If They Had 49 Days Left

Gu Changqing arrived at the main building and delivered a crucial speech.

"The calamity of the entire Southern Universe is upon us. All living beings, please try your best to escape!"

Data was swiftly transmitted, and Isabelle looked terrified.

"Your Excellency the Star Emperor, if this continues, Blue Star will have nowhere to run!"

Arnuohan's entire body trembled.

"Boss, many planets have been equipped with super engines to deal with such disasters! I don't think it's to the extent of being completely wiped out!"

His voice quivered. A few epochs ago, someone proposed a plan to escape from the Southern Universe, considered a joke until today.

Emperor Qin's expression darkened. What saddened him was that the cultivation of a billion years had gone to waste. What should have happened couldn't be stopped.