The Reason for Inevitability

When Dart initiated the rebellion, he thought he had victory within his grasp.

He never imagined that an outsider like Ethan could defeat him.

After defeated by Ethan, Dart no longer felt like the prodigious talent of the Shadow clan.

Only by thoroughly defeating Ethan and making him acknowledge Dart's superior strength could Dart regain his confidence as a prodigy of the Shadow clan.

"You don't need to know how I acquired such potent Power of Curse.

What's important is that my strength surpasses yours by a considerable margin.

I'll give you two choices," Dart stated, his tone dripping with confidence.

"Option one, you admit that my strength is superior to yours. If you do that, I'll choose to make your suffering less painful."

"Option two, you deny that my strength surpasses yours. If you choose that path, I'll show you just how powerful Power of Curse can be, and my Curse Spell will make you pay a most excruciating price."