Chapter50-Poor Matt, Emilia's Fascination!(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

The treasure hunters glared at Matt with utter disdain.

Such an act was equivalent to robbing the other treasure hunters of their chances to bid.

An initial offer of 50,000 StellarCoins was too much to handle.

No one expected Emilia to raise her hand: "55,000 StellarCoins!"

Daniel remained silent, probably understanding Emilia's intent was simply to irritate Matt.

Looking back, he was right.

Matt was furious.

Of course, he soon raised his hand and called out: "60,000 StellarCoins!"

The treasure hunters fell into contemplation.

If only Matt had bid, they wouldn't have thought much.

But now Emilia was also getting into the fray!

Remember, Emilia had now hired Daniel as her appraiser!

Immediately someone reacted.

"61,000 StellarCoins!"


"I bid 63,000!"

For a moment, the bidding vibe was hotter than ever.

Seeing this, Robert couldn't help but grin.

The Container Hunt was a game of truth and deception.