Fox Presenting Treasures

The mixed-fur fox lying on the ground heard Zhao Meng's question.

It quietly raised its head.

When it saw Zhao Meng staring at it, it hurriedly lowered its head.

"He really is the prince of Zhao. Isn't he already dead?"

A ripple appeared in the mixed-fur fox's mind.

One had to know that its first mission to sneak into Two-World Mountain was to investigate Zhao Meng's situation.

As for why the fox tribe paid attention to Zhao Meng, as a low-level mixed-fur fox, it was not qualified to know.

Although it found Zhao Meng's identity strange, when it thought of the abilities that Zhao Meng had used, the mixed-fur fox did not probe further into whether the person in front of him was the prince of the State of Zhao.

"As long as there's an existence that can change my current situation, regardless of whether they are humans or demons, they are all my benefactors!"

Thinking of its miserable days in Fox Hill Mountain, a fierce look flashed across the mixed-fur fox's eyes. Then, it organized its thoughts and replied to Zhao Meng's question.

"Exalted Immortal, you've done me a great favor. I'm here to thank you!

"Exalted Immortal! I'll repay my debt of gratitude!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Meng's heart was filled with doubts.

When did he become an Exalted Immortal?

Also, why did this fox say that it wanted to repay his kindness?

According to the values of this world, generally speaking, turning a man into a eunuch was a death feud, not to mention turning one into a woman, unless that person had a special fetish.

"Wait! This fox…"

Zhao Meng recalled the situation at Fox Hill Mountain.

Because most of the people in power in the human world were men, the fox tribe also took advantage of the fact that men were lecherous to infiltrate the human race.

However, this infiltration also produced a side effect, and that was the situation of Yin flourishing and Yang declining in the fox tribe.

It was easier for a female fox to obtain resources from humans with its beauty, and its status in the fox tribe was higher.

Recalling this situation, Zhao Meng suddenly recalled a certain faction in his previous life. They had also used a similar method to earn a large amount of foreign currency for their country, causing the status of women to increase to a certain extent.

"In that case, it's just as I guessed. I did help it by turning it into a female fox."

"But male foxes should also be able to cultivate charm techniques. After all, there are some things where gender doesn't need to be so rigid!"

A strange thought flashed through Zhao Meng's mind.

He looked at the mixed-fur fox below and still did not respond.

The fox opened its mouth, and a pink light flew out of it and landed on the ground.

When the pink light dissipated, two items appeared in front of the fox.

One of them was a pouch made of some kind of animal skin. There seemed to be something bulging inside.

The other was a piece of animal skin. One could vaguely see some words on it.

"Although the value of these two items isn't high, they're all I have!"

As the mixed-fur fox spoke, it used its front claws to open the animal-skin pouch and animal skin.

In the animal-skin pouch were some gold mixed with gems.

There were some words on the unfurled animal skin.

Zhao Meng's expression did not change as he looked at the gold and gems in the animal-skin pouch.

The most popular currency in the secular world was still gold, silver, and copper.

This pouch of gold and gems was worth a lot of money in the human world.

However, to Zhao Meng currently, money was useless to him.

Therefore, he placed his gaze on the animal-skin scroll at the side.

"Demonic characters!"

Zhao Meng sized up the animal-skin scroll.

Due to the distance, many of the characters could not be read clearly. However, Zhao Meng could still recognize at a glance that this was a demonic language used by the demons.

As a member of the royal family, his predecessor had naturally learned the demonic language.

Zhao Meng was very curious about what was written on the animal-skin scroll, but he still glanced at the mixed-fur fox without batting an eyelid.

"What brings you here?"

This question was the same as Zhao Meng's earlier question.

However, this time, there was a hint of joy in the fox's eyes.

"Since Exalted Immortal has the ability to create Yin and Yang, I have a small request. I wonder if Exalted Immortal can make me look better!"

Hearing such a request, Zhao Meng's expression did not change, but he was extremely surprised.

Whether it was the legend of the fox demon that he knew in his previous life or the knowledge of the fox demon that he knew from his predecessor, these foxes are known for their ability to transform.

Now, a vixen had suddenly run over to ask a man like him for advice on how to become more beautiful. No matter how he thought about it, it was strange.

"As a fox, you should be proficient in the art of illusion and seduction. Why are you seeking the method of beauty from me?"

Upon hearing Zhao Meng's question, the mixed-fur fox sighed and said, "Exalted Immortal, although you have transformed this little demon from Yang to Yin, the male appearance remains in this little demon's body.

"In the end, the art of illusion is just an illusion. The real body is the essence of the fox tribe.

"This little demon with such a look is discriminated against in the fox tribe. It cannot pass some assessments, so it comes to beg the Exalted Immortal!"

After saying that, the mixed-fur fox secretly glanced at Zhao Meng.

Seeing the person on the stone platform looking at it indifferently, the mixed-fur fox continued, "This is just a small request from this little demon.

"If Exalted Immortal is too busy to cast a spell, this little demon will retreat now…"

Zhao Meng was thinking about something when he heard the mixed-fur fox's humble words. He sighed in his heart.

"Judging from the color of its fur, this fox is indeed not very good-looking!"

In his impression, the most beautiful ones were pure white foxes, followed by red foxes with bright red fur.

However, the fur of the fox in front of him was of a motley color, like a mixed-fur dog with skin disease.

In this case, regardless of gender, as long as the coat of fur does not change, as a fox, it was still an ugly existence among the foxes.

Zhao Meng, who had already simulated the Tassel Sandpiper, knew very well the importance of fur color for choosing a mate.

"Coincidentally, the message Gender Disguise is suitable for the current situation!"

However, looking at the words floating in his mind, Zhao Meng was still a little hesitant.

"After selecting the message, there will be a three-month cooldown period before I can obtain the opportunity for the next simulation!

"Furthermore, the basic function of the message Gender Disguise Starting with DNA is to let the male put on female clothing and the female put on male clothing.

"In other words, this fox is now a female. If I use this message, its appearance would probably become a perfect male.

"If I want to let this fox become a beautiful female fox, I have to turn it into a male fox before I can dress it up as a woman.

"Wait! Turning it to a male fox…"

At this moment, Zhao Meng suddenly remembered that he had not finished experimenting with the message A Showdown.

He previously experimented with the process of changing a male to female.

The reverse process of transforming a female into a male has not been experimented.

"Isn't there a test subject right in front of me?

"But who's going to fight with it in A Showdown!"

"It can't be me!"

"If that's the case, I'll change from a prince to a princess…"

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng felt a little troubled.

"If it doesn't work, I will use the Gender Disguise message directly!"

"A female with a perfect male appearance. A fox with some special fetishes might like such a fox!"