Formless Otherworldly Demons, Ashes Under the Spirit Flames!

In the sky above Zhulu County.

Demonic energy was dense, and the powerful cyclone instantly twisted into a huge vortex. It was chaotic and hazy, and the naked eye could not see what was inside.

It was menacing, as if it was going to smash down at the next moment.

The sky above was split by the vortex, and Zhulu County became two distinct worlds.

A dull and oppressive aura suddenly rose. Ordinary people only needed to look up to feel that divine order had collapsed, and fear rose from their hearts.

People walked out of their newly repaired homes and looked up in horror.

"The Otherworldly Demons are here again!"

"This is strange. They always attacked the city directly. I've never seen something so strange before!"

"I'm so scared. I'm going to hide in the cellar!"

People did not dare to speak loudly, and even their breathing became very careful.