Chapter90-A Trial of Skill(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Golden Shores International Airport.

Daniel and Sophia are locked in a passionate kiss.

Lips and teeth colliding, tenderness flows like water.

After a long time, they reluctantly part when they're nearly out of breath.

Sophia hangs on Daniel like a koala, resting her head on his chest. "This time, we won't see each other for a month."

The filming for "Wild Treasure Hunt" will take a month.

But who knows how long it will be, once you factor in all sorts of miscellaneous stuff.

Daniel speaks up, "If you're going to miss me that much, then I won't go."

Sophia leaps off Daniel instantly.

She watches him warily and shakes her head, "No way, I don't want people saying I'm a jinx holding my man back."

"This 'Wild Treasure Hunt' is a global show. Even if you don't win, just getting your face seen will bring you massive popularity!"

At this point, Sophia's eyes narrow into a smile, "I want to be the woman behind the world's strongest man!"
