Yielding to Softness

In the next instant, seizing the opportunity while the brown Venomous Serpent was still mid-air and had not yet landed, Ethan launched a powerful punch towards it.

At this moment, although the serpent was still airborne, its speed was remarkable.

Its movements were sharp and fluid, devoid of any hesitation.

With a forceful twist of its body, it veered sharply in mid-air, deftly avoiding Ethan's attack.Yet, all of this unfolded just as Ethan had anticipated.

In that moment, as Ethan observed the brown Venomous Serpent dodging his attack, he remained composed, for everything was unfolding as he had anticipated.

He had already gauged the serpent's speed, expecting it to evade his blow.

Thus, Ethan was not surprised by this turn of events.

Moreover, Ethan was already prepared for his next move.