The Second Animal

"Seductive Fox Technique!"

Thinking of this tribe that had once caused the destruction of several human countries, Zhao Meng thought of the mixed-fur fox whose gender he had changed.

"By transforming it into a female fox, I seemed to have helped it to a certain extent!

"Unfortunately, it won't have the chance to return to Fox Hill Mountain again!"

From the memories of his predecessor, Zhao Meng learned that Fox Hill Mountain was ruled by matriarchal authority, and male foxes did not have a high status.

Therefore, male foxes were often used to spy on dangerous information during missions to infiltrate the human world.

The female foxes were in charge of seducing the rulers of the human race.

It was also because the foxes had the ability to infiltrate other races that they became the most powerful intelligence force in the entire demon tribe.

Previously, several countries which were infiltrated to the point of porosity were corrupted and self-destructed.

"I wonder how long the State of Zhao can last before such a fox tribe!"

At this moment, a burning smell interrupted Zhao Meng's thoughts.

"Oh no, the porridge is burnt!"

Zhao Meng jumped off the stone platform and hurriedly returned to the tiled house.

In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

It's been six months since he came to this world.

Coupled with the time his predecessor had spent on Two-World Mountain, all in all, his body had been on Two-World Mountain for eight months.

It was also because his predecessor had not stayed on Two-World Mountain for long, as a latecomer, even if there was an abnormality in his behavior, he did not attract the attention of the Taoists guarding the mountain.

And since the last simulation ended, Zhao Meng had been waiting for the next simulation.

This wait lasted for three months.

In the past three months, he had not been idle.

He tried to develop the ability of A Showdown.

However, it was a pity that the rats in the Two-World Mountain were extremely cunning. He had yet to catch a single live rat.

As for other animals that could be experimented on, they were even rarer.

It was as if the Two-World Mountain had been cleaned regularly, and there were not many large animals with obvious genders.

On the other hand, some strange insects were very common in the Two-World Mountain.

Unfortunately, he was not a professional entomologist. Even if he could catch insects, he would not be able to identify the gender of the insects.

Under such circumstances, the preparation for A Showdown had come to a standstill.

Although the development of the message was not very smooth, in reality, Zhao Meng had successfully opened up a second farmland.

After asking Qing Xuan for some seeds, he planted some new varieties of vegetables.

During the process of farming, Zhao Meng also discovered that the phantom in his consciousness had started to become clearer.

He had discovered this phenomenon since the last time he ended the simulation.

As the message was drawn, the phantom seemed to have exhausted its energy and became blurry. As time passed, the phantom gradually filled up.

"From the clear rate, in about a day or two, the phantom would recover to the point where it could simulate again!

"I wonder what energy the phantom absorbed?

"If I could inject this energy into it, could I shorten the interval between simulations?"

At this moment, Zhao Meng, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform and studying the simulation system, was disrupted by a voice.

"Your Highness, these are the clothes and food for the next few days!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Zhao Meng hurriedly stood up to welcome him.

"Thank you, Priest Qing Xuan!"


"I still have a mission today, so I won't stay any longer!"

Zhao Meng sighed as he watched the Taoist turn into a green light and disappear into the mountains. Then, he shook his head gently and put the things that Qing Xuan had delivered into the tiled room. He continued to sit cross-legged on the stone platform and look at the scenery in the mountains.

At the other end, Qing Xuan landed in front of a Taoist temple.

A mixed-fur fox came up.

Seeing this fox, Qing Xuan frowned and said,

"You can leave now! Don't stay here!"


After saying that, Qing Xuan ignored the mixed-fur fox and walked straight into the Taoist temple.

As for the mixed-fur fox, it pretended to be human and looked at the Taoist who had disappeared in front of the Taoist temple. It shook the mixed fur on its body and thought to itself,

"I didn't expect that I, Bai Yan, could still leave Two-World Mountain alive!

"Those b*tches from Fox Hill Mountain would never have thought that I would be able to return alive!"

It thought about what had happened to its fox self.

Bai Yan still found it unbelievable. In the past three months, it had used various methods to verify its body.

It did turn into a female fox.

This kind of thing broke its worldview,

In its world, gender was determined by the heavens. The male fox was born to be the female fox's servant and did the most difficult thing for the foxes.

This situation could not be changed.

"But why would there be such a change?"

Bai Yan recalled what had happened to it. Those Taoist priests who had placed curse marks in its body did not have such ability.

If humans had such ability, they would have long infiltrated the demon tribe.

"It was only during that time…"

It looked at the Two-World Mountain that was shrouded in clouds.

The mixed-fur fox recalled the man it had met three months ago.

"Could it be him…"

In the blink of an eye, it was already the second day.

Zhao Meng, who was on the stone platform, had his eyes closed as though he was cultivating. He did not notice the surrounding fog beads hanging on his body.

At this moment, he was visualizing the phantom in his mind.

And that phantom seemed to have condensed to a certain extent.

A faint fluctuation emitted from the phantom.

At the same time, a familiar and pleasant voice sounded from the phantom.

[Do you want to carry out the second animal simulation?]

Zhao Meng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the phantom's voice.

"It's finally ready!"

Just as Zhao Meng was about to carry out the simulation, he suddenly noticed that there was another option on the phantom, which was that the first simulated animal could still be simulated.

"Second round?

Looking at this option, Zhao Meng could not help but ask, "What would I get if I repeat the simulation of the first animal?"

[You can draw the first animal's messages!]

[And unlock the hidden messages!]

"Hidden messages!"

Hearing this, Zhao Meng was stunned for a moment. He carefully recalled the blue-spot Sea Hare.

Other than some relatively useless messages on this creature, what other hidden messages could be unlocked?

Looking at the options provided by the simulation system, Zhao Meng muttered to himself, "In other words, there are two choices now: simulate the first animal or simulate a new one!

"If I simulate the first animal, because of the experience of success, I will definitely obtain a message. I can even unlock the hidden messages.

"However, as the messages are obtained, the simulation system will enter hibernation again!

"If I simulate a new animal, I will obtain the unknown messages. And, because it's a new animal, the success rate of the simulation will not be high!

"What should I choose?"

Zhao Meng hesitated for a moment.

Thinking of the blue-spot Sea Hare that had caused him a lot of mental trauma, he was unwilling to become a soft animal for the time being.

Therefore, he finally decided to try a new animal.