Chapter136-A Monster Controlling Humans? Daniel Commits Murder! (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Daniel held up his Desert Eagle cautiously, refraining from making a move. 

His weapon's firepower was immense, posing a risk to allies. 

With Julia and Mike on the frontline, he didn't need to engage.

Why hadn't the monster revealed itself since the attack commenced?

Why only send these two minions? 

And while he, Julia, and Mike were seemingly the most formidable, the monsters targeted the three charlatans instead.

"The monster desires more souls."

For reasons he couldn't fathom, this thought surfaced in Daniel's mind.

Only such reasoning could explain why the monster lurking in the darkness targeted ordinary people. Killing an ordinary person was like child's play to it.

To catch the thief, first catch the king!

They had to find and stop the monster as soon as possible. The longer it took, the more complicated things might become.