Preparing Before Leaving

Inside the Time Box, Zhang Hu and the others were overjoyed.

Isabelle's last bit of guilt towards her former boss, Mark Relin, had already run to the clouds.

The reason why Gu Changqing became the human race's new ruler was partly because he was powerful, but more importantly, he never forgot his brothers.

The Star Emperor, who was already standing at the top of the pyramid, had such a broad and open mind. Isabelle felt that she had followed the right boss this time!

Since that was the case, she could not slack off and fall behind them.

In the next moment, she focused her attention and gathered her strength. As the power of the crystal entered her body, the blue-white light on her armor flourished, even covering Emperor Qin's dark light beside her.

Emperor Qin watched as all of them rapidly improved. His expression seemed calm, but in reality, he was already burning with anxiety.