If You Want to Force Me to Be a Tyrant, I’ll Show You!

In M Country's capital, a raging sea of fire enveloped the entire sky.

Cang Wentian had just finished recovering and was about to stand up.


Suddenly, a terrifying figure that seemed to be able to suppress the sky descended.

Twenty-three different types of dragon-type power circulated within his armor. The two Black Dragons roared loud enough to waver the endless sea of fire in the distance.

Cang Wentian's heart trembled as he turned around.

The person before him made his eyes narrow. Waves of surging pressure overcame him.

"The cities, you… Did you destroy them?"

Wearing Emperor Dragon armor, Gu Changqing's voice sounded like knells from the underworld. The four-colored eyes under his helmet seemed to hold a terrifying scene of the universe and the starry sky's destruction.

"That's right, I was the one who did so. You humans should all die!"