Another Experiment with the Curse of Wishes

In Stoneton, Leo walked lightly out of his residence towards the only apothecary in town, which sold not potions but unprocessed raw herbs. 

Such remote towns lacked proper alchemy.

"Lord Leo, you're here," Conrad, the shopkeeper, expressed surprise upon seeing Leo but quickly understood the reason for his visit.

"I need some herbs," Leo said. "And what's with that strange look?"

Conrad nodded, his aged face creasing into an inexplicable smile. 

He turned and rummaged through the shelves behind him. 

After a while, as Leo grew impatient, Conrad returned with several packets of herbs.

"Lord Leo, these are Dragon's Blood Flower, Earth Bone Stone, and Stone Pig Beast Bone. Boil these and drink the broth. It's not as effective as the Blood Fusion Elixir, but it will help to some extent. The most important thing is, you need to be moderate."

"Otherwise, even if you can handle it, Miss Lilith might not."