, and Gu Wen Qiao could feel the beads of sweat flowing down from Chi Yu- it was slightly cool, and as he and Chi Yu went off towards the middle of the lake, more of Chi Yu's sweat would flow out, and then following, was a bit of a fragrance.

It was not perfume nor floral scent. Gu Wen Qiao felt that kind of scent smelled very good, however, this made Gu Wen Qiao very unwell.

That kind of refreshing and good-smelling scent on Chi Yu originally should not have some erotic effect to it, but Chi Yu was wearing shorts, the two legs were long and slender, and underneath the sun, this pair of legs were glowingly fair, that one could even see beads of sweat sliding down from the muscles on the legs, breaking apart into diamond-like rays of light, then dripping down- Gu Wen Qiao then smelled an even stronger scent.

Gu Wen Qiao arduously turned his head, took in a gasp of air like he was evading it, and sucked in the air to the side.

But unclear if it was because the weather was too hot, or if it was for other reasons, this breath of air bearing much more heat assaulted Gu Wen Qiao. His pair of inky green eyes appeared with a bit of discomposure, and beside him, Chi Yu awkwardly said with a slight panic, "Sorry, sorry, is it the sweat on me..."

In truth, Chi Yu himself did not smell it, but Gu Wen Qiao already had this kind of reaction, how could he not see it.

Chi Yu was practically regretting it so much he wanted to reincarnate and do over things again, turns out years ago, the parents who abandoned him at the orphanage even left him a stench of stale sweat, making a fool of himself in the first time he was boating with a secret crush, there was practically nothing unluckier.

"No," Gu Wen Qiao refuted him, "You haven't done anything wrong."

He originally wanted to say it was not because of the smell of sweat, but he could not deny, in face of Chi Yu's sweat, he certainly had a bit of a...

Who knew that once these words came out, it was practically like a hammer, fiercely knocking on Chi Yu's skull. The bottom of Chi Yu's heart went cold, and he forced a smile while saying, "Then let's not boat anymore?"

Gu Wen Qiao did not have any way of saying anything more, he did not know how to explain it either, and could only nod his head.

For both parties, this was a failed date—— of course, what was more of a failure was, the two did not even confirm their relationship yet.

But an accident suddenly happened.

Chi Yu and Gu Wen Qiao drifted for a very long time on the lake, so Chi Yu did not discover any abnormalities at all, but when he prepared to pedal the boat back with Gu Wen Qiao, he then discovered, this boat became harder to move.

Chi Yu used all his might to pedal, yet to his side, Gu Wen Qiao did not use much strength, but because one side was rotating faster, and the other side was rotating slower, the body of the boat slightly swayed. Chi Yu was a bit frightened, and subconsciously called out "Gu Wen Qiao".

Gu Wen Qiao's movements abruptly stopped. He looked towards Chi Yu like he was waiting for the words he was saying next, be it an order or request, anything was fine.

But stopping at this moment instead could not remedy the decline, and this little yellow duck boat sunk.

Chi Yu only had enough time to grab Gu Wen Qiao's arm, and in the panic, fell into the water together with Gu Wen Qiao.

The instant they fell in, Chi Yu saw the carps at the bottom of the lake, and also saw...

Chi Yu: !!!

Were there actually that many octopi in the man-made lake!

The seemingly limpid but was actually stinky lake water entered Chi Yu's throat with a gurgle. In the pool of water, a powerful hand reached out, held Chi Yu's waist, and then, was abruptly lifted up- after a splash, the two emerged from the surface of the water.

Chi Yu was all drenched from head to toe. The white t-shirt stuck onto the body, making the two spots of red on the chest extremely erotic. Gu Wen Qiao tightly hugged him in his arms, and the two chests stuck together, as though if it was like this, they could prevent it from being seen by others. They may both be men, but...

Chi Yu choked on water in a fluster. The damp hair stuck onto the bright and smooth face, and after the t-shirt was drenched, it completely outlined his waistline, and followed along the deeply concaved hips, bundling on the curved buttocks. This kind of appearance did not seem like that beautiful young man full of vigour from just before, on the contrary, it seemed like a water demon fished out from under the lake.

Gu Wen Qiao instead did not seem all that dishevelled, but he was a bit angry.

The lake water dripped down along Gu Wen Qiao's bulging brow ridge, the arches of his brows turned even more fierce, and after bringing Chi Yu up the pier, actually first lowered his head, and looked at the bottom of the lake intimidatingly.

Kind of like a child begrudgingly looking at the floorboards that tripped them after falling down.

Chi Yu could not help but laugh out loud, yet also immediately perceived his own misgivings, and hurriedly covered his mouth, but Gu Wen Qiao heard it. He didn't quite understand, and was a bit at a daze, but also seemed a bit excited.

The similarly dishevelled man lowered his head to look at him, while sweat also dropped down from his hair.

Gu Wen Qiao seemed like a wet doggy.

"Would you be happy like this?"


Chi Yu's face went completely red, and excitedly screamed inside his mind.

