A Terrifying Monster!

On the wasteland, Hidden Prison Evil Emperor and Su Li were slowly flying back. To the two of them, this trip had already fulfilled their vision.

Su Li had also regained her memories, and there was nothing left to miss in Universe City.

Just as the two of them were about to leave quickly, a loud rumble came from afar.

She turned to look in Luoshui City's direction, exchanging a glance with Hidden Prison Evil Emperor. Knowing that a huge battle must have broken out, the two of them immediately turned back.


In the clouds, the creature had monstrous killing intent. His terrifying pressure directly shattered the surroundings.

A claw slammed down with an aura that covered the sky and area where Zhao Feng and Taotie were.

Terrifying power rushed into the wilderness, and Zhao Feng immediately fled ten thousand feet away along with the others.
