Chapter 15 - Out of Bounds

The room Anton had brought me in was the most luxuriously spacious room I have ever been in my whole life. Even the Mistress' room was nothing compared to how elegant the room was. All were coated with a mixture of blue and red colors with golden details. The bed could fit five people. Not to mention there was a living area within the room.

There were huge glass windows and the room was also connected to a beautiful terrace covered with a lot of different kinds of flowers making it seem like a mini-garden.

A few moments upon arriving in the room, someone knocked to bring me clothes to wear after washing myself. A bath made everything feel good after a long day. I soaked myself in water for quite a long time before wearing the beautiful white dress that fit me perfectly.

After the bath, I decided to walk around the room to take a thorough look at everything.

There were a couple of books put in a small cabinet where also stood some figurines of beasts. I decided to stop searching for more fascinating items inside the room and took the book into the seat next to the open light.

I was just about to open the chosen book when suddenly, someone knocked at my door. "Dinner is ready, My Lady. I shall now take you to the dining area," the voice that sounded nothing like Anton yelled from the other side of the huge door.

I immediately put the book back to where I took it and went for the door. A lady stood there waiting for me. She gave me one great smile upon looking at me from head to toe.

"The clothes I picked up for you, fit you well, My Lady. I am glad," she said with a hint of pride and adoration.

I immediately did a more recognizable 'thank you' sign as a reply and gave her the sweetest smile I could give. She returned me an even sweeter smile.

She was right. The dress, despite being a nightgown does look good on me. It is a dress with sleeves that look much like a robe. It has fine details stitched on the hems of the ruffles that flow up until the end of my fingers. The chest area reveals a small part of my skin that cuts up to my stomach which is being held by a band right under my breasts.

The dress does seem revealing. But it doesn't make me a bit uncomfortable walking around the halls of the palace wearing it. The silk fabric felt good as it touched my skin making me feel like I never want to take it off again.

And the dining place was not too far from the room I was staying. In fact, it is just a staircase away.

I looked at the dinner table as soon as I came in. There stood Anton on the side of the room carefully watching the Prince sitting on one end of the table that seemed to be occupied by no one else.

It seems like tonight's dinner is not being held in their usual dinner area. I was expecting a room with chandeliers and a very long table. But instead, I was brought out to a terrace with a beautiful dining setup. The only source of light was from the glass walls of the huge glass windows and the candles lit up in the middle of a two-meter table.

"You look stunning, My Lady." Anton greeted me as soon as he noticed my presence.

I immediately did the same 'thank you,' that I did with the woman earlier that seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

"Please join the Prince," he added as he walked to the seat at the other end of the table where the Prince was seated. He pulled it away from the table to let me sit.

Anton is a great gentleman. The old man never fails to impress me with his gestures. He was the exact opposite of his Prince.

The Prince flashed his bare upper body with his open robe. Despite being seated, his head reaches the level of my ear. Still, the same style as the ones he usually uses, but this time, it is in a dark blue color that seems black during the night. Paired with golden details on the hems. It seems he wore pants underneath the long robe. He too may have also taken a bath already.

This setup reminds me of a true married couple. Both wearing their nightwear as they eat at the dinner table together. This reminds me so much of how the Mistress and her husband eat their dinner together back at the manor.

It didn't take long before we started eating. He didn't say a word, and I didn't move my hands to speak.

I often glance at him as he seems lost in his thoughts. It reminded me of what must be the reason for his violent reaction when the King told him about the announcement.

Also one of the moments that I wonder the most is when he mentioned about losing his respect for his father. There were indeed a lot of happenings that happened within that Palace a long time ago, but I didn't expect those happenings to be this twisted for him to lose respect for his father, the King himself.

The only reason why he gives in to his father's orders is because it is the King's orders and not his father's. His behavior towards the King being casual in front of him explains it all.

I can still remember the tension during that very short visit to the main palace.

I have only met the Prince for almost three days now and I've already been wondering about a lot of things about him.

How and why he decided to leave the main palace,

What exactly was the illness or curse that brought him out of the throne,

His relationship with his father,

And what was behind his reaction upon hearing the news?

Is it because he knew something about his brother that does not qualify him to be a good leader? or is it because he was jealous it was not him being crowned in the near future? I cannot tell because I have never even met the other Prince.

All of this about his life is not for me to pry into. I am absolutely out of bounds to ask for it because I am nothing but an outsider of this palace. I knew nothing about their past that led them to live here. All that I am left to do is to stay here and do as I was offered to do. I have agreed.

"Do you enjoy your food, My Lady?" asks Anton. I looked up at him and gave out a smile with a nod. "Great, Helen will be so thankful for your response," he added.

Silence crept into the dinner set up once more as Anton couldn't bring himself a question and start a conversation.

It went on for a few minutes until he found another idea.

"Tomorrow, before you come home, do you want to have a tour around the Palace, My Lady?" he asked me.

I looked up to him and my gaze turned at the Prince eating silently across the table. It seems he doesn't care about me walking around his property. Or he was just too lost in his thoughts and didn't pay attention to what Anton was talking about.

"Isn't that a good idea, Your Highness?"

Anton switched to him. I saw how he cocked his head up when he heard the words 'Your Highness,'.

I knew he was not being himself when I stepped into the dining area. But I never expected him to become so dull with his surroundings that he didn't hear what Anton just said. What was he thinking about? Is it the coronation?

"I am thinking about giving the Lady a tour around the Palace tomorrow morning, Your Highness," Anton told him trying to mask the concern in his tone and expression.

"You may do what you want tomorrow," he answered.

I shifted my glance back and forth between the two of them when they suddenly went silent.

There's something wrong in this room. And I felt it immediately.

Suddenly, the Prince dropped his utensils and stood up. "Are you going, Your Highness?" Anton asked him.

I saw how the air blew the open robe away revealing his whole upper body as he walked away from the dinner table.

He didn't even answer him and continued walking away as if he didn't hear anything.

I immediately snapped back from my thoughts about his body and focused on what was going on. It seemed like Anton realized that I was concerned he gave me a tired smile. "I will talk to the Prince, My Lady. Please finish your dinner." and walked out of the dining area.