Oh God, oh God, was there anything more fortunate than this? This would make it seem like he and Gu Wen Qiao were dating or something!

"Yes, because, because you are very cute like this."

The old man hurriedly getting a towel who heard this paused in his steps, and almost sprained his foot in the panic.

For the old man, this far exceeded what he could accept, he gave the towel to the two young people, while he himself hurriedly hid away.

Chi Yu covered the towel over Gu Wen Qiao's head and had him dry the hair. Because of the angle, Gu Wen Qiao was practically like a new bride with a veil over them, and when Chi Yu covered it over, he did not even move either, and propped up a towel just like that, making him even more like a wet doggy, getting Chi Yu's heart to itch and heat up, wanting to reach out to uncover the "veil", and satisfy his own secret thoughts. Yet in that instant he lifted it up, he suddenly froze.

The long towel was covered over the head, making Gu Wen Qiao look like a long-haired woman.

That pair of inky green eyes, that skin so fair it didn't seem like a real person's.

Made Chi Yu recall Cinderella for no reason at all.

However, this kind of astonishment was only at one instance. Chi Yu did not think too much of it. He concluded that this was his own misconception, how could that kind of extraordinary thing have any relationship with this living person, Gu Wen Qiao? Except, the two people were both completely drenched, and in the end, did not feel too well. Chi Yu then said to Gu Wen Qiao, "How about we get a room, wash up, and then continue?"

This was what he said, but Chi Yu also could not help but secretly grumble about himself, what kind of time was this already, still wanting to stick with the other person and play together.

Gu Wen Qiao did not refuse this suggestion, in reality, the interactions between Chi Yu and Gu Wen Qiao before were all very courteous and reserved, but ever since coming out from the survival game, [Chi Yu] turned even more daring- the restraints from before were all tossed out, he did not know that the seemingly indifferent Gu Wen Qiao was this easy to speak with.

Actually, he originally planned on confessing, had there not been an accident in the middle of the surgery...

But when Chi Yu took out his ID, Gu Wen Qiao instead froze.

He looked at the card in Chi Yu's hand, and was a bit flustered for the first time.

"You didn't bring your ID?"

Chi Yu knitted his eyebrows, "Then no can do."

Gu Wen Qiao was shocked inside, and hurriedly tried to remedy it, "My home is just nearby, you can come to my home."

When the young lady up at the front counter heard this, her gaze immediately turned like a wolf or a tiger's, and screamed inside, holy cow, here comes a straight ball!

Chi Yu did not think Gu Wen Qiao would make this suggestion. He agreed, and after arriving at Gu Wen Qiao's home, he did not come to- he was not afraid of being lured by the other person and getting killed or something like that, and thus would dare to agree with Gu Wen Qiao, but once he really entered the other person's home, he then felt that the other person's home was very big, and very spacious.

Looks like Gu Wen Qiao was a person who lived their life quite simply.

But very quickly, when Chi Yu was showering in Gu Wen Qiao's bathroom, he discovered something strange.

Gu Wen Qiao was so minimalist it was too much.

No laundry machine, no drying machine, the bathroom only had a simple shower head, and when he was passing by the kitchen, the kitchen was empty. As for the body wash, the surface was written with soft and maintaining, these few big words, hard to believe that someone like Gu Wen Qiao who appeared icy on the surface actually liked a woman's body wash.

What he did not know was, this was something that Gu Wen Qiao purchased after asking a supermarket salesperson. According to Gu Wen Qiao's requests, the salesperson offered him a body wash that would slow down his skin from cracking, but the skin he mentioned was not the skin they thought of, and in the end, was a beautiful misunderstanding.

While Chi Yu was showering, Gu Wen Qiao stood in the living room.

He felt like the sound of water in the bathroom was very noisy, very annoying. His mind uncontrollably appeared with the image of Chi Yu showering, and his pupils turned much deeper, then suddenly turned around, actually about to walk to the bathroom. But in the next second, he finally stopped again, only to silently retreat, take out his cellphone, and search up what kind of reaction a normal human should have at this time. But to no avail, after it grabbed the keywords, it suggested to him various posts on how to act gentlemanly when inviting a booty call over.

Gu Wen Qiao very seriously flipped through it, made the bed, reached out of the window, and pulled out a bouquet of roses from the empty air, then knead apart the petals and spread it on the bed. After Chi Yu came out, he then tried his best to curl the corners of his mouth to smile—— but his actions were very rigid, from how Chi Yu saw it, Gu Wen Qiao merely pursed his lips a bit.

"I won't let you wait too long."

Gu Wen Qiao went in to shower.

He reached out and pressed on that heavy body wash, and suddenly thought that not long before, Chi Yu used it- Chi Yu's bare body showered in this place, with water wantonly making contact with his body.

Gu Wen Qiao's expression when showering also turned serious.

However, the soaking in the lake water and the showering at this moment finally made his guise break apart. A piece of something suddenly fell off from his face, and the back suddenly came with Chi Yu's voice.

"Gu Wen Qiao, I want to drink water, where is your kettle?"

