I’m a Girl, You’re a Girl, so We Were Two Girls Sticking Together

I'm a Girl, You're a Girl, so We Were Two Girls Sticking Together

Chi Yu's consciousness slowly came to, and he woke up bit by bit.

First, he smelled a strange yet thick fragrance, then he opened his eyes, saw a hand placed on the side of this face, with the hand holding a lock of his hair.

And then, he heard a very familiar voice.

It was Gu Wen Qiao speaking.

"You're awake."

He had his head lifted from the chin once again. Gu Wen Qiao's face got closer and closer, and then, it was a soft sensation when lips touched, and afterwards, something reached in, nimbly and lightly pushing his tongue silently laying in the oral cavity, winding it, and hooking his tongue up.

This kind of feeling was strange and peculiar, like two snakes intertwining together, using the nimble muscle to get the other person to submit, and a refreshing and sweet juice secreted out from the mucosa within the inner side of the two cheeks, like honey flowing from the opening of a hive, streaming out...

And then, was sucked away by the tightly sticking lips.

Chi Yu's body gradually recovered its senses in this kiss. He felt Gu Wen Qiao loosen his hands, and no longer twist his long hair. Maybe it was because he had long hair for the first time, but Chi Yu felt that his own face and neck were all hot and searing. His brain couldn't work that well, and very slowly thought, girls really have it hard, having long hair turned out to be this hot.

However, before he could slowly generate even more thoughts, the buttocks transmitted with a strange feeling of being kneaded. This kind of motion made Chi Yu feel that the Gu Wen Qiao in front of him was a bit indecent…. like a starved ghost suppressing its horniness for very long. But his pair of eyes vacantly watched as Gu Wen Qiao kiss and suck on his tongue and saliva, and his brain actually created a kind of light, drifting delight.

This was very strange.

His body had completely woken up, thus, he was immediately surrounded by a kind of indescribable feeling, it was an ache—— but it was not an ache that made one unhappy; It was thirst—— but this kind of thirst made himself uneasy, unable to disclose it unperturbed, like he wanted [it], yet was also anxious and fearful; It was a kind of strange delight, a portion of eagerness—— the body was fatigued and overworked, yet still wanted to reach out to tightly hug the person in front, wanting to wrap the legs over too. His heart numbly shook, a thick fragrance made Chi Yu's eyes lose focus, his lips let out a very brief en sound, like the slight tremble when a tuning fork shook.

And at the same time, Chi Yu could feel, in between that kneaded buttocks of his, there was a bit of something, flowing out like a snake.

It was damp, like water, like a small little stream, while his lower half started getting damp. A kind of viscous thirst rose up from the bottom of his heart along with the thirst inside his heart from before, layering over, making his skin flush red, and made even the sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead even more alluring.

Chi Yu's face also emerged with a kind of peculiar bright red colour.

While Gu Wen Qiao in front of him finally lifted his head up, and separated from Chi Yu's lips. He even stuck his tongue and licked a bit, breaking apart that bit of silver thread pulled out in the air.

And then, these lips that were passionately kissing before opened up, "What are you called?"

—— What am I called?

Chi Yu's eyes were still scattered and vacant. He did not immediately answer, but Gu Wen Qiao instead did not need an answer.

He lightly laughed, his eyes curved, and emerged with a very intimate fake appearance——

"What else can you be called? You are Chi Yu."

After saying this, Gu Wen Qiao then came up from the bed. He was originally laying on the bed to his side, silently watching Chi Yu's sleeping face while subconsciously playing with Chi Yu's hair. Once Chi Yu woke up, he took one kiss, played with the person buttock hills, and then actually did not do anything else, but instead clapped his hands towards the outside of the room, and said in a deep voice, "The madam has woken up, come in and help him change."


Chi Yu slowly thought, this doesn't seem right...

But where was it not right?

His ears transmitted with an overlapping voice of the man, saying to him, this is your clitoris, this is your vagina.

Chi Yu's eyes suddenly turned vacant for an instant, and in the next second, he slightly muddle-headedly, yet really accepted this fact. Except, when Gu Wen Qiao got up to leave, he felt a bit irritated. That thick source of fragrance went faraway, making him feel uncomfortable in every way, thus, he climbed up from the bed, with the long hair draped behind the shoulders, and unsteadily walked towards Gu Wen Qiao.

