Chapter 17 - A Wonderful Place

Upon stepping into the garden at the center of the whole palace and seeing how huge the buildings were, I knew this tour was going to be a drag. I immediately knew it would make my feet hurt inside these shoes I was wearing that I always knew didn't fit walking long places.

But I didn't change it to hide the fact that they gave me a different type of shoe that didn't fit the activity.

After breakfast, we both set off alone.

He could have just sent somebody else to tour me around. This tour is extremely unnecessary to be bothered about. Especially after the fact that it was Anton who thought about this idea and not him. I do not know if he was forced to do this or if he suggested doing the tour instead of Anton by himself.

"The building that we occupied last night is barely used," he started talking as we walked on the pathways of the garden and to another building which was the one that you can see in front. "As you may have noticed, the place barely even has furniture,"

If that is a place with barely any furniture, then I couldn't imagine the place we are on our way to enter.

The Prince's calmness doesn't settle well with me. I look at him and remember who he was yesterday. How he was able to pass me out just with the said mana he has released around the room. It makes me want to ask him how he dealt with it and how he can appear as calm as this the next day as if he didn't leave the table with unfinished food the last time I saw him.

"I will tour you around the main building of this palace today. As this is where you will be staying when you move here,"

It seems like I was too shaken off by the events yesterday that I had forgotten about the offer he had given me the day before.

Which I have accepted, as the reason why I was standing in this palace today.

"Has that thing, that your Mistress has kept from you, already been given back?" he asked so randomly.

'No, Your Highness.'

Despite the fortune that she had accepted from the Prince's palace, she still kept the necklace. Saying she was going to think about what other things she could make me do in the near future.

"And when was she going to give it back?" he asked.

'I do not know,' I answered.

He shifted his gaze away from me and continued walking until he reached the first few steps of the back entrance of the beautiful palace building.

"Then when do you plan on moving here?"

I never really thought about it ever since. 'I still haven't thought about it, Your Highness.' I answered. I just couldn't think of the perfect time to move.

"The sooner the better," he said. "This Palace will become your home in a matter of time. It is exquisite that Anton has initiated the idea of giving you a tour of the palace grounds."

We walked into a huge entrance which revealed an ever bigger hallway. This is a different way from where we came in from the entrance at the front. The hallways are not this big as far as I can remember.

Despite being another building, it still has those red carpets and random furniture scattered along the way. But not just any other furniture. They are a lot more elegant and look extremely expensive. Especially the statues you can come across guarding each turn.

"The main entrance of this palace is in front. There are a couple of ways to get to every building behind this palace. There is a way on the left and right side in which I know you can remember walking in last night," he started talking as we strode along the clean carpets of the huge arched hallways. "This way is barely used as it was only me, the only royal resident of this palace walks along the hallways," I can see his point. The carpets looked new and had never been stepped on before.

The flowers from the gardens outside are visible through the large window at the end of the hallway opened to let in the bright light into the place. I couldn't help but adore the fine details of the palace's architecture as I walked down the single hallway. I couldn't help but expect more from the other parts of the room.

"There are a couple of bed chambers in this building. They are all scattered across the second, third, and fourth floors. I shall let you know which door is a bed chamber as we walk further." he started talking again. "This entrance," he faced another elegant entrance with closed chiseled doors, "This leads to the great hall, the venue of last week's event," he added and then immediately started walking again.

"This is one of the palace's chapels. There is another building near the left garden that is bigger so the maids often use them during prayer days,"

"This is another event hall, this one is used for outdoor occasions,"

He continued babbling about the rooms and the halls inside the palace. He also pointed out some of the bed chambers.

But one thing that doesn't settle the most to me is when he randomly says, "I do not know what that room is," and refuses to open it to know.

I know that it could be possible that you cannot memorize what rooms are in your huge-sized palace but I couldn't believe it is almost half of the rooms we walked passed by.

"Some rooms are on the underground floor where the cooks and housekeepers usually do their work. I suggest skipping that part of the palace to not disturb any of my workers,"

Can I even call this a tour if we keep skipping to go through a lot of rooms?

Despite my initial thoughts about this tour, I still followed him in silence.

This palace's interior kept me in awe this whole time. I couldn't help but adore the great details of how this building was built. Each color of paint, the structure of windows, the texture of the walls, every tile on the floor, and the placement of the furniture, paintings, and stuff were all put in meticulously by whoever made this place.

It was a complete masterpiece.

I couldn't help but be reminded that I would be living here in no time.

"That room is my room," he pointed to another room at the end of the hallway. The doors were bigger than the usual doors I see on the past floors. It was exceptionally huge and it makes sense why. "And that will be your room," he then said looking at another room with a pretty normal door near the staircase.

He slowly walked towards the room and opened the door. He let me enter first before closing the door behind him. The room was stuffed with different kinds of things. Most of them are things I have never had before.

What caught my eye was a huge vanity table sits a lot of pieces of jewelry, and many other things I couldn't recognize from my distance.

The bed was huge too. There was also a simple living area stuffed with different kinds of things. When you look right, there is a glass door and window that shows a huge terrace outside that has seats and a table in it.

The curtains and details were just like the room I had stayed before. All blue with golden details Must be the theme of the palace.

On the other side is a door that must be leading to the walk-in closet. I am thrilled to explore that part but I couldn't bring myself to look excited. Instead, I looked at him to bring me to the rest of the palace.

Upon that quick check, we went back to the hallway. I thought we were done with the left wing when he suddenly stopped. "This is my study." he stopped and opened the door by himself.

I never thought there would be any more surprises in this palace to explore. But when he opened the door and my sight was filled with countless bookshelves that go up to another floor, I couldn't help my mouth opening.

The room was filled with books. It looked like a library.

Straight from the door was an oak table with a couple of papers and stuff on it. Also a huge seat at the back. And there was nothing more. It was like he had kept this library only for himself that he didn't put any more to this for others to sit in and read.

This huge library is only for himself. This isn't even close to a normal study room.

'This is huge,' I said as I walked inside to see how long the stacks of books were going to last.

Ever since I was taught how to read, it took me a hard time to keep myself away from books. And the only reason I was not able to read more is because I didn't have anything left that I hadn't read.

There were a lot in the Count's manor but it was all out of my reach. Most of my books were books thrown out by the Mistress.

This room is the complete heaven for me.

"It seems that you like this room," he commented from my back.

'Do you like to read?' I asked. I looked back at him and he gave me a slight smirk.

"No, " he answered without a hint of doubt.

'Then how do you own these lots of books?' I asked him.

"I was going to throw them away,"

That broke my heart.

"I said I was," he immediately said. He was fast to see how I reacted. I wanted to curse myself for showing too much emotion over books. "It seems that they are going to be put in use now that you'll be moving here," he said as he started to walk past me and started moving the things on his table.

I couldn't answer. Instead, I walked toward the shelf nearest to me and ignored his comment.

"Have you thought about it now?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

'What, your Highness?' I asked and continued running my fingers across the piles of books.

"Moving." I couldn't help but look back at him when he suddenly brought up moving in again.

Before I could even answer, a knock resonated across the room. It startled me a bit but I was able to collect myself and looked at the door.

"Who is it?" he asks. The door opened slowly and it revealed Anton standing outside. I immediately took a thorough inspection of him and he looked perfectly fine.

"Your Highness, we got another letter from the main Palace,"