Chapter71-My Bad, I Misjudged(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Matt makes his offer: "300,000 StellarCoins!"

Upon hearing this price, Robert nearly bursts with joy.

A shabby old container getting bid up to such a price, all thanks to that kid, Daniel.

Unperturbed, Daniel adds 500 more, "300,500 StellarCoins."

Matt, feeling somewhat peeved, voices his frustration, "Daniel, what's with you and your measly 500 increment? What are you up to?"

Unbothered, Daniel retorts, "Is there any auction rule that forbids incrementing by only 500?"

Quickly siding with Daniel, Robert interjects, "Absolutely not, if you wish, you all can bid up by only 500."

At this, Matt clams up.

He has an unsettling feeling, an inkling that Daniel isn't merely attempting to muddle their judgement as Emilia had analyzed.

He feels like a puppet, manipulated and led by the nose.

He whispers to Wilson and Emilia, "We can't let this go on. I'm going to give it a hard push and see if Daniel still dares to raise his bid."