Welcoming the Arrival of the Gods


The voice of the clown mask came from behind the shimmer of electric light.

"Interesting, to think you could unleash such a level of attack instantly. It seems I have underestimated your strength." 

Nula could not detect any strain in clown mask's voice.

Could it be that those lightning bolts had no effect on him at all? A shock went through Nula's heart, prompting her to accelerate the condensation of her spell even more.

An unfamiliar mana suddenly burst forth with a roar.

Barely managing to root herself to the ground, Nula fixed her gaze ahead.

All the lightning was dispersed with a single move, and a pale blue glow of mana enshrouded the figure of the clown mask, leaving no trace of injury on him.

Under such an intense attack, not even a top-tier level 2 magus could emerge unscathed, yet the clown mask had done so, possibly indicating he was, in fact, a level 1 magus.