Dark Absentia: Blood Infernal Chapter Twenty-Four

I had the honor of accompanying Jack Smith and his group of eight civilians, all of whom were heavily armed, up several flights of stairs. As we ascended, I couldn't help but notice that there were other buildings like the one we were in, all banded together in a show of solidarity. It was clear that the people of New York were not willing to give up just because an apocalypse was looming on the horizon.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jack led us to the apartment of the man we had been searching for. I could hear Bob and Eddie's quiet, murmured voices conversing with a priest, and I knew we had finally found our target.

As I entered the room, I was greeted by an old, friendly, brown-skinned man who extended his hand towards me in a welcoming gesture. I couldn't help but notice the tattoo of a screaming eagle on his forearm, which immediately told me that he was an army veteran who had served in Vietnam.

Father Sanchez's handshake was firm and reassuring, and I knew we were in good hands. Despite the chaos and uncertainty surrounding us, the room had a sense of calm and purpose that made me feel like we would be okay.

"I am pleased to meet you. I appreciate your efforts in bringing my son back unharmed. Ted assisted in assuring him to return to me with his life and the medicine he sought. I am grateful for that," Father Sanchez conveyed. "My name is Father Enrico Sanchez. I understand that you are seeking a blessing for the apartment building you are occupying. May I ask if this will have any effect during this challenging period?" he inquired.

I looked around the room and down both ways of the hallway. Including the Father's own family, many of the residents came to him for spiritual guidance. I couldn't blame them. People tend to flock to their faith in times of crisis. This was, without a doubt, one of those times.

I took a moment to survey the room with a careful eye, my gaze sweeping over every inch of space. Then, I turned my attention to the hallway, casting a curious glance down both ends. It was clear that the Father's relatives and other inhabitants of the area had come seeking his spiritual guidance during this time of great turmoil.

As a detective and war vet, I could understand why so many sought refuge in their faith during this trying time. After all, it's often the case that people turn to their beliefs for comfort and solace in the face of crisis. And this was certainly a crisis of epic proportions. While the many areas of the city outside carried on with its usual hustle and bustle, the people in this building were confined to their homes. The presence of monstrous and erratic beings outside made the situation feel like something from a surreal horror film or TV show. It was as if reality had been turned on its head, and everyone was struggling to understand the chaos surrounding them.

"I deeply regret to inform you that our situation is dire and requires urgent action. We must turn to holy relics to stop the terrifying creatures and deranged individuals that have taken over our streets. That's what we have discovered through combating these threats. I urge you to tune into channels five and seven, as they possess the necessary information to help us combat this threat. Please disregard all other channels, as they are currently of no use," I said.

"I assure you that the danger is real and far more widespread than what is being portrayed on the internet and social media. In fact, this crisis has spread beyond the borders of New York City. The Mayor and the functional police force have verified the authenticity of this threat, and we must take it seriously," Eddie explained.

"Our top priority at the moment is to ensure our survival through this nightmarish ordeal. If blessing a building with holy relics can save even one life, then it is a necessary action that we must take. Let us all band together and fight against this darkness that threatens our very existence," I stated.

"Thank you for informing me about the situation. If it is confirmed to be a supernatural disaster, rest assured that I will utilize all my abilities to provide assistance," Father Sanchez calmly and collectively responded.

"Please, I'd like to request if anyone knows individuals currently located in safe and populated areas share their whereabouts for the benefit of others. Spread the word of the information that we have shared. Blessing their location is vital to their survival. If this is not possible, the Mayor has generously offered to send a designated individual with officers to provide assistance. The Mayor extends a thank you for your cooperation in prioritizing the safety and well-being of all individuals during these uncertain times," Eddie explained.

In our roles as civil servants and law enforcement officers, our primary objective was to maintain a sense of calm and unity amongst the civilians present. We understood that any unnecessary panic could potentially put more lives at risk, so it was crucial to keep a level head and focus on disseminating information to aid in the survival of all those present. Whether or not this was an invasion of demonic forces was irrelevant. Our goal was to prevent chaos from taking hold. The civilians were understandably worried, but many of them turned to their devices or cell phones to access information and updates. Our job was to ensure that the information they received was accurate and helpful. As we made our way through the building, we were acutely aware of the potential danger that lurked around every corner.

Before we set out, Father Sanchez blessed the building in an effort to provide an extra layer of protection. Eddie, Bob and I made our way to the first floor, wondering how long this process would take. If Father Sanchez had to bless every room, it could be a time-consuming endeavor. However, we were determined to do whatever it took to keep these things out and prevent any harm from coming to those under our care. We knew our best chance of success was to work together and remain vigilant. Daytime would undoubtedly be safer than the cover of darkness. Still, we were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter the time of day. Our commitment to the safety and well-being of those in our charge was unwavering, and we would do everything in our power to ensure their survival.

Father Sanchez emerged from the stairwell as we prepared to depart, looking ready to join us on our journey. It was reassuring to see that Ted, Henry, and their people were also prepared, with the young employees eager to assist us. Despite the chaos and mayhem that had engulfed the city, there were still pockets of sanity and order to be found. It was curious, though, how certain areas remained untouched by the madness that gripped the rest of the city. There was a more profound significance to this that we had yet to uncover, as was made evident by the events that occurred during the attack on the precinct. We were now divided into three distinct groups. Those who were sane and experiencing the terror firsthand, those who were oblivious to the unfolding nightmare, and those who actively engaged in or even aided the monstrous creatures that roamed the streets. It was a sobering realization and one that was reinforced by the evidence we uncovered during our rescue of the Mayor from city hall.

A significant lack of information remained regarding numerous aspects of the current crisis. I knew that the sole individuals who possessed clear and concise answers were those who had survived the recent church fire upstate. They hold the key to fully comprehending the current situation at hand.

Eddie and I had to get back to Bellevue with Ben. I knew he was working his ass off to get the information that we needed. As we prepared to depart, our Bob ensured that the path was clear and gave us the go-ahead with a reassuring thumbs-up sign. To ensure our safety, Henry, Eddie, and Bob stayed in the rear to guard us while Ted and I led the way through the dimly lit streets. Our small group ventures into the night streets with caution. As we traversed through the dark alleys, I couldn't help but notice the new supplies we had acquired. Ted had been resourceful enough to barter with some residents while we were conversing with the Father. At that moment, I realized that trust would be a precious commodity in the trying days ahead, especially for individuals like us who were navigating through treacherous terrain.

After a brief close encounter with another roaming band of lunatics, we finally returned to Hillcrest apartments. Our whole trip took four hours. Once we arrived, we were relieved to see that Blossom and Nathan were on guard duty at the lobby entrance. Their exemplary work in fortifying the interior of the building was awe-inspiring and gave the young group members a sense of safety and security.

"We're glad you made it back. Some of us have been clearing the lower floors below sixty. I can't believe how many people survived those floors after the chaos occurred just after dark. It is astonishing to think that so many are still alive," Blossom explained.

"That's good to hear. We got more than enough supplies for now," I said.

Eddie took charge of carrying all the essential supplies required by Madison as he made his way up the elevator. Meanwhile, Henry and Ted decided to help out in ensuring the first floor was secured. At the same time, some of his team worked diligently with me to reinforce the lobby's security. Bob took it upon himself to lead a group tasked with blocking any other possible entry points to the building, thereby ensuring that the entire team worked together seamlessly to accomplish their collective goal of keeping those monsters out.