Chapter172-A Chance Incident? Capsized in a Gutter?

From a staggering height of twenty-five stories, any carbon-based life form would be doomed upon descent. 

Silhouettes tumbled through the void, their contortions in mid-air culminating in a haunting thud against the ground. 

These once vibrant forms were not just lifeless now, but gruesomely misshapen; smashed beyond recognition into a grotesque, bloody pulp, with shards of skulls scattered in a macabre spray. The scene was chillingly harrowing.

In the blink of an eye, pandemonium erupted.

Many bystanders, initially drawn by the spectacle, were now paralyzed with screams. 

Panic ripples through the masses, causing a frenzied scattering in every direction. 

Such visceral carnage was seldom witnessed.

Yet, amidst this tumult, Daniel stood unwavering by the roadside, his gaze coldly fixed on the unfolding horror. 

Sophia nestled against him, her vision eclipsed by his protective hands.