After the Quest Finished, the System Updated

After the Quest Finished, the System Updated

Nightingale had a head full of sweat, the high level of concentration made her pretty much about to collapse.

"Found it!"

She cried out, and hurriedly started flipping through the contents.

This was a haphazardly handwritten admittance form. The surface was written with a hard-to-make-out name, but behind it was the gender, age, as well as the exams to be done, and at the same time, the group also popped up with Black Walnut's message.

He found a child's examination results in Pediatrics.

The second floor once had a man who came to have a checkup, and the first floor once stayed with a child.

In this instant, everyone had a guess as to the vengeful spirit's identity.

Their hairs all stood like trees- the truth seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, oh so reachable, yet was certainly shrouded in smoke and mist, and was unable to be completely seen through.

"What is the truth of the matter?"

"What is the cause of death for the characters?"

"And who, are we?"

However, new clues also finally appeared. When Salt Fish was noticed by the monster, the remaining others quickly rushed to the emergency ward, and when they stepped into this place, all of a sudden, the entire hospital changed.

A clearly young-faced male doctor looked at the few people in front of him, "You guys are the injured patients? Where are you hurt?"

While he spoke, he turned and walked towards the emergency ward, and at the time he walked out a few steps, his back suddenly sprayed out with a gush of blood, and then, this young doctor's body convulsed a few times. In this process, it was like there was some parasite swimming in his bones and muscles, making his body appear with a strange bump.

In the next second, this body suddenly broke out from the stomach, and squeezed out a seemingly oddly-shaped organism. This organism did not have eyes, the face was surrounded by pieces of flesh, with a sharp and long nose, while the opened mouth lined with several rows of sharp teeth.

This thing actually still spat out human words, "Mm? No ID? Why do all ten people not have ID?"

"Senior, what is with their situation?"

Along with his question, a seemingly different character was also activated.

A young female doctor whose neck was spread with red and purple fingerprints knitted her eyebrows and said, "No can do, have them first lay down, the nurses pretty much all went back for New Years..."

At this time, another male doctor opened his mouth.

"That's not right, why is there only six people?"

Kris boldened her courage and answered, "The other people's injuries are not as bad, they went to find our IDs."

The odd shape turned around, and the split open mouth spat out a terrifyingly long tongue. Directly facing this kind of face was a rather big mental burden for Kris' group, but Conman suddenly opened his mouth, "We did not lie to you."

Conman's ability activated, and after this sentence was spoken out, his sanity directly jumped down 20 points, but at the same time, that enmity the three people faced certainly lessened.

"Fine, come lay down then."

Everyone made glances at each other, and obediently laid down, except, when passing by the work desk, Kris seemed to walk unsteadily, and after propping on the table, she then stood steady. After this, she then walked to the patient bed and lied down, while the three doctors started asking questions one at a time.

Kris was last, and thus was lined at the last one.

She just stole a newspaper.

This newspaper was folded squarely, and was clearly something that a doctor did when they were bored, but this was convenient for Kris to take.

Kris quickly skimmed over the newspaper, and with a sway of the eyes, she saw a certain piece of information.

——"City XX's mountainous area appeared with a landslide."

After this, Kris saw the accompanying image.

On that small little map, in the area where the landslide appeared, was a jail.

The newspaper wrote with affection: Under the brilliant decision of the mayor, all the prisoners have all been caught, and the travellers who ignored warnings and entered the mountainous area are still missing, the police will continue their search.

Kris' brain's blood vessels suddenly thumped, she sent the information to the group as she read it.

Right at this time, that female doctor walked over.

"What are you looking at?"

The gloomy voice unhappily resounded.

"It got too boring, so I was looking at the poster."

Kris' finger slightly moved a bit, the female doctor looked to the place where her finger was pointing, a supplement advertisement.

The female doctor's eyes had no life in them at all, she opened her mouth, "Put your hand out."

And then, she strangely said another thing.

"You bunch of men, not going home on New Years, what were you guys doing? You're all bloody."

The female doctor stopped, and took her things and walked towards the work desk, "Junior, give the police a call, with their circumstances, they might have met something..."

Her voice suddenly got cut off like a bird that had been clutched at the neck, and after a few arduous struggles, she no longer let out any sound.

Kris watched this female doctor's body in front of her immediately droop down, but afterwards, stood up like nothing happened at all.

A kind of conjecture no one dared to believe floated up to the surface.

Chi Yu's words and the thing floating in her brain right now overlapped.

Nightingale and Black Walnut's information also surged in together...

Before she could open her mouth, there was already somebody in the group who said that conclusion.

「Shadow:Kris, if the time matches with the contents you saw in the newspaper...」

「Lilith:This is too cruel...」

Yes, this was too cruel.

The air suddenly turned scorching. The emergency ward spontaneously appeared with a fire, and got more and more bigger, an unpredictable big fire swept over this space.

Kris shouted, "Chi Yu! He is still at the staircase!"

Nightingale was quickly rushing towards the main reception to reconvene with everyone, Black Walnut was evading the security guard's chase, while Salt Fish was running down from the escalator.

Behind Salt Fish, Chi Yu sat at the side of the escalator, his waist was wrapped with a pitch-black waistband, however, he looked to be in a still okay state.

「Chi Yu:I'm very well. I didn't think everyone was this amazing, to solve the mystery like this. 」

Even though every person thought to different places, in the end, the answer was unlocked.

—— In the night, a van that hit over something drove on the highway. Today was the first day of the new year, so there were very few people on the road, but a hospital appeared after an hour. This hospital was constructed in the outskirts, and at this time, there were a pitiful few people too.

