Chapter144-Eliminating Dasten–The Power of the Threads!


A sound that shook the heavens echoed. 

An immense, terrifying force converged onto the fired bullet. 

Even though it was a mere pistol shot, it roared with the intensity of a cannon blast. 

For a moment, it felt as if the surrounding air had solidified, even the flames halted their flicker.

Witnessing this, Dasten took two steps back.

Clearly, it was afraid.

It could sense the nightmarish energy contained within that bullet—something it couldn't withstand. It wanted to flee.

However, it was too late.

Daniel's face contorted, erupting in a malevolent grin, "Thinking of escaping now?" 

"Too late for that!" 

"A monster or a Great Old One, what difference does it make?" 

"As long as I live, I will obliterate you all!" "Especially you, Atelarxus!"

He watched, wide-eyed, as the bullet struck Dasten. 

The creature, writhing on the ground, exploded in an instant.