You Must Not Expose Your Identity, Otherwise...

"Where is he?" A fierce voice entered Zhao Meng's ears.

"Honey, what are you talking about?"

"B*tch, stop pretending!"

Zhao Meng heard something in his daze. It sounded like a fight or an argument.

"Huh? I'm under the bed!

"Why am I not in bed, but under it?"

"Haha! I found you! So you're here!"

Zhao Meng looked in the direction of the voice.

He saw a bull-headed monster lying on the ground, staring at him fiercely through the gap under the bed.


Just as Zhao Meng was about to explain something, he heard a bang and the entire bed was flipped over.

"Human, I'm going to chew you alive!"

As it spoke, the bull-headed monster opened its mouth and bit at Zhao Meng.

Before its mouth could reach him, a foul smell assaulted his nose.

Zhao Meng wanted to dodge, but he realized that his limbs seemed to have lost their strength. He could not control them at all.


Zhao Meng suddenly sat up.

Only then did he realize that his surroundings were pitch-black. The sky was already filled with stars, and under the quiet night sky, there was only the sound of crickets.

It was dark!

Not far away, those from the horse tribe were sprucing themselves up.

The bonfire that was originally lit was now only left with dull red carbon.

It was already late at night!

At that moment, Zhao Meng panted heavily and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Fortunately, that was just a dream!"

Zhao Meng heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked up at the stars in the sky.

Although it was already late at night, Zhao Meng found it difficult to calm down.

He slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness returned to that familiar space.

As soon as he arrived in the space of his consciousness, he immediately looked at the Paternity Test message.

And there's this paragraph under the message:

[After the analysis, the confidence level of your father-daughter relationship with the subject being analyzed is 99.99%. It's determined that you are father and daughter!]

Zhao Meng's consciousness was still trembling when he saw the description again.

Previously, he had guessed that Cloud Heredity and Reproduction Isolation Challenger would have some unexpected reactions to each other.

However, when this reaction became reality, Zhao Meng found it hard to accept.

"I'm done for!"

Dreams are reflections of reality.

The strange dream just now was Zhao Meng's worry about his current environment.

Thinking of the furious demons and the flattened Two-World Mountain, he was very clear about his current situation.

"Forget it! An accident has already happened. There's no point in worrying.

"The most important thing now is to think of a way to hide my identity!"

Zhao Meng thought for a moment and prepared to return outside.

However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that the golden Reproduction Isolation Challenger flickered again.

"The message has just been activated again!

"It's been 18 years!"

"Could it be that the thing in mist form is so long-lasting that it's still floating in this world?

"If that's the case, how many descendants have I had in the past eighteen years?

"Who else is being…"

Zhao Meng's thoughts were in a mess again.

He thought of the place of birth that Ma Linlin had mentioned previously.

What was certain was that the genetic material transformed into mist could float far away.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Meng became even more determined.

"I can't expose my identity, or else…"

Ever since he woke up in the middle of the night, Zhao Meng could not fall asleep again.

He thought of many, many issues.

He read the introduction on Cloud Heredity repeatedly.

[Your genetic material can be converted to mist, and you can have a chance encounter!]

He repeatedly pondered the meaning of "a chance encounter".

Just as he was thinking about this, the sky gradually brightened, and the horse demons in the camp began to pack their things and move forward again.

Meanwhile, Zhao Meng was still sitting in the carriage, thinking about something.

"You're awake!" A sweet voice sounded beside Zhao Meng.

Zhao Meng turned around and saw that Ma Linlin had arrived beside him.

"Ah! Why are your eyes so dark? And you look so pale!

"I'll get my uncle to take a look at you!"

Upon hearing Ma Linlin's words, Zhao Meng hurriedly shook his head and rejected, "No need!"

"I promised to send you safely to Two-World Pass. If anything happens to you halfway, it will damage our horse tribe's reputation!"


Ma Linlin wanted to continue, but she suddenly realized that Zhao Meng was looking at her strangely.

This gaze made her feel inexplicably uneasy. She could not say what she wanted to say.

"Since you're fine, I'll go and check on the business team first!"

After a hurried reply, Ma Linlin ran away.

Looking at Ma Linlin's departing figure, Zhao Meng was also a little vexed.

"How am I supposed to face my daughter?"

In his previous life, he was a single person, commonly known as a single dog.

His predecessor was imprisoned on Two-World Mountain, when he had just come of age in this world; he had never had any enjoyment.

It could be said that the two of them from two worlds, with a combined age of 40, did not have any parenting experience.

He was even more unprepared for the sudden appearance of his 18-year-old daughter.

"Acknowledge her?"

This thought flashed across his mind before it was rejected by Zhao Meng.

With his current situation, reuniting with any descendant was a very dangerous and stupid thing to do.

"Forget it, I'll take it one step at a time!"

The sun leaped out of the horizon in the east.

The business team embarked on the journey to Two-World Pass City again.

Ma Linlin, who had run away just now, went to Zhao Meng's side again and chatted with him.

"By the way! Ma Linlin, where are your parents?"

Originally very lively, Ma Linlin's expression immediately changed when she heard Zhao Meng's question.

Zhao Meng's heart skipped a beat when he noticed the change in Ma Linlin's expression. He had a bad feeling.

"My mother is dead!

"As for my father…

"I'll find him!"

When Ma Linlin said this, she even revealed a furious and fierce expression.

"And what then, after finding him?"

"After finding him…"

A hint of confusion appeared in Ma Linlin's eyes.

Although she vowed that she was going to find her father and also suspected that her father was a human, as she grew up, she also knew that there was a huge difference in the structure of humans and those from the horse tribe.

Before her, there had never been a precedent of an offspring from the union between a human and a horse demon.

She had some doubts. Did such a human really exist?

Seeing Ma Linlin's desolate expression, Zhao Meng originally wanted to ask her if she had encountered any demons similar to her, but when the words reached his lips, they turned into comforting words.

"I'm sorry! I brought up your sad past!"

"I'm fine!" Ma Linlin thought that Zhao Meng was apologizing because he had mentioned about the sad past in her heart.

While sighing at Zhao Meng's tenderness, a lot of her resentment toward her father also dissipated.

Looking at this man who was not much older than her, she inexplicably had a strange thought.

"It would be great if he were my father!

"Bah! Bah! Why would I think that? How shameless!"

As if disturbed by the messy thoughts in her heart, Ma Linlin shouted, "I'm going to get busy." Then, she skipped away.

Seeing how lively Ma Linlin was, most of Zhao Meng's worries about the future dissipated.