Gu Wen Qiao reached out and grabbed his own face, and the fingers with distinctive bones blocked off the lower half of his face, only exposing the inky green eyes.

His stature was strong and beautiful, with a tiger-like back and an ape's waist, like a work of the gods.

Chi Yu was going to have a nosebleed from looking, and constantly thought, just as expected, just as expected, he could feast his eyes with this.

Gu Wen Qiao's voice was cold, speaking up like he was suppressing something, "In the dining room."

In the next second, in the originally empty dining area, was a kettle.

Chi Yu dallied very long before leaving from Gu Wen Qiao's home, he was almost about to say, Gu Wen Qiao, would you like to be together with me?

But he was already a dead person, there was no reason to cheat a person- whether he could live on and come back from the next game was a problem, and when he came back to his own home in the night and laid down, Chi Yu prepared to go into the next game.

He left too quick, so he didn't finish using the prop from the last game.

This time, after entering in the game, Chi Yu instead discovered everything in front of his eyes was different.

He did not directly enter the matching screen, but came to a blank room. After he appeared, the room started popping out with a lot of information.

「Player: Chi Yu」

「Personal space—— already connected」

「Please check and receive your quest rewards.」

Along with the mechanical voice's appearance, were many gift boxes tied with ribbons.

The first one fell in front of Chi Yu, written with new player gift in big three words.

Chi Yu opened up his new player gift after the end of the second game, and practically did not know what to say- there were also a few gifts piled up at the back, so Chi Yu first opened the one in his hand. After opening it, a new player's guide as well as a ball of pink light appeared.

This new player's guide that was very important for new players finally, after being held back for this many chapters, appeared in front of Chi Yu, me, as well as all the readers. This was all the fault of Chi Yu whose head was filled with only points, only hooking up with a man, and completely not attending to his proper duties, and absolutely not the author's fault.

And Chi Yu naturally knew he was wrong, and so he immediately flipped open the new player's guide.

—— "Survival Game New Player's Guide"

—— Welcome to the Stairs of Desire.

—— This guide will introduce prices of all items tradable through the shop as well as the way to acquire points and will provide a set explanation. For new players, the most important thing is naturally how to clear a game... Or perhaps, leave the game alive. After all, each player's second life has been hard to come by, and at the same time, you can go through the guidance of the new player's guide to see each kind of real-time ranking and various states of names...

—— The personal space is the most important buffering station and resting area in the survival game. When you feel like you are prepared, you can go in a random game from the personal space or use a set amount of points to choose a type you are good at, important note, before entering a game, you can only know of the type of game, and cannot know of the other contents of the game...

—— How does one activate the personal space? After you pass the first new player's quest, you can choose to open the new player gift to activate it, or once you are lvl 2, it can also automatically activate. The highest level in the game for now is lvl 15. This number will be continually updated in the future, and the higher the level, the higher the points will be, and in contrast, the punishment for failure will get higher... and the number of points needed to choose a game for high level players will increase in multiples...

—— You can tap on each picture to see and use all sorts of abilities...

—— The time the cellar and skylight appears and the way to find them...


Chi Yu seriously flipped through this thick new player's guide. He tapped on the various pictures in front of him along with the guide- before his personal space activated, he had never seen these pictures before.

Chi Yu saw his own level.

「Player: Chi Yu」

「Level: 4」

「Obtained Titles:Waste Recoverer, 100% Acting · Elementary, Master of Ghost-walking · Apprentice」

Chi Yu touched the pink light in front of him.

And then, a new notification appeared in front of him.

「World Chat: Lovers · Rosebush—— Activated」

Chi Yu was shocked for a bit, but afterwards, many more windows started appearing.

「Accessory: Rosebush—— Active, enforcing ability」

「Rosebush: Look into my eyes, mhmm, that's right, you like me.」

「Directions: Forcibly lock gazes with the target, making the other person fall in love with the user. Once this status is activated, it cannot be undone within the game, and will lower the user's maximum sanity by one half during the game. When the user's sanity meter is lower than 20, it will forcibly activate a state of exhaustion. 」

「Love: Likeability will turn to 85. Different targets will present with different behaviours, unable to correctly predict the ability's effects. 」

「Exhaustion: When stamina reaches 0, unable to make any actions on your own, recovery rate of sanity meter will lower to 1 point/hour. 」

「Sanity: Reasoning/mental ability, a meter that will go down when taking a mental attack while facing paranormal activity. 」

Chi Yu very worriedly opened his status window.

「Player: Chi Yu

Sanity: 70/70


Special Ability: Garbage Retrieval」

Chi Yu silently looked towards the new player's guide in his hands.

—— Regarding status: The game will only display the player's stamina and sanity meter, as well as special abilities displayed through the player during the game, for example, Silver Tongue, Lock-picking, Wrestling... typically speaking, normal adults' stats will be 100/100... players can choose to use points to adjust the stats or exchange for certain abilities...

Thank you, system.

Chi Yu closed the new player's guide with no yearning towards life.

Thank you for telling me how trash I am wuuuuuuuuuuu.