Gu Wen Qiao then watched him come over step by step, without saying anything, and once Chi Yu pounced onto his body, used both hands to hug around him, and buried into him to fiercely take a breath in, Gu Wen Qiao's lips slightly lifted up, curled, and then reached out and stroked Chi Yu's back, like it was a kind of praise.

Gu Wen Qiao's display of delight was far too straight- he immediately carried Chi Yu up, and because the two people's heights were about the same, once Chi Yu was lifted up by the legs, his chin could press onto Gu Wen Qiao's head.

But this pose was far too sudden. He couldn't react to why Gu Wen Qiao was suddenly very excited and happy, and thus could not help but use both his hands to firmly hug onto Gu Wen Qiao's head and lower his head. This made Chi Yu's breathing pour by Gu Wen Qiao's ears,-this kind of delicate human's breath that was unlike a paper human and unlike other animals practically made this flower-picker quest's Gu Wen Qiao felt a kind of indescribable pleasantness. He was completely immersed in the happiness of getting Chi Yu in his hands, and completely did not discover that Chi Yu's eyes were strangely focused on a certain area.

That was the place where Chi Yu's gaze hung down.

Once Chi Yu completely woke up, he then discovered, it seems like everything in the surroundings appeared in front of his eyes, and he could even see some suspended windows- the suspended windows could appear and disappear as he liked, and Chi Yu completely could understand the words in it.

Once Gu Wen Qiao said he was Chi Yu, Chi Yu slightly absent-mindedly looked at the suspended window in front of him.

「Player:Chi Yu



Role:Flower-picker ——80%」

But Chi Yu did not say these things out loud. He only silently got carried back to the bed by Gu Wen Qiao, and then hung his pair of long legs down, and watched Gu Wen Qiao bend his body and twist a silk fabric to wipe his feet for him.

He came down from the bed naked just now.

This originally should make Chi Yu feel embarrassed, but the him at this time was a bit... strangely pure, like an Adam before he ate the apple.

The exposed body could not make him embarrassed, Gu Wen Qiao wiped his feet for him like this, and did not feel any awkwardness as well.

That even when he saw the door to the room in front being pushed open, and a few girls holding up clothes walk in, he did not even cover his body, but slightly doubtfully lifted his leg. Interrupting Gu Wen Qiao's wiping movement, the bottom of the foot stepped onto Gu Wen Qiao's arm, "They are not the same as us."

"How so?"

Gu Wen Qiao caught that foot into his palm, and slightly infatuatedly looked at the ankle's slightly emerging blood veins. He was practically so fond of it, he was unwilling to part with it, and grasped upwards from the bottom of the feet. Once it reached the middle of the calf, he even slightly squeezed it a few times. Chi Yu's calf tried to struggle free, and slightly unhappily kicked Gu Wen Qiao a bit, like he was mad that the other person did not seriously listen to him.

At this time, he was mad about this matter, like at the bottom of his heart, he always felt that Gu Wen Qiao should not be distracted when he was speaking, Gu Wen Qiao should be very obedient to him.

Gu Wen Qiao simply got up, and put the two legs in his arms, making Chi Yu step onto his abdomen, while the hands were wrapped around the person's body, but now [Gu Wen Qiao's] fingertips were pressed on Chi Yu's chest, and seemed like he was sexually frustrated again.

However, Chi Yu was no longer angry this time. He seemed to feel like Gu Wen Qiao was being obedient, and he pointed at Gu Wen Qiao, "Girl."

And then, Chi Yu pointed to himself.

"Also girl."

Afterwards, ignoring Gu Wen Qiao's slightly astonished gaze, pointed to the three maids in front and said, "Boy."

"No, that's not right. Chi Yu, they are girls."

Chi Yu instead revealed a slightly doubtful expression.

He pointed at the maid's chest, and then, with both hands, lightly grabbed at his own breast meat—— he couldn't grab at anything at all, and only forcibly pinched at the slight bulge of the nipples in front of the chest.

"Here, nothing."

Chi Yu looked at Gu Wen Qiao's look of disapproval, and then grabbed at Gu Wen Qiao's hand, and pressed it on his own chest.

Gu Wen Qiao's palm was pushed against by the soft bulge.

This made Gu Wen Qiao lose his unhurried attitude for a moment, not knowing just what was it that Chi Yu wanted to do at all, and yet it at this time, Chi Yu was still of an expression like he was reasoning with Gu Wen Qiao.

"Touch it, it's flat."