A Worthwhile Trade

Edward, putting on an act of being in a difficult position, said, "But I am committed to the will of the Lumburd people, to establish a paradise for them. If I don't unify Lumburd, how can I face those who support me?"

Bosiden, gathering his thoughts and breaking away from the conventional, began pacing back and forth in front of Edward, surprising him.

Bosiden said, "A kingdom has its duties, that's true. But within the kingdom, the king wields considerable influence, and that's a fact. Since you are the king, why not make a small adjustment? Unify all of Lumburd, excluding Terni's territory. Wouldn't that suffice?"

Edward replied nonchalantly, "Ah, what are you talking about? Who views the situation like that?"

Bosiden continued, "The Valuva family, with its long history, surely understands which opponents are worth fighting and which are not."