Swimming! Swimming


Zhao Meng, who had just entered the simulation, encountered death.

Zhao Meng was also a little stunned.

He looked at the text of the system notification and carefully recalled the name of this fish. He realized that he did not know this fish.

"There's no hurry. This is only the first time I'm continuing the simulation!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng closed his eyes and continued to simulate.

Soon, an azure seascape appeared in front of him.

[In the first week, you were born from a fish egg. You discovered that you had become the hatchling of a sunfish…]

Zhao Meng was lucky this time.

Because there were too many siblings with him, the surrounding predators could not finish eating them all. Mixed in, he drifted away from the breeding ground with the current.

This time, Zhao Meng finally saw the animal he was simulating.

"Dolphin, didn't it say sunfish?" Zhao Meng looked at his siblings around him and felt a little puzzled.

"It's too small!

"And a little cute!"

After having gone through the simulation process of the Sea Hare and the Dolphin, Zhao Meng compared the surrounding environment to determine the size of his body.

"It's probably only the size of a thumbnail. With this physique, it's completely a dish in the sea!"

Looking at the large number of fish around and treating the sunfish hatchling as a feast, Zhao Meng felt that this animal simulation would not be so easy.

Fortunately, the number of sunfish hatchlings was extremely terrifying.

Like locusts floating in the sea, Zhao Meng, who was enveloped by the fish hatchlings, finally embarked on the path of a new life.

[In the second week, you feed on plankton. Your body size has begun to grow!]

"This sunfish's growth speed is also exaggerated!

"In just a week, it grew from the size of a fingernail to the size of an egg!

"It's like it's on steroids!

"It's just that its appearance has become a little strange!

After a week of observation, he realized that the newborn sunfish looked a little like a pufferfish. It was bulging and very cute.

But as its physique grew, this sunfish was beyond the category of puffer fish. The longer it grew, the stranger it became.

He did not know how to describe this growth trend. He only vaguely felt that this sunfish was growing more and more dumb.

It was an indescribable sense of foolishness!

"I wonder what kind of strange animal it is this time!"

[In the third week, you eat, grow, and avoid predators!]

Looking around at the dwindling number of siblings, as a fish, Zhao Meng also made some sounds and could only continue eating.

[In the fourth week, you eat and grow.]

[In the fifth week, you eat and grow.]

It had been more than a month since he became a sunfish.

Zhao Meng's body grew from the size of an egg to the size of a basketball.

At this moment, he finally wondered where this strange dull feeling came from.

"This sunfish has a long body, but its fins aren't long at all!"

Looking around at the loaches that preyed on sunfish, Zhao Meng tried his best to flap the tiny fins on his body, but he could not swim fast no matter what.

He could only watch as the agile loach swallowed him in one bite.

[You have been captured. Simulation failed!]

On the stone platform, before Zhao Meng opened his eyes, his expression was extremely strange.

"How can there be such a strange animal?!"

"It only grew, but its mobility didn't increase nor its concealment ability. It doesn't even have the toxins of a pufferfish.

"It didn't even dodge when facing a predator. This creature actually didn't go extinct!"

Zhao Meng did not understand why he continued to simulate.

Third simulation, fourth simulation…

Until the sixth simulation, the sunfish that Zhao Meng simulated did not live for more than a year.

Under such circumstances, he could not even trigger the notification on the messages that he could get.

From his previous experience, he had to simulate at least half of the life cycle of the sunfish before he could receive the notification under the condition of failure.

"This sunfish is a little difficult!

"If only I could use the messages for other animals on the sunfish!"

Unfortunately, in Zhao Meng's previous simulation, after trying for a while, he did not find such an option in the system.

He did not know if the system did not have such a function or if other conditions were needed to trigger it.

In short, the process of simulating the sunfish was not smooth.

Fortunately, Zhao Meng had plenty of time.

In this lonely Two-World Mountain, such a simulation was just to pass the time.

In the days that followed, Zhao Meng continued to simulate.

Ten simulations, twenty simulations,….

During this time he tried to hide in coral reefs, however, with the huge body of the sunfish and the anxiety-causing tiny fins, he was like a plane with a small turbine. He could not swim fast at all.

Any fish could come up and take two bites.

Fortunately, after so many simulations, his experience in dealing with risks had gradually increased.

When he performed the 31st simulation, he seemed to have obtained the blessing of the God of Fortune and finally lived to the age of maturity.

[In April of the second year, driven by instinct, you began to search for a habitat!]

"I'm finally going to reproduce!"

In the blue sea, Zhao Meng, who was a sunfish, sighed in his heart.

Driven by instinct, he followed the tribe and swam towards the sandbed in the shallow sea.

After more than two years of growth, Zhao Meng was already as big as a goat.

This size can also defend against most smaller predators.

"The probability of survival has greatly increased, but the appearance is too strange!"

There was no mirror in the sea, so he did not know what he looked like. However, by observing the other sunfish, he could still deduce his appearance.

In Zhao Meng's words, the sunfish looked very strange.

In his previous life, he had seen strange fish, like a monkfish holding a lantern in the deep sea.

However, this was the first time he had seen a fish as dumb as a sunfish.

The appearance of the sunfish was like the cut-off head of a carp, which was then flattened, and had fins added to both sides of the head..

This sunfish looked like it only had a head and no body!

It was huge, and it swam slowly. It was impossible to avoid predators.

What was even more troublesome was that there was something wrong with Zhao Meng's body.

"It's itchy!

"There are more and more parasites in and out of my body!

"It feels like this sunfish is rearing Gu!

"Could it be that filling my body with parasites is also a survival strategy?

Zhao Meng felt terrible. He did not understand. He had been thinking about why such a strange animal did not go extinct.

"I wonder what kind of messages I can get from this animal!"

Looking at the sandbed at the bottom of the sea in front of him, he stopped letting his imagination run wild. Instead, he observed the behavior of the other sunfish and began to prepare for the reproduction process.

"I'll dig a hole first!


Zhao Meng noticed the other male fish used their body to dig a very shallow but large pit in the sandbed.

He followed suit.

A pit was dug, and he observed again.

"That's it!"

After the male fish dug the pit, they floated on it and widened their huge eyes, looking innocent, as if what happened next had nothing to do with them.

At this moment, Zhao Meng noticed that the female fish had arrived.

Facing the arrival of the females, these males were not excited. They did not fight for mates like the Tassel Sandpiper.

They just stared and waited.