—— The bloodstains on this van were still not completely dried yet, the body of the car was spread all over with blood, belonging to the previous passengers and driver of this van.

—— The van stopped at the underground parking lot of the hospital.

—— The night was truthfully too dark, far too dark. When the security guard was about to doze off, he got startled, but was unable to see the blood on the car, and only saw the van was carrying people, and then, someone came out from the van.

—— "Who are you guys?"

—— The security guard saw their bodies had blood.

—— "We're here to seek treatment, we want to stop the blood." And rest for a bit along the way, after all, they were very tired as well.

—— The security guard said, okay, and then he pinched the stun baton in his hands, and sat back down in his seat. His other hand touched his pocket, thinking if he needs to make a call to bring a few people over, the ten people in front of him were too many...

—— Then his head fell off.

—— "Big Bro, he was moving."

—— The ten people went into the main reception. The nurses cried out in surprise, but their line of sight had a blind spot. The security guard had his mouth gagged and was beheaded, but was unable to make any sound prior.

—— A nurse gave the doctor on duty a call, that many people were injured, the two doctors at the emergency ward were not enough.

—— But after that, when the ten people walked towards the emergency ward, she saw the overspreading blood at the entrance, as well as the security guard's head.

—— She shook her hand and pressed on the button, "Hello, this is the Third Municipal General Hospital, please immediately..."

—— The phone line had been cut by a small knife.

—— The few men walking at the back very easily killed them, like killing quails, and because the other party had too many people, even their struggles were unable to make too big of a sound.

—— Afterwards, this group of people exited the emergency ward with bodies full of blood. They encountered a small child and doctor from Pediatrics, encountered the father who ran down from the second floor after hearing the child cry, and they realized this hospital still had other people, just not these few.

—— They did not mind killing a few extra people.

—— Thus, they went in floor by floor. The people in the elevator were killed, the nurse originally matching medicine and equipment with her head down was sliced at the throat, that nurse who was sleeping lifted her head and said in surprise, "En? Sister Meimei, isn't today New Years Day, there isn't even a patient in the hospital..." was fiercely hit with the elbow, and did not have the time to even groan and died.

—— Finally, this group of people slept in the daytime ward, and on the next day, they woke up, and lit a fire.

—— But who would admit to all of this? The news said, the Third Municipal General was far too remote, and had a fire.

—— No one was willing to admit, they did not catch all the prisoners.

This was the truth of the matter, and their identities were this clear.

"We are prisoners, murderers."

「Quest—— "Hospital of Horrors"」

「Main Quest: 1. Recreate the truth of the matter.√

2. Number of deaths lower than four times.√

3. Confirm your own identity within the quest.√」

「Duration of Quest: 7 days (quest already complete, ending in advance) 」

「Side Quest: Recreate the reason of death for the characters.√」

「Quest already complete, countdown to the end: 00:00:09 About to transfer back to the Creator's Space...」

「9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3...」

The thing on Chi Yu's waist moved a bit.

That was not a waistband, but a pitch-black tentacle. Gu Wen Qiao extended a tentacle to wrap around him, so he was then able to use the chatting system with the group- at this time, Chi Yu hung his head down, he had many negative emotions inside, but what was strange was——

His eyes emerged with a kind of transparency of a gem, as though there was something melting away, and his expression also changed.

Following that, he even pushed the tentacle, "Where are the props I collected? Give it to me, hurry."

As though in this instant, the pain and anger he accumulated because of this quest, all disappeared into nothing.

At the time they were sent out of the Creator's space, Black Walnut's ears suddenly went hot, and then, Salt Fish said to him quietly.

"Chi Yu seems to be unlike us."

The space suddenly changed, and the group of people returned to their own personal spaces. Salt Fish took up a cellphone, and continued to converse with Black Walnut.

As for Chi Yu...

Each time he faced fear, he would be like a truly cowardly person, but at the same time, each time, he would seem like he was seeing these things for the first time.

Just like a person who was afraid of spicy things, but the first time he eats spice, and his second time, then the third time, would all be different.

If one said the NPCs in the horror hospital game continuously respawned and repeated everything in that day they died, where the resentment of death and unrighted wrongs allowed them to go angry, and the father's regret and pain allowed the space between the second and first floor to warp and tangle together.

Then Chi Yu also seemed like he had respawned as well.

Once his negative emotions got forced close to a certain line, it would immediately refresh, and even obscure that memory and sensation.

Black Walnut asked a question in doubt, "Someone like Pineapple who would feel excited towards feelings of fear?"

"No, they are not the same, I can't put it in words, but..."

Salt Fish found it a bit hard to certainly make a conclusion even he himself felt was preposterous.

"Perhaps Chi Yu would make this game change into something different..."

"After the vengeful spirit locked onto me, the person beside him very easily dealt with that vengeful spirit, and there was no increase in the number of deaths appearing... also, Black Walnut..."

"Don't you feel this quest was completed far too smoothly? Last time's complete annihilation and this time pretty much ended more scared than hurt..."

"When has this game ever easily let us go?"

Right at this time, everyone who left the quest received a notification, the calculation for clearing rewards, as well as... a version update?

How long was the last version update? An update again?

Even Chi Yu doubtfully opened the system notification too.

「Stairs of Desire already updated. 」

「New contents this time:Romantic quests now added. Players have a set probability of entering this type of game. 」

「Update Description:All players go on to survive this arduously in the survival game, often living by a single thread, since it is like this, why not be more be drunk in the dream? 」

「Update Reward:500 points」

Chi Yu was shocked.

Is this game that trendy?!