Chapter105-Lost in the Pyramid, Terrifying Monster of the Abyss! (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Daniel stood up, ready to venture outside.

Tap, tap, tap!

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed from the corridor outside.

What was that?!

Daniel quickly moved to stand against the wall, his hand gripping his Desert Eagle, ready for whatever was coming.

Could it be another Ghoul?

Judging from the sound, it seemed to be just one.

But if he fired his gun, the noise would likely attract more Ghouls.

Who knew how many times the pyramid could resurrect him, or what kind of price he'd have to pay for each resurrection?

He still didn't know, so he tried to avoid combat whenever possible.

The footsteps grew closer, then abruptly stopped.

Daniel tensed, his entire body cold. His gun aimed at the entrance, ready to fire at the Ghoul the moment it entered.

But when the figure appeared, Daniel froze.

A woman dressed in black professional attire stepped into his sight.

To his surprise, it wasn't a Ghoul or any other person - it was Rachel!

How could she be here?