Financial Troubles

Howard hadn't anticipated Anna's move. 

In a swift reaction, he shifted his shield to the left, deflecting Anna's one-handed sword. 

Then, advancing with a right step forward, he pointed his sword at Anna's neck as she lay on the ground. Howard emerged victorious.

In a deep and grandiose castle, a Duke stood at the highest point, gazing into the distance, holding a goblet in his hand. 

The goblet was filled with wine from the Bordeaux region, a favorite of the Duke's. 

As a Duke, his hobby was to stand at the highest point of his castle, overlooking the grounds and the distant hills. 

The castle was beautiful, but it hadn't been renovated for a long time, and some areas were starting to show problems.

His chancellor approached in the castle, informing him that there was a leak somewhere inside and requested funds for repairs.