Reaching the Transcendent Realm, Reincarnation Vine

Around Universe City.

The pressure has increased again. Looks like the gate is about to open!

When I go in, I need to be careful and not fight with the stronger creatures. If I just quietly loot the treasure, there shouldn't be any issues, right?

Wealth comes from danger. If I find an opportunity, I must seize it! As long as I can turn the tables, the entire universe will tremble under my feet. Gu Changqing and Blue Star will all be worms below me!

The Divine Runemasters gathered all had their own thoughts.

"Is that someone from Haoxue Academy? I heard that Qian Jue and Haoxue Canglan have already died. Who is this person?"

"Look, it's the people from the Supreme Dao Commerce Chamber. They never miss such an opportunity!"

"The Hidden Prison Evil Emperor must be with the legendary Nine-Colored Demoness, right? However, I'm very curious as to how they got together. Does anyone know what the Nine-Colored Demoness's true form is?"